4. Meeting Others And Chaos

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Laying on the figurehead with the strawhat covering his face, he listened to the waves crashing on the Mobydick as she rocked with it. They passed a horrific storm of seaweed and hail half an hour ago.

It's past noon, already having lunch a few minutes ago. He had caused chaos in the Galley after fighting over a fried chicken leg, and started a food fight. Half the pirates that participated in the food fight had to clean the galley and the other half had to clean the upper deck.

He had nothing to do. The pirates tried to offer a tour, he refused, he thought it was unnecessary since Mivala was already doing it.

Said three tailed fox was roaming around through the halls below deck, scaring anyone that came too close for comfort, even if they were unintentional.

The main upper deck was bustling with pirates having a seaweed battle. he wanted to join but the nurses were scary. So he settled with laying on the figurehead even though he so wanted to join.

Non-existing beard Ossan sat on his throne thingy watching his crew throw seaweed at each other.

He pouted under his hat. The gloomy aura only increasing as the laughter got louder and joyful.

Before he did something he most definitely will not regret but still have consequences, a ball of fluff hit his stomach. "Hrck!"

It didn't hurt, it shocked him. He convinced himself but there was a slight sting on his stomach.

He knew it was Miva even before she purred. Smiling, he sat up, crossed his legs so Miva could lay in his lap while he pat her. The strawhat back on his head.

Luffy heard a thunck then footsteps behind him. Miva brought company. "Do you always let her go on her own like that?"

The voice was familiar. *'It must be breadman.'* Grinning, he turned to look at the man. "Shishishi! She can take care of herself!"

"That's not what I'm talking about," Bread man sat next to him. "That fox scared half the crew to near death! A few of them are already in the infirmary." He huffed.

"She has a name you know." Luffy grumbled. Miva hissed at the man. Thatch flinched. "Right, right, Miva, is the okay?" Both the teen and fox nodded.

Thatch was about to speak again when out of nowhere a ball of dried seaweed hit the back of his head.

He heard snickering behind him before they shuffled away from a loud bark. Stephan must've chased them away. "Tch, bastards ruining my hair." He muttered.

He grabbed the seaweed stuck to his head and threw it in the ocean, the edge was a few feet away.

He turned to Luffy who was laughing, holding his stomach. Thatch smiled, he himself couldn't help but laugh along with the teen.

They gazed at the horizon after their laughing fit. "Pretty, isn't it?" Luffy asked, voice quite as though he was whispering. "Yeah." Thatch replied with the same low voice.

*'It feels off.'* Thatch thought. Heck the whole 'tack care of my grandson' feels off.

Getting a heavily injured kid by his captain's rival for them to take care of like he couldn't take care of the kid himself.

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