Chapter 4: It's Me

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"Ew it just dropped from the sky, that's gross and seriously spooky," Kiana said screwing her face up as she looped her arm through Fee's. They were wandering down the streets of Toronto looking for a place to eat. Ocean thought there were plenty of places to eat down here and they should've just chosen any random restaurant but Kiana insisted they have Indian food. He didn't eat it much but he enjoyed the basic stuff like curry masala and stuff.    

Kiana was Fefee's best friend and sometimes and he would never admit it but he felt jealous that she had one. Ocean always wanted a best friend and aside from Sol he kind of struggled to keep friends in school. It's not that he didn't try he just couldn't grasp the social skills many around him had which left him as the quiet loner and though it didn't bother him all that much in school he feels like the lack of friends in his adult life is now coming back to bite him in the butt. 

"It scared the shit out of me I was just standing there and boom." He said thoughts flashing back to the crow as he shoved his hand in his pocket and scratch the side of his leg.

"If I was 3 feet closer it would've hit me on the head." He said removing his hands and making a plopping action. 

"Yeah no, I would've freaked out if I saw that I don't know how he stays so calm," Fefee says looking back at him and squinting her eyes playfully before turning back to Kiana. She leaned towards her ear and whispered something causing the both of them to giggle and then look back at him.

35 minutes pass and they finally ended up at a nice restaurant. They should've gotten a reservation though because their wait had felt so long by the time they got in Ocean's stomach was growling like a bear. I never did finish that Orange. He thought as he remembered dropping it outside.

Once they're escorted to their seats Ocean looks around noticing the place is packed to the brim. Guess the food must be good. He thinks as he opens the menu and scans the meals. Once the waiter takes their orders Kiana begins rummaging through her large burgundy purse and pulls out a fashion magazine. On the cover was an emaciated-looking girl posing on the beach with a heavy tan and a pair of black shades so large it covered half of her face. Kiana flipped through a few pages before stopping in the middle and then turning the page to Fee. 

"Now this is what you call fashion," Kiana says resting the magazine down and pushing it to Fee. Ocean was never interested in fashion and stuff and up until about now he didn't think Fee was interested either but when her eyes lit up staring at the page below her he had an inkling that maybe she was hiding her fashion-crazy self away from him. He didn't mind if she was addicted to shopping he just never understood what people did with all the clothes. Why wear something new every day when you can wear something that's actually comfortable three days in a row? 

"Ok here are you Chai Te-" It's like time stopped for a second he knew something was coming and didn't know how so when he scooted back abruptly his body jerked back from the motion. It was as if an unseen entity was controlling him. A few mere seconds later the steaming tea comes crashing down and splashes from where he was previously seated. The rest of the tray crashes on the floor shattering the tea cups and spewing hot liquid across the floor. 

Eyes dart to the waiter's shoelace which now lies untied and limply soaked in tea. The waiter looks terrified skin painted white while people seated around their table turn to see the commotion. Ocean doesn't realize his hands are gripping tightly around the seat of his chair until Fee speaks.

"Oh, my god." Is all she says as she gets up and carefully walks over to the broken fragments then bends down to help the waiter. 

"Are you okay?" Ocean ends up exhaling he didn't even realize he was holding his breath. His heart beating violently out of the fact that merely a few moments ago he didn't have control of his body it felt like he was a puppet and something had crawled its way inside, under his skin and took hold of his body. He couldn't quite fathom nor explain the exact feeling but it left him with a beating heart and a sick feeling bubbling in his stomach. Without saying a word he shakily gets up and stands eyeing Fee helping the poor waiter clean up the mess. Kiana eyes him but doesn't speak before he slinks away from the scene and heads into the restroom. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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