Ch.59 - Rebecca and Mark

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Murphy P.o.v.

We get in and my dad gives the man driving a nod. "So this is your son?" he asks and my father nods. "John, this is James, James this is John. James is my driver." he announces and I really want to be at my real home, with Bellamy. Not in some million dollar taxi with a man whom I thought was dead for more than 10 years of my life.

When we pull up to the house that is only 5 five minutes away, we get out, and I'm reluctant to walk inside. So many shitty memories, including the death of my mother. I wince because stepping inside feels weird. It's been almost a year, and the place has been completely redone, and it's a lot nicer now. "Welcome back." my father tells me and I sigh. "My stuff is at Bellamy's." I tell him and he nods. "James is going to pick it up." he tells me and I groan, sitting down on the couch with my head in my hand. "You were dead." I repeat like a broken record. "You'll know why I left, one day." he tells me. "Anyways," he says, changing the subject. "you're lucky to have a friend like Bellamy." he tells me and I smirk letting out a scoff. "What?" I ask and I assume that Jason and Susan left out the major fact, and I appreciate it. Maybe my dad is homophobic. They thought ahead. "He looks like a good friend." he words differently, and I look at my hand which wears the silver bands. I'm getting Bellamy his ring for his birthday. "He is." I tell him, smiling, because Bellamy is my friend too. "Are you remarried?" I ask him and he raises his hand, nodding. "Great." I mutter sarcastically. He hadn't even divorced his late wife. "She should be home soon." he tells me and I roll my eyes. "Are you seeing anyone?" he asks me and I smile sincerely, nodding. "Engaged actually." I tell him and he looks shocked. "You're 18." he tells me and I shrug. "It's different for us." I tell my father, being honest. "Who?" he asks. "Bellamy." I admit and he nods, taking the information. "Alright, well as long as you two love each other." he speaks genuinely. "Wait, so you're like... okay with it?" I ask, shocked and he nods. "Why wouldn't I be?" he asks and I shrug. I open my mouth when the door opens.

In walks a woman in her late 30's, dressed a little better than business casual. "I can't stand Judy, the..." she trails off seeing me. She looks to my father. "Rebecca, this is John, John this is Rebecca." he introduces and she smile widely, shaking my hand. "It's so nice to finally meet you!" she exclaims and I fake a smile. "Nice to meet you too." I tell her and she steps back. "John, could you go to your room? I need to talks to Becca for a moment." my father asks politely and I nod, leaving. 

I walk into my old room which has been redone and only has a dresser, bed, desk and closet. The walls are a pale grey and I blink a few times at how bland it is. I collapse onto my bed, pulling out my phone. Bellamy picks up on the second ring. "He's married." I tell Bellamy before saying hello. "Seriously?" he asks and I scoff. "Yeah." I say, placing two fingers on the bridge of my nose, frustrated. "What do I do?" I ask him and he sighs. "Well you," he starts then pauses and I furrow an eyebrow. "we're supposed to meet Sinclair in 2 weeks." the voice on the other end tells me and my eyes shoot open. "And we have school tomorrow." he tells me, reminding me that the senior break is over. "Shit." I mumble. "My mom's calling for dinner, I'll call you later k?" he asks me and I nod even though he can't see me. "Ya okay." I tell him, hanging up. 

I then hear a knock on my door. "Hm?" I hum loud enough and the doorknob twists open. "You're things are here." my father tells me setting one of the few luggages near me. "Thanks." I tell him calmly. "Are you okay?" he asks and I shrug. "I mean, you're alive, it's kind of a shock." I admit to him, sitting on my bed while I watch James carry my things in. "Thanks James." I say to him and he nods, leaving. "You're a lot more polite than I remember." my dad announces and Rebecca walks in, smiling. "I'm mature, not polite." I tell him and he narrows his eyes. "They're kind of the same thing... no?" Rebecca asks and I tilt my head. "You'd be surprised." I let out with a smirk, replaying all of my memories like a slideshow. "Dinner is ready." Rebecca tells us and my father and I nod, following her into the kitchen.

Halfway through dinner, the doorbell rings. "Oh, that must be him." Rebecca says, getting up from the table and I narrow my eyes in confusion. "Oh yeah, she was married before and has a kid." my father spills the information quickly and I throw my hands in the air. "Didn't you think it was important for me to know?" I ask and he shrugs. "You know now." he smirks when telling me. This kid better not be a brat. 

"Hello?" a voice sounds from the entrance to the kitchen. He's not really a kid, he looks to be about my age, maybe younger. "Hey Mark, this is Murphy, my son." my father introduces us and I plaster on a fake smile, getting a negative vibe from him. "Nice to meet you." he says and sits down in one of the empty seats. "Same to you." I reply. "How was the drive?" my dad asks and Mark shrugs. "Long, but I can't complain." he says expressively and I don't like him. Maybe it's cause I hate almost everyone, but I also find him fake. Something about him is strange. 

"I'm so ready for school tomorrow though, it'll be a big improvement to my old one." he announces and I keep a tired/unamused face on for the whole thing. "He's going to your school so I hope you'll show him around?" Rebecca asks and I shrug, nodding. "When are you graduating?" I ask him and he looks at me. He has short blonde hair and brown eyes and honestly looks like every other American teenager. "Next year." he tells me and I nod. Alright, so he's younger. Good. I then notice the necklace that Rebecca is wearing. It's a gold chain with a gold pendant in the form of a cross. I swallow hard and everyone puts their hands on the table and my dad gives me a look that tells me to play along. I take Rebecca's and my fathers hand and she says a prayer before we start our meal. "So... you're religious?" I ask and they nod, my dad more subtly then Mark and Rebecca. "Are you?" Mark asks me and I shake my head and I have to keep myself from laughing. Instead of continuing on with the meal, Mark glares at me for a few more moments. "Can I help you?" I ask Mark and he shrugs. "Well, you seem kind of close minded." he retorts.

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