She was said to have laughed at the face of death and could draw energy from allies who fell in her presence, be they fellow Spiritknights or civilians, using it to fight all the harder in their names.

In the battle for the southern borders, she had been the first to arms and the last to fall. Without her, however, the southern borders quickly became infested. The blitzkrieg skirmishes still rage on to this day."

Kylian raised a brow at his compatriot's words. "You are speaking of these events as if you had not been there yourself."

Donald shrugged his arms, "I was a mere recruit at that time, so to be honest, I didn't experience much except for wave after wave of spirits."

Kylian found Donald's words ridiculous. "You may have been a recruit, but you were also Sir Humphrey's squire. As he was Lady Farah's confidante, this should have given you exposure to at least some of her battles."

Donald shrugged once more. "It's not that simple, old friend."

"Why not?" Kylian questioned.

Donald sighed in resignation. A hint of melancholy could be seen on his face as he looked upwards, gazing into nothingness.

"Aye, I was Sir Humphreys squire, and aye, he was her confidante, but whenever she fought, everyone made sure to steer clear of her path.

I only saw part of her battle once. I was miles away, and even though it's been a century, I remember the chills I got while watching her battle with the Spirits... Nay, that was no battle: it was a massacre."

Kylian could not help but have his curiosity piqued. Lady Farah was a legend and a half. Her tales of power, skill and bravery enticed anyone on the Spiritknight's path.

Donald continued, "It was only when I saw her fight that I understood why no one was allowed near her. The spirits came in their millions, flooding the desert as far as the eye could see.

Many a Spiritknight fell that day. I almost fell as well, but it was not by a Spirit's hand.

One of Lady Farah's attacks landed near me. The explosion nearly blew me to pieces. The Spirits around me were reduced to ash."



Hey guys. A certain issue has come to my attention thanks to a few emails i got from some readers. Thus i took the liberty of addressing these issues now.

1 This book is part of a multiverse. I am currently writing 4 books at the moment and all of them are in the same multiverse. I have published the books on, webnovel and wattpad as well. They are Titan's Thone, Conclave of Tyrants, Solitary Sword Sovereign and Infallible Oathbreaker. The main books (SSS and TT) are my two flagship books with over 5 million views in total each with over 100 chapters published. They are The Titan's Throne and The Solitary Sword Sovereign. The Conclave of Tyrants (80 chapters written) and Infallible Oathbreaker (70 chapters written) are heavily involved with this story, so i advise those who haven't read them to check them out

Solitary Sword Sovereign

Titan's Throne

Conclave of Tyrants

Indomitable/Infalible Oathbreaker/Smitersmith

Immortal Ascension Tower

Pathless Origins: Bane of the Gods

Samsara Breaker

Sheriff of Langerhans

Poetic Synchretism

2. As i mentioned in previous notes i don't have a laptop so my writing speed is very slow. I am hoping to raise the funds for this laptop with your help through patreon. Once i have a laptop my writing speed will return to what it used to be and i will be able to pump out at least two chaps a day for each book.

3. The Solitary Sword Sovereign is still ongoing, im just building up a backlog of chapters for it so don't worry.

4. This book is not a harem, but it does have romance.

If you have any other questions guys you can hit me up on my patreon page. Thank you for reading thus far and enjoy more to come!

If you want updates on my...uh...updates, follow me on webnovel, royalroad, wattpad fb insta and twitter!

instagram @theonionjunktion (cool character designs and such there:)
Twitter @onionjunktion95

wattpad @theonionjunktion
webnovel @theonionjunktion

Thank you for reading! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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