Chapter X

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I landed hard on Olympus, shaking the city around me, right outside the throne room. I heard their loud voices arguing inside, making me roll my eyes before entering the room.

I blasted the doors open, threatening to break them off their hinges. The voices immediately died, and the gods had a fearful look pass over them as they recognized me. "Sorry I'm late, had to deal with something in Lydia," I greeted, stepping up beside the other occupants.

The hunters of Artemis were gathered, alongside my 2 slaves, who bowed their heads to me. Standing away from the hunters were two demigods. One was tall and muscular, wearing a leather cuirass and studded skirt with greaves-sandals. A lion pelt was pulled into his shoulders, with the head pulled over his head. A sword was sheathed at his side, and he held a club in his hands.

I narrowed my eyes at the demigod, who shuffled nervously under my gaze. The other demigod had black curly hair, purplish-blue eyes, and wore a simple toga. He carried a thyrsus and his fingers were bearing rings made from vines.

"Dionysus. You must be Damocles Perseus," the demigod greeted, bowing respectfully with a hint of fear. "The gods were asking everyone to pray to you, to get you here," he added.

"I see," I replied, unsure how to proceed. This was the demigod that got 2 giants against him? I know looks can be deceiving but sometimes, they aren't.

"I know, I don't look as powerful as Heracles over there, but I can assure you, I'm a sure threat if you make me one," he stated, a mad gleam in his eye. "Noted. What's the battle plan?" I asked, turning towards the gods.

"You will leave the main force to us, Perseus. Heracles has volunteered to accompany you on your mission to defeat the giant bane of Hades; Alcyoneus. Your newest slave has informed us that Alcyoneus is impervious to harm in the place he is born in. You will need to separate him from his home, and a giant must be killed by the combined efforts of a god and mortal," Zeus explained calmly, but his hands shook slightly, showing his fear.

"Why Heracles?" I asked, glancing over at my stepson. He shrunk a bit under my gaze. "I was hoping to atone for what I have done. With Z...Ms. Nightshade in the hunters, I would need to be vouched for by you to fix my mistake," he answered quietly, only those closest to him could hear.

"He is our strongest mortal warrior. His strength is comparable to the titan Atlas. While I doubt he could stand toe-to-toe with you, Perseus, he is the strongest option for you to take with you," Athena explained, her tone a bit haughty.

"Strength isn't something that's exclusive to physical prowess, you should know that best, Athena. Or is your pursuit of knowledge more important to you than truly being wise?" I retorted, smirking slightly as she went gold with anger.

"I'd watch your tongue, Perseus. Unless you have forgotten what happens to those that disrespect me?" She retorted, standing up and glaring her aura.

"Medusa was your priest, and became a victim to a situation caused by another deity. You turned her into a monster with, and I quote; "a face so ugly, it turns all who look upon it to stone." And for Arachne, she beat you fair and square in a weaving contest, and instead of accepting defeat like a good opponent, you got angry and cursed her to become the spider," I spat back, my aura forcing her into her seat and leaving an imprint.

"Though, I must thank you. As the king god of monsters, Medusa and Arachne are some of my most powerful citizens. Medusa is a great organizer and spokesperson, and Arachne is a beautiful artist," I added, smiling thankfully at the goddess.

"Enough! You will take Heracles to fight Alcyoneus at Crete!" Zeus roared, striking the space between us with lightning. "Don't let your toga ride up, it makes you pissy. And the more you throw that thing around, eventually you'll wear it down to the size of your dick," I spat back, glaring at the Thunder god. Apollo and Hermes stifled their laughter, and others didn't try to hide it.

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