1. The Call

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Ace has been with the Whitebeard pirates for over a year. He became close to the commanders in the first few months of his abduction -not saying it was easy.

He advanced in ranks unusually fast, becoming the second division commander. Fighting Jinbei, knight of the sea, a shibasaki, five days straight and winning before collapsing was crazy for a New World rookie to do.

The Whitebeard pirates thought their father would've offered the commander position, he did but the stubborn bastard refused saying he'll earn it, like how they did with the other commanders, though back then they didn't have divisions.

The crew wasn't as big as it is now, so the commanders back then had to earn their titles. When Ace heard about it he wanted to do the same. He still did end up becoming the second divisions commander.

Back to the current situation. Ace and his division had to go on a mission to one of Whitebeards protected island as they've gotten Intel that suspicious activities had been spotted by one of their allies.

It would most likely take them atleast a month to find the source if things go smoothly.

Ace being prideful and declined to go with his division, saying it would do best if he does it alone. Whitebeard being stubborn, saying he can't let one of his children go on a possible dangerous mission without back up that long alone. It lead to a very long argument with each other, ignoring the other commanders in the meeting room.

Ace finally reluctantly agreed seeing the argument nowhere, he just wants to get it all over with so he can start a prank war with Thatch and Haruta, much to the others horror.

The second division sailed off after saying their goodbyes the next morning.

A week passed after the second division departed. They got a call from Garp, requesting a meeting. It was odd for him to call first before arriving, usually he would pop in at random times either looking for a quick spar or have drinking competitions with the yonko.

Even with this odd behavior Whitebeard wasn't interested and refused. He was about to end the call.

"It's a life or death situation Newgate, please..." Voice low and less cheerful as it usually is.

Whitebeard has heard this tone once before and that was nearly a decade ago. He came for a drink nine years ago being gloomy and mostly less responsive, the fact that he remembers that says that it's extremely rare for him. Now he was curious.

Marco raised a brow, narrowing his lazy looking eyes at the den-den mushi in Whitebeards hand.

The two were in Whitebeards room. Marco leaning on a wall, arms crossed Infront of Whitebeard who is sitting at a side of his bed.

The large man sighed. "Alright, when and where do we meet?"

Marco said nothing. This whole situation seemed off for his liking.

"Great! I'll be there in few days!" A grin forming on the den-den mushi after the marine heard what he wanted to hear.

"Where?" Whitebeard raised a brow, still not getting an answer to his other question.

"You ship of course!" Garp cheerful added, hanging up before the two in the room could reply.

Knowing Garp he'd be able to locate then in those few days or he already knew and would take the few days to get to them.

"I'll go and get things set for this meeting -yoi." Marco said walking over to his father. Whitebeard hummed giving the den-den mushi to his son.

"I have a feeling things won't be quiet even with one of the prankster musketeers gone." Whitebeard mused.

Marco chuckled at that, Whitebeard smiled as his son walked out of the room. He let the smile slowly fade off, he pondered about the call. It's been a long time since Garp acted like that and he still didn't know why the marine was so gloomy back then, he knew it wasn't his place to ask but it's was so un-Garp like.

He thought it was no use thinking about it, deciding waiting was the best choice right now.

A few days goes by quickly and smoothly except maybe the weather being a disaster as usual but other than that nothing new.

It didn't take long for Garp to arrive.


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