Chapter 3: Black Blood

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The next day Ocean was back on the job.  And for some reason the events that happened in the early hours of the morning well he was having trouble remembering just exactly why he had been at the falls. As a matter of fact, when Ocean returned home from his midnight walk he couldn't quite remember nor seem to understand that something felt different about him. It was like an old piece of himself had been replaced with a new one but something was off. But what was it? 

"Ricky I've got some fantastic news for you," Joe said patting Ocean on the back and leading him into the office. He had 10 minutes before his shift started and was a bit concerned about how Joe was gripping his shoulders. 

"Yes," Ocean answered in a wary tone to Joe's sudden jovial demeanour. Joe took a seat down on the old worn pleather chair and then spun around before planting his feet on the floor and looking Ocean straight in his eyes. He gave a smug smirk before intertwining his fingers and placing them on his knee.

"You're getting a promotion." He said with a growing smile. Ocean blinked once then twice while staring down at the giddy man.

"Promotion." He repeated back to him. 

"Yes... oh come on Rick I'd thought you be jumping up and down for joy." He says before jumping up and grabbing Ocean's hands and shaking them firmly while the other hand pats his shoulder.

"Congratulations you've been promoted to floor manager." Joe's grip on Ocean's hands loosened when Ocean didn't respond right away.  Ocean paused didn't even move and just gulped. He wanted to smile back but the muscles in his face wouldn't let him. They were just stuck in a permanent straight line. 

"Umm, oh, t-thanks." That was all he was able to muster up. Joe let go of his hand and turned away before walking to a busy overcrowded desk with papers scattered everywhere and coffee cups piled up in one corner. Ocean could tell which side was Joe's and which side was Marina's the other manager. Joe's side looked like a pig sty and Marina's side looked so pristine her desk was still as white as the day they installed it.

"Here are all the papers, you know all the stuff you need to know blah blah blah," Joe said hulling over a giant book that had to weigh at least 8 pounds before dropping it in Oceans arms. The muscles in his face finally began to move and a nervous smile finally began to grow across his face. 

"Ah huh uh Joe, w-wait a minute I don't think I'm ready to take all this on you know, I'm really only familiar with the bar and serving barley at that," Ocean said as he cradled the heavy binder in his arms. Joe scratched his head looking at Ocean as if he was telling some bad joke before speaking.

"Well, you don't have much of a choice because I'm leaving and there's nobody else qualified enough, plus you've been here since we opened you should know the ropes by now." Wait leaving? Joe was leaving?! Know the ropes by now?!  Ocean wasn't the type to tell people what to do he was the type to do what they told him. This whole situation was making him feel nauseous.

"W-what you're leaving? Where?" Ocean said looking at Joe with wide eyes. Joe just sighed and scratched his head again before cracking his knuckles.

"I'm going to Vegas!" He shouted while jumping up and down like a hyper kid. 


"Oh and uh Rick tuck away that necklace why don't you it's giving me the creeps." Ocean looked down at his chest only to see the pendant dangling. How.did.that.get.there?


"Finally the boy finally got promoted bout damn time." The old man said while sipping on his freshly brewed black coffee and rocking back and forth in the old rocking chair. It was 6 in the evening and even though Ocean should've been sleeping because his shift was starting at 10 tonight he just couldn't the nerves of having to take on a completely different task from the one he was used to was eating away at him.

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