3.14 Most Beautiful Family

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"However! We have to catch the rat first! Maybe even rats, who knows what they would do if they learned that I'm pregnant?" Sun Gui humphed as he thought of the safety of their future children.

"You have done a lot already, just sit back and I will catch them." Zheng Guozi turned his head and kissed the resting face on his shoulder.

Even though his voice was calm, the next day's action proved how excited he was. The emperor suddenly became invigorated and motivated as he deployed a wide search for Zheng Hong.

But a rat was still a rat, it hid very carefully. If not for Sun Gui, there was no way people would have known Zheng Hong colluding with the enemies.

Three years quickly passed when there was finally a wisp of their activity. Zheng Guozi caught the supply being secretly transferred out of a commoner's residence. Following the trail, it was the secret army raised by Zheng Hong.

Zheng Guozi sighed at his ambitious nephew. If he just ruled justly, it might not have turned out to be like this. The regent already planned to retire from court on the emperor's birthday, his plan only changed because of the appearance of his love.

So, he silently cut off all the supplies and resources, making the army weak and losing their morale. After the confirmation the enemies had become weak, the imperial army stormed in and arrested all the treasonous traitors. Some escaped but most importantly, the big rat was finally caught.

Due to treason, the only punishment that awaited them was execution. Sun Gui felt that the imperial rule was quite unfair as it also killed three generations for one person's deed, he convinced Zheng Guozi to send those families to the borders as free labor. However, the officials and Zheng Hong did not have the same privilege. Their execution date had already been decided.

"Zheng Hong, do you have anything else to say?" Zheng Guozi, after all, was still his uncle that had raised him for several years so his concern was not small for the pitiful man in the cell.

"...Have you schemed all this time? Why did you not just ascend the throne when Imperial Father passes but made me into one instead." Zheng Hong's eyes lost any life in them as if void of emotions. His head hung low, looking at the ground all the time in tattered clothes.

"... It is my fault. I should not have forced you when you were at that young age, where you should be playing with your peers and causing trouble. I failed your father and you." The man stood straight but his back was solemn. There was bitterness in his voice.

After that, Zheng Hong did not say anything more. He had resigned to his fate and his thoughts were unknown.

Pitying his nephew and himself for their ill fates as royalty, Zheng Guozi walked away. He granted Zheng Hong a quick death with no pain.


Four months after the execution of Zheng Hong, Sun Gui noticed that his husband's mood finally stabilized. He could partly understand and partly not at the state of the emperor. Zheng Guozi was born into this world, acting exactly as the plot had mapped out until Sun Gui's appearance. So, all of Zheng Guozi's relationships were very real and meaningful to him on different levels.

Sun Gui could only smile sadly at his fate of occupying other people's bodies and living their lives as his. He never had a strong attachment to any world even if it was a happy one like the Lai family. Only his lover who crossed worlds with him was the only relationship he treasured the most. Thinking about it, he thought about the life that would grow inside his belly.

"I will treasure you too."

During that depressing atmosphere, Sun Gui had been contacting Sun Wen and Wan Yingtai for the past three years. One was to confirm Wan Yingtai's safety, she was a noblewoman after all. Secondly, he had to ensure that Sun Wen would suddenly have any ideas about becoming the empress like the plot again. Fortunately, the plot had already collapsed with the death of Zheng Hong so his worries lessened.

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