21. Stay awake for another confession

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Song: The Draw

Artist: Bastille

Don't listen to your friends, they only care once and a while


Bellamy P.o.v.

I roll my eyes, tired of Octavia's complaining. "You can go back when you're older." Mom says, putting the keys into the front door. Murphy's practically asleep on my shoulder.

"But everything is so boring here. It's summer," she argues, "it's suppose to be sunny!" she exclaims as if the dull weather is unfair. It'll start getting sunny in August and September. Dad just yawns.

"Sweetheart, you're just tired." he mumbles, as we bring everything inside. Murphy slugs his way to the stairs, starting to walk up. "Hey," Dad gets his attention. "No sleeping." he instructs and his eyes widen a little.

"What?" I ask, feeling jet lagged as hell.

"We need to get back into our time, so you have to go to bed at a normal hour." This isn't regular jet lag, this is losing a day jet lag. I feel ill all of a sudden and the thought of staying awake sounds like hell. We bring the luggage up and Mom wants us to unpack and put everything in the laundry bin, but I can barely keep both my eyes open. However, it does feel nice to be home.


"Come on, wake up." I sigh, nagging Murphy. I hold his shoulder, and he groans into the pillow–

"Dinner!" I wince at the loud sound, wondering if that hurt Mom's throat. I can't imagine eating right now. Everything almost seems otherworldly. I try to remember the last thing I ate. I'm pretty sure it was back in Australia, but I might have had something on the plane. It was a twelve hour long ride, I'm sure I had something.

"Tell them that I'm dead," Murphy says into that pillow. "Tell them to eat without me." he instructs, groaning. I pat his back, shaking my head.

I glance at the clock, seeing that the evening is only starting and that we'll only be aloud to sleep in around two hours. Watching tv is the hardest thing to do. The brightness of the screen burns holes in my dry eyes. I look over to Mom and Dad on the end of the couch, wondering how they're still awake and seemingly not tired. 

"Can we take a walk or something?" Murphy mumbles to me. "If we don't do something productive I'm going to pass out." he concludes and I nod. Yeah it sucks to be back, but now we don't have to ask permission to leave the house.

The sky is starting to dim as we step outside. 

Murphy P.o.v.

The sidewalk is boring in this neighbourhood. The only thing it has is a row of houses and a street. I guess all sidewalks are like this– my brain hurts. My thoughts reel, making no sense. I glance at a telephone pole, smirking at the poster. I nudge Bellamy. The paper has been stapled several times and rain and time has caused it to fade. I stare at the 'MISSING' flyer for Mbege, with nothing but hate.

"He's not missing." I mutter, ripping the sign down, crumpling it up.

"Sorry?" Bellamy asks, clearly struggling to walk and stay focused at the same time.

"He's dead, not missing." I mutter, the idea of Mbege being missing gives me angry chills. I know he's not, but I'm still uneasy. I expect Bellamy to maintain his normal silence, but instead, he lets out a short laugh. I look at him, eyebrows raised.

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