Chapter IX

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I woke up in a dark, cosy room. I was in a large bed with black framework and ashen covers. A dull red glow slightly shone through the window, blocked by a black curtain. I groaned as I stretched, reaching over to turn on my bedside lamp.

The fiery light illuminated the room, revealing paintings and artifacts scattered around here and there. I sat up, letting the covers roll off my chest down to my waist, finishing my stretches and popping my joints.

With a grunt, I hopped out of the bed and onto the insulated, obsidian floor. I snapped my fingers, dressing myself into black robes that left my feet, arms, and chest exposed. A hood rose over my head, casting my face into shadows, sparing my chin.

As I exited the room, I was instantly greeted by 2 guardsmen on either side of my doorway. They stood at 8ft and were made of black stone. They wore iron armor, and carried polearm-glaives. They followed beside me, and slightly behind, as I made my way through the halls.

I opened another set of doors at the end of the hall, entering a large chamber at the top of a staircase, which curved down on either side of me. The floor below was bustling with various monsters, all silently moving towards whatever tasks they had today.

"Good morning!" I called, causing the crowds to stop. They repeated the greeting, all kneeling down to me. "What is planned for today?" I asked, gazing around the individuals.

A skinny, bipedal reptilian stood up to address me. He carried various leather satchels, filled with letters, maps or charts, and packages. "A message from the southern settlement, milord. Rogues have been spotted picking off villagers on the outskirts. Some Hellhound packs and a few laistrygonians," she explained, her voice a hostile hiss but her tone was neutral.

"What of their patrols?" I asked, turning to her. "They are a series of small settlements, sire. They only have three outposts for every five settlements. There aren't enough patrols to secure each village," she explained.

"Alert the guardsmen. While they may be outside our city state, they are still our people. I want a small battalion to set up camp at each settlement, directly opposing the border to the wildlands," I instructed. She nodded, and immediately went off to carry out my orders.

A tall hellhound, around 7ft tall at the shoulder, stood up, holding his head high to address me. "The hunters are finding less and less prey and game in this area. Our carnivores are being forced to follow a farmer's diet. If this continues, our people might become prey," he announced, sending terrified whispers through the crowd.

"Silence. Have some hunters gather prey, and begin breeding them on a ranch. While we let wild populations regrow, we will feast on the domesticated ones. It will take a while to become stable again, but it's our best civil strategy. I will ask my brother if he can give us some assistance, a little push," I answered. He nodded, before kneeling again.

"Speaking of, milord. You have a conference with your siblings later today. They have changed to meet in your sister's palace," an empousa announced, standing on the stairway with a clipboard in hand.

"Anything else?" I asked, nodding to the empousa. No one else stood. "Then you are dismissed. In my absence, the lieutenant is acting executive," I called, turning to head down. The crowd dispersed, and moved out of my way as I walked by. "Go ahead and prepare my chariot. I need to inform the lieutenant before I leave," I ordered, glancing at my guards.

They nodded stiffly, before speeding up and going ahead of me. I turned off to the right as I left my residence, heading down towards the military district of my city.

I stopped at a long barracks, which had a minotaur standing guard. "Is the lieutenant in?" I asked, stepping up to the bull-man. He stepped aside, pushing open the door and letting me walk in.

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