Chapter 40

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Pete POV
Jaime didn't seem to understand that he'd abetted a crime. He didn't seem to care that it was his future he was playing with. It was clear he needed responsibility and guidance. I just didn't know if Tanya just never disciplined Jaime or tried but as she got sicker, just didn't have the energy?

Through dinner, I just tried to keep myself from shaking the boy to try and get some sense into him.

Jaime had accused me of being more concerned about how his missteps could make me look, and while he wasn't entirely wrong, I was more interested in making sure my kids - all of them - became respectable members of society. Yes, they're more likely to have people scrutinizing them and their failings and missteps are more likely to be public and yes, that would reflect on me. But that was secondary to me just wanting his kids to be safe and be good people. I was going to have to figure something out after Jaime's grounding was done.

After he dried the dishes, Jaime went back upstairs and I couldn't honestly say that I wasn't relieved not to have to deal with my son tonight.

"You need to talk to him, Pete," Meagan said.

"How can I talk to him when he doesn't even see what he did wrong?" I said.

"Pete, he's hurting. He's testing the boundaries."

"Don't kids stop that shit when they're kids?"

"Jaime is in a new environment with new 'parents' for lack of a better term. He's going to see how far he can push you. And probably me at some point."

"He's 15!" 

"Exactly. Don't you remember being 15?  Not quite an adult not a child any more. Bronx will be there before you know it."

"Great. And Jaime is his role model," I groaned.

"Jaime is his brother. He's going to look up to him. But he's also still your son and he was raised well. But he's going to test boundaries, too.  Which is why you need to talk to Jaime and get his behaviour under control."

"Meagan, I love you, you're not wrong, but right now, I can't look at him without wanting to shake some sense into him. How does he not see that stealing hubcaps, or just being lookout, are still crimes?  I'm starting to wonder if we should move him up here to a school in the area. Maybe Beverley Academy.  He's smart enough, I'm sure."

"I don't think that's a decision to be made when you're still mad. And not without talking to Jaime about it."

I frowned. Why should Jaime get a say? I didn't get a say when he got caught stealing hubcaps. I'm the parent.

Marvel came up to me just then.

"Here Daddy," she said, handing me a piece of paper.

"What's this, Marvel?" I asked.

"It a picture. I drawed it for you," she said. I looked at it. It was me, and Jaime? I think.

"Tell me about it," I said. "Is that me and Jaime?"

"Uh-huh. And you friends now."

I sighed. Dammit. Toddlers are too observant.

I hugged Marvel.

"Daddy?" She asked.

"Yes, my pet?" I asked.

"Why you mad at Jaime?" She asked, putting her head on my shoulder.

"I'm not mad at Jaime," this was not entirely true.  "I'm disappointed that he did something that got him into trouble."

Marvel seemed to contemplate that.

"Mama says you is sad about Jaime."

"Mama isn't totally wrong. I'm worried about Jaime. But it's big adult stuff and big brother stuff. We'll figure it out, sweetheart. I just need some time to figure out how to help Jaime."

"Mama says you should talk to him."

"Oh, Marvel.  It's not that simple. I wish it were."

Marvel looked like she was thinking about that. The. She shrugged and put her head back down on my shoulder.

"You ready to get ready for bed?"

Marvel nodded. I carried her up to her room and started helping her get ready for bed. She had a quick bath, then I put her in pjs and carried her to bed.

"Want a story tonight?" I asked.

"Can Jaime read it?" She asked.

"You'll have to ask Jaime," I reasoned.

She hopped out of her bed and ran down the hall to Jaime's room she knocked quietly on the door and even though Jaime didn't answer she very carefully opened the door. I expected to hear Jaime's voice yell at her to get out, but instead I heard Marvel giggling. Then Jaime came out of his room on his crutches, following Marvel.

"Oh " he said, frowning as he came into Marvel's room. "I didn't know you were here."

There was venom in his voice.

"I was just leaving," I fumed, standing up.

I gave Marvel a kiss goodnight.

"Good night Daddy," she smiled. I left the room and heard Marvel trying to negotiate her stories.

"One story Marvel!" I called out. I knew she'd try to negotiate at least one more. Jaime was going to have his work cut out for him with his sister.

I went back downstairs and checked in on the two older boys. They were watching TV together and Meagan was just finishing up putting away the leftovers that had needed to cool down some more.

I went into the kitchen and leaned on the counter while Meagan closed the fridge.

"Marvel in bed already?"

I nodded.

"And you skimped on story time?"

"She wanted Jaime. He's reading her a story."

"Or two," Meagan laughed.

"That's on him. I let Marvel know one story only."

"Yeah. And our two year old has better negotiating skills than most lawyers."

I smirked. Marvel could sell ice to a polar bear.

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