|27| I don't know what's real.

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The interior of the ships was loud as we snuck in through a rusted opening on the top deck. I was the last to slip through, making sure to close the metal hatch behind me as quietly as possible. Not that it would've mattered since I could barely hear myself speak once we were shut inside.

Tony, Thor and Steve wasted no time in heading down a level, although Tony remained hidden.

Clint, Nat and I spread out across one side of the upper level, with a great view downwards to where Ultron had just appeared.

It wasn't much longer before I heard his voice, "Stark, he's a, he's a sickness."

As if on cue, Tony used his repulsers to slowly lower himself down to stand before Ultron, with Steve and Thor quickly stepping out of the darkness to join him at his sides.

"Ah, junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." Tony truly never realised when it was the worst time for jokes. Bad timing was his forte.

"If I have to." Ultron most definitely wasn't in the mood for games.

Thor suddenly took a step forward, having enough of Tony's jokes too since things were still shaky between the two of them. "Nobody has to break anything."

"Clearly you've never made an omelet," there it was, the Tony part of Ultron.

I heard Tony grumble something in his suit, most likely complaining about how the robot had beaten him to the punch on that joke.

As I dared to lean over the railing slightly in hopes of getting a better view of Ultron, I spotted a blonde haired boy and a brunette girl stood behind him. They were the twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Just what we needed.

Maria had taken the time to fill me in on them when we got back from Sokovia.

"Ah, yes. He's funny. Mr Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro spoke up, his accent thick, as he glanced over at the missiles beside them.

Tony's reply was confusing, as well as his voice sounding distant. "This was never my life."

"You two can still walk away from this." Steve stepped forward, as usual trying to play the mediator, or more so the hero.

"Oh, we will" Wanda quipped, a sinister twist to her voice as the words rolled off of her tongue.

Steve proceeded to step forward once more, having clearly picked up on the fact that Tony was zoned out or in some kind of a trance. "I know you've suffered."

Ultron scoffed before replying, stopping Steve's attempts at getting through to the twins. "Captain America. Gods righteous man. Except you don't take too kindly to newcomers do you. Orlova, is it?" He followed his statement with a sinister chuckle, all the while I felt my stomach twisting at his words. That was a door I really didn't need to be opened.

"I spent a little time snooping through the backed up footage in your lab, since I had some time to kill whilst you were all busy partying. I was especially interested in the stuff that had been deleted off of the main drive. Take note, Cap. You should always check for a back up."

I saw Steve's breath hitch, even from so far above, just as mine did the same. Ultron was on a wrecking path, that much was clear, as his words tore through the carefully made cover that desperately hid my deepest and darkest secret. And he'd done it right in front of Nat no less, whose eyes I felt burning into the side of my head.

"Anyway, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-"

Thor cut in once again, "if you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Worth a try I suppose.

Never in a Million Years |N.R|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें