|39| Asking friends for favours.

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When we hopped off of the train at a random stop, I was more than pleased at the quaint town that surrounded us. The ground was dry, somewhat sandy, as we wandered along.

I couldn't have been more grateful for the change in pace. I certainly needed a break from the chase.

Nat had an arm wrapped firmly around my waist as we walked, supporting my every step, whilst Yelena stayed a few feet in front kicking stones here and there. Things had been quiet since the air vent. Mostly because we were all still recovering from the shock of how dire our situation became in the blink of an eye.

We eventually came across a gas station at the side of the road, paired with a small convenience store. We couldn't be picky since there was nowhere similar in sight, so I could only hope that they had what we needed.

Yelena strolled in first, followed by Nat and I as we pulled apart to step through the door. I busied myself looking for what I needed, or more so wanted, whilst the two of them started talking in the back room.

"The red rooms still active. Where is it?" Nat's voice was the first to break through the heavy tension that had built around us.

I couldn't see Yelena when she replied, since she was stood round the corner of the doorway that Nat was lingering in.

"I have no idea. He moves location constantly. And every Widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security."

"I'm just finding it hard to believe that he could stay off my radar" Nat somewhat grumbled, her body deflating momentarily before my eyes. Although she was quick to replenish her steely exterior seconds later.

Yelena shuffled through some things on the shelf I could hear before offering a response. "Well, it's not smart to attack an Avenger if you want to stay hidden. I mean, the clue is in the name. Dreykov kills you, one of the big ones comes to avenge you."

A smile instantly crept onto my face and I was grateful for the fact that Nat had her back to me so I didn't have to try and hide it.

"Wait, what are the big ones?" She questioned quickly, her tone a little biting. Nat always was competitive, especially with the others.

"Well, I doubt the god from space has to take an ibuprofen after a fight." I had to bite down hard on my lip to stifle a laugh at her 'mic drop' response, eventually turning my attention back to the items on the shelves as a last ditch effort to mask my ever growing amusement.

However, after a few seconds of silence Yelena's words did everything to shift the mood to a much less lighthearted and jovial one.

"Where did you think I was all this time?" The sudden shift in topic caught me off guard, just as it did Nat. Her gaze dropped to her suddenly fidgeting hands before she stepped behind Yelena's back, out of the young girls view, and focused her attention on the sink in the corner. From where I was stood I could just make out her back facing my way.

"I thought that you got out and were living a normal life" she finally responded defensively.

But Yelena couldn't help but press on, "and you just never made contact again?"

"Y/n come here" Nat suddenly ordered, and it took me a second to zone back in upon hearing my name. I quickly did as she said and stepped into the back room of the store where they were having their verbal standoff, some what acting as a barrier between the two of them.

Nat gently moved me with her hands on my arms so that I was stood the way she wanted, not that I minded. It meant that the attention was still on their uncomfortable conversation instead of me.

I remained in silence and unmoving as Nat finally answered Yelena's question. "Honestly, I thought you didn't wanna see me."

Yelena instantly scoffed, as if she'd been expecting an answer along those lines. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, I knew that that wasn't really why Nat never reached out to her, or at least looked into her whereabouts.

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