"I'm, I'm okay," I said exhaling as the pained eased up again. I looked at the time and saw it was 3:45 am.

"Here, lift your leg," Mom said ass he walked over with a clean pair of pants and I did as I instructed and not even long after that, I was being helped out of my room—we had moved my stuff to the guest roll downstairs since I couldn't clim the stairs anymore and it would've been dangerous to do so with how close I was to having the baby.

"I already called the doctor to let her know we were on our way," Dad said as he climbed into the driver seat while mom sat in the back with me belong me through my contractions. "She said to tone how far along the contractions are."

"They're 1 minute apart," Mom replied as I whimpered with another sharp pain on my belly. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes. That show it went until Dad pulled in front of the hospital and got out. He helped me out and inside the building.

"Sit her here," Doctor Carson said, she had been waiting for us to arrive, "let's get you to your room."

While my Dad went back to park the car in a proper parking space, Mom and I went to a delivery room where I was hooked up to a heart monitor and IV.

"I'm going to check how dilated you are and we'll go from there," she said and I nodded. She had me lift my legs before getting between them and inserting her fingers in while also pressing on my lover belly making me wince at the discomfort. "You're 6 cm dilated."

I winced when she remove her fingers and lowers my legs as she covered me up, "once your contractions are closer in time I'll come check on you again,"

I winced as another contraction happens making me whimper.

"Just take deep breaths honey,"


"I gotta push," I whimpered as I felt the urge to push. Dad called for the doctor and Doctor Carson was soon in the room, "I need to push."

"Let's check how far you're dilated," she said as she pulled a chair over and looked stern my legs, "I see the already," the doctor said and the nurse in the room jumped into action as she led my dad out of the room and a second nurse also entered before closing the door behind her.

"Okay, on the next contraction, I need you push for ten seconds," Doctor Carson said and I nodded already feeling sweat forming on my forehead as I pushed when I felt a contraction and held it for ten seconds with my mom—who was helping me with holding my leg with another nurse—whispered encouraging words and I heaved a sigh as I leaned my head back on the piles.

"Again," Doctor Carson said, "bring your chin to your chest and push as hard as you can."

I did as instructed and heaved a big breath as I rested my chin on my chest and pushed as hard as I could.

On the third push, the room was filled with a loud wail and I swallowed the lump in my throat as Doctor Carson held my baby in the air before resting him on my chest. I sniffled and felt tears roll down the cheeks as I touched his little chubby face. He whimpered and shivered but he was quickly covered with a blanket.

"Hi baby boy," I whispered as I pressed a kiss to his full head of dark hair. "God you're so beautiful."

"Oh sweetie," mom sniffled and I smiled as I kissed is little head. "He's perfect."

I cut the cord before he was taken to get cleaned up and he wailed as they did so. Dad walked into the room in the moment and his attention was immediately drawn to his crying grandson.

Gee, thanks dad.

I smiled though as I watched my dad gush over the new born. "He's absolutely perfect, sweetheart."

"Have you chosen his name yet, Bella?" A familiar voice asked making me frown and looked up to see Melanie, Enzo's mother, standing at the foot of the bed with a clipboard. I wasn't expecting her to be one of the nurses in here with me but I guess during my pain induced mind I didn't pay attention to the person helping my mom hold my legs as I delivered my baby.

"Uh, yeah it's Atlas Dakota." I replied and she nodded as she wrote his name on a blue paper before placing it in the bassinet.

"Here we go," the other nurse said waking over to me with a bundled baby and handed him to me, and helped me ge thin to latch onto my chest and it was uncomfortable the first few seconds but it was amazing feeling watching how my body can produce the nutrients that he needs to grow.

"He weighed 6 pounds and 8 ouzos with a measurement of 20 inches long," she said and I smiled, "congratulations again,"

"Thank you." I replied with a smile before looking down at Atlas as he sucked in the milk my breast provided him.

Mom stayed with me the three days I stayed in the hospital and when the time came to head home, we bumped into the last person I thought to see.


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