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"Hey Jisung, let's go eat lunch with the others."

"Oh, sorry Changbin bu-"

"No, shh. You are not gonna chicken out on this." Changbin said in a threatening way. "Ugh, fine." The older smiled and dragged him to the cafeteria.

"Hey guys! Mind if I join you?" A blond guy popped out of no where.

"Hey, Chan! I dont think the others'll mind at all." The blonde nodded and joined the two on their way to the canteen. "Hey, Jisung, you've been acting weird lately. You know?" The oldest mentioned, Jisung wanted melt away never to be seen by the world right then and there.

"This guy has been heart broken if im not mista-"

"I AM NOT HEART BROKEN!!" He huffed and went ahead of them towards the cafeteria. "YAH! JISUNG!" Changbin screamed and ran after the youngest while Chan just watched and chuckled; eventually going after them.

They reached the cafeteria and went towards the table they'd usually sit at, seeing it a bit more "populated" than usual. A number of 3 more people sat with Felix and Minho; Hyunjin, Seungmin, and some other guy the 3 didn't know. Seungmin and Minho we're joking around while Hyunjin looked obviously jealous. The other guy was just there looking at the two with a weird face; along with Felix. "PFFFT- HAHAHA MINHO HYUNG WHAT KIND OF JOKE WAS THAT!" He exclaimed a bit loudly. "I mean it made you laugh." The unknown guy commented.

"Hey guys! You seem to be having fun." Changbin joined the conversation, "So who's the kid?" He said talking about the guy he didnt know of.

"Oh, that's Jeongin. Seungmin and Hyunjin's friend."

"Ah okay, anyways I brought Jisung and Chan Hyung with me." He pointed to the two others with him.

Seungmin looked towards the direction and he felt somehow nervous? He just didnt know how to explain it but it dodnt feel right. "Hi." He tried sounding cheery but ended up sounding a bit awkward.

Jisung sat down beside Minho and infront of Hyunjin. Keeping quiet and chose to stay on his phone, "Hey guys, me, Changbin, Chan, and Minho hyung are gonna get our food." Felix stood up and so did the others, leaving Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin behind with Jisung.

"So uhm, Jisung right?" Seungmin faced the squirrel like boy, " Uh, yeah." he answered awkwardly looking at everything except the puppy looking boy. "I uhm, heard you like Minho hyung.."

"Oh, uhm. How'd you know?"

"I just heard it from someone, uh yeah. Not sure where it came from though, I wasn't sure if it was true so I wanted to ask you."

"Uh yeah, it's true."

"It would've better if it wasn't." Seungmin mumbled to himself quietly.

"Hm, did you say something?"

"Hah, no uhm i didn't."

After a few minutes of waiting for the other 4, they came back with 2 trays in each hand. Minho sat down and gave Seungmin one of the trays he held (Chan gave Jisung, Changbin gave Hyunjin, and Felix gave Jeongin). "Seungmin-ah, I got strawberry milk as the drink for you!" He brightly smiled, placing a carton of strawberry milk from his pocket infront of the younger. "Wah! Thanks hyung, I love strawberry!"

"I know." He chuckled while Jisung shifted uncomfortably in his seat. 'I feel bad for Hyunjin..' He looked infront of him and rested his chin on his palm, Hyunjin looked like he could kill someone from jealousy. The poor juice box that he was holding cause break at any moment because of how hard he was squishing it. "Hyunjin, you good?" He snapped out of his thoughts and nodded, making the other smile softly.

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