Chapter VI

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"Congratulations to Damocles Perseus!" The announcer stated absentmindedly, weakly raising his hands. "Let him now rest, and prepare for the next battle!" Doors behind me opened, revealing some kind of barracks.

Many monsters of various shapes and sizes stared at me frightfully, bearing many types of armor or clothing, brandishing many types of weapons. I confidently marched into the area, the doors shutting beside me.

2 massive beasts stepped up to me. They were cloaked in shadow, but I quickly realized it was just their skin and fur. They were bipedal, on clawed feet like an elephant's. They held spears in their clawed hands, and stared at me emotionlessly with glowing eyes of pure red.

"Follow them, Lord Perseus. They are the royal guard," a small monster instructed, and I turned to the small creature. It was humanoid, but stood at about 2 inches tall. Insect wings stuck out of its back, fluttering quickly to keep it aloft.

"Thank you," I returned, following after the giant beasts. They didn't watch me, but somehow moved when I did and stopped when I did. They didn't speak or make any noise. I couldn't even see them via their vibrations. Out of everything here, they creeped me out the most.

They led me through identical hallways, the only thing differentiating them was numbers and letters above the doors. Finally, they turned me towards a door. ΩΗΣ-01. With a shrug, I stepped into the room.

It was very simplistic, bearing a bed to one side and some various necessities to another. It was more of a hallway, than a room, and had a barred window overlooking the arena.

"Incredible fight, Son of Chaos," something commended behind me. I whirled around, finding an empousa leaning on my doorframe. She was dressed in rope bonds, which did absolutely nothing to hide her body from the world.

A brand was burned onto her neck, just below where the Adam's apple would be. A simple T inside a circle. She also had her form revealed, not hidden away like those on the surface. Her donkey leg was cut short, and her bronze leg was built like a deer. Her fangs protruded from her lips, and her claws tapped thoughtfully on her chin. Her fiery hair was tied behind her in a ponytail.

"What do you want?" I asked cautiously, readying myself for a fight. "Calm down, kid, I'm not here to hurt you. You're in the halls of the champions. You've managed to win a battle, so you move in here. Had you failed, you'd be spending your night in the slums with those gladiators," she explained, stepping towards me.

"Here, we relax, preparing for the next fight. We're honored guests, now. We can spend our time sleeping, or eating and drinking, or mating to our heart's content," she finished, inches away from me. She bent down, and inhaled up from my sternum to my hair.

"Demigods always smell delicious, like a tasty meal. But you? You smell like a breath of fresh air when you manage to escape the pit. No matter how many times you escape, nothing beats that first breath," she mused, sighing peacefully.

She then latched herself onto me like a leech, tightly hugging my body and burying her nose into my demigod scent. Despite her being dead, I felt like I was cheating on Alcmene. Sure, she was technically cheating with me, but I was loyal to her.

I pushed the monster woman off of me, causing her to glare back confused. "Sorry, but my wife died, and it's still recent," I explained, leading her out. "And? She's dead, meaning you can now have some fun! If you're against me, then clearly you've never fucked an empousa's pussy before," she retorted, hopping onto me.

She held herself up by my shoulders, straddling my waist. "Don't knock it till you try it, demigod! Give me one session to change your mind," she stated, grinding her on my abs.

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