Chapter III

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So, heading to Athens was a bust. The demigod was born to the Athenian princess Aethra, and was being raised to believe that the king, Aegeus, was his birth father. He was closed off behind palace walls and heavily armed guards, and we weren't here for any fight.

Plus, we suspected that the prince would be included in the treaty with Crete, where 7 boys and 7 girls would be sacrificed to a terrible beast that Minos has in service for him. And when the child turned 10, we were partially right.

Like his true father, Theseus had incredibly strong loyalty to his people and his loved ones. He snuck aboard the ship to Crete, replacing one of the children. "Well, there goes your student, Chiron," I said, watching the black-sailed ship shrinking in the distance.

Chiron was packing up his things behind me, dejected at being unable to save someone that could've been a great hero. "Unfortunately so," he replied quietly, hauling the last of his supplies onto his back.

"Where are we off to now?" I asked, turning to look at my mentor. But, behind the tired centaur, I spotted a dark bird in the distance. It's eyes were red and glowing like fire, staring right at me.

"I'd say we head on home. And since you know the way back, hopefully, you'll travel back on your own," Chiron answered, and sprinted away back to Mount Pelion. I watched him go, annoyed at his surprise test.

I let out a deep sigh, before jumping over to the red-eyes vulture. I landed roughly beside the disguised god, spraying him with dirt and dust. In a burst of fire, the vulture transformed into a cruel, angry deity.

He wore armor that looked like metal plates welded together, resembling very poor workmanship. I would be able to tell if it was professionally made, but it obviously wasn't. He held a giant, 8ft cleaver in one hand, glowering down at me with eyes of raging fire, standing at around 12ft.

"And you are?" I asked, internally smirking, fully knowing who he is. He growled at me, his raging eyes increasing in size and heat. He pulled up his cleaver, laying the point of the blade just under my chin.

"I am Ares, Son of Zeus and Hera. Olympian God of Courage and War," he announced, his ego laid on very thick, like butter-turning-the-entire-loaf-yellow kinda thick.

"Sorry, dude. Never heard of you," I returned, tapping my chin thoughtfully. "Then why did you willingly come to die?" He questioned, pressing the blade into my skin, though not enough to pierce it. Yet.

"I saw a vulture glaring at me from a distance, with glowing red eyes. You're telling me it's odd to investigate that?" I questioned seriously. He opened his mouth to speak, before thinking about it. After a moment, he shrugged and nodded his head in agreement.

"Now, why are you here?" I asked, fake-yawning. "You have disgraced my mother, and dared call her out in challenge. You have humiliated the archer twins, and have dishonorably defeated Hermes in combat," he explained, rearing back his blade to swing at my neck.

"So, your mother is Hera, queen of the gods, right? And I challenged her, that if she wanted Alcmene and Heracles dead, she'd have to go through me herself. So, instead of coming down to fight me herself, she sends you to do her dirty work?" I explained, "And you said I fought dishonorably," then finished with a scoff.

Ares paused in his attack, thinking over my argument. After a few minutes, he lowered his weapon, sheathing it at his side. "You make good points, Damocles Perseus. I shall not be a tool for my mother, and I will make sure no one else is either. If you ever need my help, you will have it. But I will not help you against Hera when that day comes," he replied, smiling proudly.

He then disappeared in a red glow, leaving me alone on the hill. Not wasting anytime, I then started leaving back towards Thebes, which didn't take long at all. Once the house was in view, I teleported to the ground.

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