Amber Highway

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You walked into your history class and took a seat. Several weeks had passed since your amusement park trip and the waters between you, Shachi, and Penguin had settled. You were left confused and dazed from their actions, but they'd toned it down since then. You didn't know why, maybe it was just because you were all busy again with class and tests, but you weren't complaining. Then again, you weren't happy about it either. You didn't really know how you felt about it and you didn't want to discuss it with them either. Especially since you weren't sure if it was just empty flirts or if they were actually competing over you.

The spring weather had warmed up as it had now reached the end of April. The students were getting pretty restless since this year's spring break had been pushed back an entire month. Isha said it was due to some weird disease that had hit a pocket of America and the schools across the country were getting extra time in case they needed to close down. That sounded bizarre and made absolutely no sense to you, but you had no grounds to complain, so you suffered through with everyone else. At least you didn't have to worry about snow anymore and you could keep getting paid.

Penguin walked into class wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, black t-shirt with a yellow heart design on it, and a thin black hoodie left zipped down. His backpack hung loosely on his back and his mouth was curved slightly down into a resting frown. You couldn't see his eyes, but he seemed tired...or maybe that was just his resting bitch face. Either way, he was still nice to look at; his hoodie material was too thin to completely hide the rippling muscles underneath.

At the sight of you, his face lit up and he smiled. Its silvery warmth drew out a smile of your own as he came over and squatted next to you.

"Hey, how was your day?"

The low timbre of his voice rolled over you and you savored it. It had been a little bit since you two had last spoken face to face and you had missed the sound of his voice. You'd have to insist on hanging out more, if only because of the audible candy. You could do with some calm company too though; college had been rough lately.

"It was decent." You admitted and sighed. "I'm in need of a break."

Penguin chuckled. "You and I both. Thank God spring break is at the end of this week. I can't stand this class."

"Mr. Hart." A terse voice came from behind him and he turned to look over his shoulder. The professor narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm sure we'd all love to get started. If you would take a seat, we could leave this hated class much sooner."

A gust of air left Penguin's mouth at her comment and he turned back to you. "Have you spoken to Shachi about break yet?"

Oh. How rebellious. You could practically feel the man rolling his eyes at the professor's irritation. "I haven't yet. I'll text him later if you'd like."

"No, I'll just have him message you. Don't worry."

"Mr. Hart!"

Penguin scowled and stood, pulling the brim of his hat down. "Alright. Keep your feathers straight, Brûlée. I'm going."

"That's Ms. Charlotte and you can write an extra paper for me now. Due after break." The older professor snapped, clearly unamused by the man's attitude. "Stay behind after class to hear the paper topic."

A soft cuss escaped Penguin's lips under his breath and he hunched his shoulders and fell into his chair, his mood soured. You hadn't seen an attitude come out of him like that before and it made you wonder what other little personality quirks he had hiding. Seemed like both brothers had a knack for getting in trouble with the teachers.

Sun and Moon (Shachi x Reader x Penguin)Where stories live. Discover now