9. Everything will be okay, one day

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Song: Invisible

Artist: Dandelion Hands

If loneliness ever needed a definition, it'd be me


Murphy P.o.v.

I have never been happier to be home. My arm aches, probably infected, but that doesn't really bother me right now. I spent the better part of the train ride trying to understand what Bellamy and I have. It's questionable and strange, but neither of us question it. It's love, and love is love. I just wish I could voice it. I hiss when Bellamy wraps my arm in the bandage. 

"Don't complain, this is your fault." he says.

"I'm not complaining." I mumble, looking at my hands. I can't tell whether the blood that stains them comes from the bloodshed of my nails, or from that dude I stabbed.

"I think I should go talk to my parents." he breaks the silence. I raise a questionary brow, watching him stand up. I inspect the work he did on my arm, nodding.

"You want me to come with?" I offer, relaxing into the chair. He simply shakes his head.

"I need to do this alone," he propounds with a determination that I admire. He shrugs his jacket back on. 

"Cool, call me if anything," I tell him and he nods, walking to the door, but I get up, stopping him. I smell him.

"Take a shower. You smell like death," I remark and he scoffs. 

"Nah, they'll see that I'm not doing well on my own and take me back- gotta make them pity me, you know?" he says lightly, giving me a kiss before darting out of my room. I laugh a little, my smile fading when he can no longer see me.

Am I an asshole if I want his parents to disown him for good? Does that make me selfish? I find some cellophane in a drawer downstairs, using the rest to wrap my arm. I take my shower, not moving my arm. The red that swirls down the drain causes me to feel uncomfortable and I don't know why.


"John get the fuck in here!" I wake up, drowsy from my nap, stumbling out of bed and into Mom's room. How long was I out?

"What?" I ask in more of  statement. She points to her dresser and I shrug. "What about it?"

"You stole my-"

"I didn't steal shit, that guy you slept with probably took it." I blame, but my eyes widen when I see his hairy stomach leave the bathroom, followed by him. Can't he put on a shirt? I don't need to see that beer-belly.

"I didn't steal shit- what's he talking about?" the man asks her. He pulls the toothbrush out of my mouth and I analyze it, a face of horror plasters my face.

"Is that my fucking toothbrush?" I ask in disgust, deciding that I will now keep everything I own under lock and key. This is rediculous.

"He needed to borrow one."

"Borrow one? He can't keep it- who the fuck are you anyway?" I turn my attention to him, angry and annoyed. I can feel myself getting more and more agitated. I haven't eaten in about a day and a half and I still feel as though I'm going to throw-up, just by looking at the the toothpaste around that pig's mouth.

"That's Ray- be nice you inconsiderate piece of-"

"You know she fucks a guy named Raymond, right?" I ask with a side-ways smile, earning a slap. I take it, deserving it. 

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