Ch.58 - Mystery man

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I chuckle. "It's gonna take time though." he tells me and I sigh. "What is it?" I ask, and he turns his whole body so that he's facing me. It looks pretty uncomfortable. "We talk to Sinclair, and ask for jobs." he states and I narrow my eyes. "I'm sorry?" I ask and he nods. "We tell him that we want in on whatever they're doing." he starts, and I decide to wait till he's done. "He knows that we know how to... kill." he whispers the last word. "And if he says no, we'll have to find another way." he states and I'm super confused, did I miss something? "Another way to what?" I ask and he makes a face as if he's forgotten to tell me. "Another way to get back in to wherever they took you." he tells me and I scoff. "What's in it for us though? We can't go to the police with the information, because then we'll have to tell them how we know." I state and he smirks. "Think about it. We go back to the science lab or whatever and we actually find out what they do there, weather it's biochemical research or  a testing place or a experimental facility." he tells me and I tilt my head back and forth. "It does sound fun." I tell him, laughing. "What about your parents though? We'd be gone for a while." I tell him and he shrugs. "We can just make something up, like we're going to look for collages or something." he suggests and I scoff. "So Miami's kinda like the calm before the storm?" I ask and he nods. "Perfect analogy." he compliments, pulling out his phone, and handing me an earbud. 


The rest of the plane ride is pretty calm, and before we know it, we land and it's time to face Sinclair. We hope that he's forgotten about the incident, but I realize that that isn't the case when we see him waiting in the terminal. 

He walks up to us. "Nice to see you again." he tells us, smiling. "Nice to see you too." Bellamy greets, acting casual and I smile. "Before you tell us what what you need to tell us, we have a proposition." I tell Sinclair and he nods, crossing his arms over his chest. "Alright, shoot." he tells us. "Oh, I get it." I voice, laughing to myself and I think I'm the only one who gets the pun. "Never mind." I mumble and Bellamy sighs. "We'd like to work for you." Bellamy gets straight to the point. "Work for us?" he asks, raising his eyebrow and we nod. "We want in on whatever you do there." I tell Sinclair and he scoffs. "The last time we saw you, you guys didn't seem to want to be there." he tells us and we sigh. "Honestly, we just didn't want to do the whole campfire, sing song bullshit." Bellamy admits to him, and Sinclair nods. "I don't think you get what we do." he states and I chuckle. "What do you mean? you screw with people." I state and Sinclair shrugs. "And how exactly do I know that we can trust you?" he asks and we shrug. "You don't but us telling anyone is out of the question, so what's holding you back?" I ask and he sucks his teeth. "Meet me 3 weeks from now at the entrance to the camp. It may look a bit different since the last time you've been there, but you'll know your there." he tells us, walking off. "Um, okay." Bellamy says to himself and then lets out a deep breath. "Great, okay, I wanna go outside." he tells me and I smile, following him. 

(A/N: Okay, because they need to relax before they get back, I'm not going to put them through any shit while they're in Miami.)

Bellamy P.o.v.

I want to stop time when I wake up. Honestly, I never want to leave this place, and the fact that, that is exactly what we have to do today, makes me upset. We've had the best time. It's been the best holiday to be honest.

"I don't want to go." I complain, rolling over, and speaking into Murphy's chest. "I know, me neither." he says, playing with my hair. "Then let's skip our flight, and live out the rest of our days on the beach." I tell him and he chuckles. "We could live alongside the crabs, it'll be great." I add on and he laughs. "I'd like that too." he giggles, pressing his lips on my hair, and I look up, giving him a proper kiss. "I think this hotel hates us." he narrows his eyes as he says this. I remember the events of last night, running into the lobby like a couple maniacs. "Nah, they envy our youth." I tell him and he chuckles. I get out of bed, and Murphy whines. "Wait, where are you going?" he complains and I chuckle. "It's the last day, we're going to the beach." I tell him, gesturing for him to get up. He sighs, and I rummage in the luggage for swimming stuff. 

When I turn around, Murphy looks like he's crying. "What happened?" I ask, concerned and he furrows his eyebrow and blinks a few times. He then laughs. "Nothing. I just yawned." he tells me and I scoff in relief, throwing him swimming trunks which he casually puts on. "Okay, good." I tell him and he laughs a bit, walking over to the bed, crouching down to remove his phone from the charging station. He turns it on, and stands up, but his trunks ride low on his hips. He walks over, tapping on his phone, and walks right into me. I raise a questionary brow. "Something wrong?" he asks and I look him up and down with my eyes. "You are dressed a bit too revealing." I tell him and he turns off his phone, chucking it to the side. "Am I?" he asks, not looking at how low the article is on him. "Yes, I can see all this." I mumble, running my fingers along the slight v-line. I know it's a sensitive spot for him, and I see his eyes flicker to where my hands are, biting his lip to keep from producing any sounds. "Is that a problem?" he manages to stress out and I smirk. "Actually, I worded it wrong." I tell him and he looks back at me. "You can only see this." I tell him and he smirks. "That's easy to fix." He coos and I scoff. "But... you're right, we should take advantage of our last day here." he says with a wink, walking to the door. 

I narrow my eyes in his direction. This little bitch. 

We walk down to the beach, and spend the day relaxing. It's really nice not having to worry about anything. Well... not right now anyways. Once the plane lands, shit's gonna go down. "You know, I don't get how people find that attractive." He tells me, gesturing to theses two girls, most likely in their twenties, and have had way to much work done. I study them, and narrow my eyes. "It's not." I tell him. "Maybe I should get butt implants." Murphy tells me and I chuckle at the thought. "You're butt's big enough." I reassure him and he laughs. "Or maybe lips injections." he says, pinching his lips and I cringe. "No way." I tell him leaning my head on his shoulder. He then gasps, "Boob implants." he says and I cackle. "Shut the fuck up." I laugh out. 


The plane ride back is filled with sleeping and movies, and when we land, I have to keep myself from crying. "Nope." I try to stay in the plane for as long as possible but Murphy ends up shoving me out. My parents aren't answering their phone, and they don't pick us up from the airport. "Okay." I state sarcastically when we notice. "Let's just get a cab." Murphy grumbles, the cold air being a lot different than the warm Miami air. 

I'm exhausted, and I end up falling asleep again. When I wake up, we're back, and Murphy and I get our stuff and pay for the taxi fair. 

Murphy fumbles with his keys to open the door, and I hug him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Hello." he chuckles when he sees me. "Thank you, I had a really great time." I tell him and he smiles, giving me a kiss. 

When we enter the house, something feels different. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but there is a weird vibe, and I don't like it. "Mom? Dad?" I call and Murphy locks the door. "In the living room!" she shouts. "You weren't answering your phones and," I cut myself off when I enter the room and see a man in a  suit that's probably worth more than this house, and that's saying something. "Oh, I'm sorry, we can come back later." Murphy speaks politely, and starts to walk away. "Wait." Murphy mutters, and he turns around, paler than I've ever seen him before. He looks scared, shocked and sad all at the same time. He narrows his eyes at the well dressed man who gets up and walks towards him. He looks Murphy up and down, almost studying him. The mystery man then breaks into a small smile. "My my... Look how much you'v grown." the man tells Murphy and I furrow my eyebrow. "This isn't real right?" Murphy looks to me, tears filling his eyes. "Murphy, who is he?" I ask, looking at the genuinely happy man. Murphy gulps, looking back at him. "He's my father."

A/N : What? Okay...

Love you lots!Xx

Sorry | Murphamy AU | vol.1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora