Ch.50 - Impossible

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Murphy P.o.v.

Not so hard that I go flying to the ground, but enough to shock me. "I'm sorry, I had to do that, but maybe it'll knock some sense into you." he states. "You are not worthless, I wouldn't be giving my life away to someone who was." He informs, seriously, and I just stand there, not knowing what to do, or what to say. "I know that I love you, and I honestly, don't give a shit what anyone else says okay? I know how I feel about you." he says, and I look down at my fingers, picking at my nails again. It'd grown to be an awful habit. I hear him sigh, and he pulls my hands apart, then taking my arms, and wrapping them around his waist, and he does the same to me, giving me a kiss.


Bellamy P.o.v.

Against Murphy's request, I go to the store get bandages for him. He wanted to do it himself, and he put up a fuss when I wouldn't let him leave the house. I wasn't really worried about Murphy. I am more, in a really weird way, proud of him. Yes, he did hurt himself and that's an awful thing, but he didn't kill himself. He knew he had the opportunity and the time to do so, but he didn't.

I walk down the aisle, I pick up some, and then I take another roll, since we use that shit weekly. I wait in line, and when I get to the cash, a girl my age scan the items, and she's giving off a weird vibe. "What would a cute guy like you, need these for?" she asks, smirking and I roll my eyes. "My fiancée, he got hurt." I tell her, leaving, without taking the receipt.


I look around my room the next morning, and something feels and looks different. I look next to me, and no one is there. I notice that Murphy's presence has in a sort, vanished. Utterly confused, I go downstairs, and my family... looks different. "Where's Murphy?" I ask and everyone looks at me. "Who?" my father asks sceptically. "Murphy. He's been living here for the past 10 months." I state and they narrow their eyes at me. I take a nervous breath, "Uh, never mind." I say quickly, grabbing my bag from the chair, and heading out for school. I can't find my phone, so I can't text Murphy. I walk into the building, confused as shit. I walk up to Murphy's locker, where he was placing his books. He looks different. His hair is style's different, and so is what he's wearing. 

"Murphy?" I ask him, and he spins around eyes winding, "What the fuck do you want?" he asks rudely, and I stare at him, shocked. "Hey Murphy!" we're interrupted by a familiar voice, and instead of Murphy flipping him off, when Jake shows up, Murphy kisses him, willingly. My heart, beats way to fast. No. He's dead, and Murphy would never do that. He snakes his hand around Jake's waist, and I see that he's no longer wearing his rings. "Can we help you?" Jake asks, and Murphy glares at me. "Bellamy!" a voice shouts, and Mbege? runs up to me, and stops when he sees the two guys in front of me. "They giving you trouble?" he asks, and I shake my head and he just... leaves... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! "See you in art, babe." Jake says, leaving with a kiss, disappearing around the corner. 

Murphy and I are left in the empty hall. "What's going on? Please tell me this a joke. Both of them are dead." I whisper to Murphy, and he scoffs. "I'm sorry, are you high? They were here a second ago." he states and I sigh, "Where are your rings?" I ask. "Rings?" he asks as if it was the dumbest thing he's ever heard. I nod and he shrugs, "And why are you with him?" I ask, referring to Jake and he looks offended. "Excuse you, but we've been together for a year." he says and my heart skips a beat. "No, you've been with me, for a year." I argue and he raises and eyebrow. "Bellamy, you haven't talk to me since grade five." 

This chapter is short as shit, but... wtv.

Hope you guys liked it, if you did, vote, and check out my other ones. You can also follow my IG: @bellamy.murphy100

And regarding "The Boy Next Door", I'm having massive writers block, so suggestions for it would be greatly appreciated.

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