The Cabin | 1 [C]

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Jirou called all her friends and brought the idea of going out of town to a cabin in the woods for a weekend. The group of friends found the idea fascinating and almost instantly started packing. Since around eight to twelve kids were going, they planned to bring a minivan for everyone to fit in. They also pulled names from a hat to see where they'd be seated. 

We find all twelve kids gathered outside the dorm rooms around three o'clock, putting all their necessary luggage in the van and chit-chatting. 

No one knew about a certain pomeranian and that his feelings for Todoroki vanished after witnessing the boy making out with Yaomomo. Bakugou only scoffed at what he saw and never again dared to look him in the eye. 

On the other hand, Izuku seemed to be the only one who put two and two together while seeing Todoroki and Bakugou bicker at each other before the trip. He saw something in Bakugou's eyes: anger and hurt. So, he took the initiative to befriend him since they'd had a history together, and surprisingly, Bakugou smiled. 

"Hey, dipshit," Bakugou whistles at Izuku, who spoke with Ochaco. He looks over his shoulder and groans at the nickname. "Get your ass in. We are leaving," 

"Do you have to call me dipshit whenever I talk with someone?" Izuku states as he crawls into the back of the minivan Jirou rented with her parent's money. 

The blond chuckles before crawling in the back as well. "Every fucking time," He lets out a laugh once seeing Izuku's annoyed glare.  

The minivan began to fill up with all the kids. It was a little cramped since twelve people got into a nine-passenger vehicle, but they managed. In the co-pilot seat sat Ochaco with Jirou on her lap and Sero as the driver; the row behind them was Kaminari, Kirishima, and Asui. The next row was Tokoyami, Yaomomo, and Todoroki. And in the back, Bakugou, Mina, and Izuku were in the last row. 

"Alright, let's hit the road!" Sero announces as he raises his hand after staring at the ignition. Everyone yelled in Hurray, except for Bakugou cause...he's sour pus. 

Once they backed up a bit from the car in front of them and merged onto the main road, Ochaco paired her phone with the van and shuffled a playlist. 

As the music played throughout the entire vehicle, Mina looked outside the window while Bakugou looked to the side to see Izuku's face resting against the palm of his hand as his elbow rested on the dash. The blond couldn't help but admire the young one. Since they were little, Izuku had the initiative to start the conversation almost every time. Bakugou didn't care about talking to the young one, but they've grown older, he can't help but smile. 

"Oi," Bakugou nudges his arm against the green head, who sleepily looks at the blond. 

"Yes?" Izuku answers after a moment of silence between them. Bakugou was starstruck at Izuku's peaceful yet sleepy face and how he never saw him as anything other than annoying. But, at that moment, he saw something else that made his heart skip a beat. 

"Are you still into K-pop?" Bakugou changed the subject. He was initially going to thank him, but he felt too embarrassed. Izuku's eyes instantly lit up at the mention of K-pop, washing his sleepiness away. 

"Fuck yeah, I am," Izuku replies. Bakugou chuckles before taking out his phone and plugging his earbuds into the jack. "Why do you ask?"

"I've hated round faces fucking music since day one; it's trash," Bakugou states. 

"But, what does that have to do with what you asked me?" Izuku replies. 

Bakugou doesn't say another word; he passes his unlocked phone to the boy and watches him see his reaction. And the wait was worth it since Izuku's eyes lit up again like he saw stars in the night sky. 

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