Shaira first looked at her favorite-colored drink which   disguised the bitter taste afterward and then, at the person sitting against her waiting for her to take a sip. She could not say no to his hopeful face and was disgusted but still took a sip of the liquid. She coughed out as soon as the tea touched her tongue. It was not just bitter, it was poison.

"Oh my gosh! How do you drink this thing?" Shiara asked taking a sip of water. Ezra laughed looking at her.

"I thought you liked bitter things. The coffee you enjoy is one the most bitter coffees in the world." Ezra said taking the cup and adding some honey to it. "YES, but I add sugar in it to make it bearable, but that coffee still could not be compared to this." She said pointing to the cup which was again placed in front of her.

"I am not drinking it again." Shaira deadpanned.

Ezra raised one of his eyebrows. "I had made it sweet in front of you right now." Shaira was still reluctant. Ezra took the cup away from the table, and one of the special smiles turned off, making Shaira guilty.

Before he could pour it down the sink, "I will taste it, just add another spoon of honey." Shaira said making a ghost of a smile turn up on another face. Ezra swiftly put another spoon of honey in it and put it in front of her again.

"Why I am feeling like I got tricked right now." Shaira sighed.

"You are terribly mistaken, Shay, you are not." Ezra ruffled her hair making Shaira more annoyed. Shaira's eyes widen as soon as she took another sip. The bitterness which was attacking her taste buds before was now turned into sweet torture which was mellowed by the sweetness of the honey. She didn't know that an ingredient as simple as honey could affect a drink so much.

"I guess, now you like it."  Ezra said sitting on the table.

"Yes, but it is still nowhere near 'Dexton Favorite coffee'." Shaira said.

"It's not my mistake that your taste matches him. When I first made him taste it, he reacted the same way as you did." Ezra said.  Shaira nodded not having anything to say. Guess one more thing added to their common characteristics list.

" It's already six thirty. I need to prepare for the seminar. Oh, Dexton has asked me to tell you to meet him at nine sharp." Ezra said stepping out of the dining.

Shaira hummed feeling calm and content as she was inhaling the aroma of the green tea not even considering what Ezra just said.


Shaira was pacing around in her room. Staring at the wall clock, it was 8:51 am which meant only 9 mins after she had to confront Dexton. With the past meetings with him, Shaira knew that Dexton was especially gentle towards her which she was clearly not complaining but being given cold shoulder for 17 years of life by them, she did not know when they would flip out. That's why she still got nervous when they ask her to do something. When the hour stuck at 9, Shaira bolted from her door to the dining table.

When she reached Dexton was sitting on the table drinking her favorite coffee.

"You are late."

"For what? maybe a minute." Shaira huffed internally.

"You are still considered as late if you are just a minute late." 

Shaira's eyes widen. She was sure as hell that she did not say that out aloud. Does Dexton really have mind-reading powers? 

"No, you do not say that aloud, but your words are written all over your face." Dexton said after cleaning up his face which was already flawless with his linen napkin.

"So why did you call me?" Shaira asked coming straight to the point. "At least he does not read minds. What would I have done if he came to know all the time, I wished to God that at least one time, He fall flat in front of his colleagues when he gives one of his daily office entries." Shaira thought and sighed internally.

"Alkov will take you to the therapist." Her amusing chain of thoughts was broken by Dexton ice cold words. With so many efforts, she had abandoned thinking about what happened last night, and She will not admit it but talking to Ezra does give her strength to stand up right back. 

"I am okay, Dexton. It was just a moment. I don't need a therapist." Shaira said. Her emotionless and guarded look was back on. She was hurt.

"Ok then, get me a clear note from the said therapist that you don't need him, and I will let you go." Dexton said. "You know that it's impossible" Shaira countered.

"Nothing is impossible, Shaira. If- you have the will to do it. Alkov will take you to the hospital." Dexton said standing up from his chair and buttoning up his expensive coat.

"Wait, Can I go alone and if not alone- Maybe Ezra?" Shaira asked because, for her, everything was better than being with Alkov. Dexton raised one of his eyebrows.

"Ezra is busy today. So, you will go with Alkov." Dexton said as he went out of the dining table. Shaira could not say anything, but She knew one thing for sure.

This visit would be a nightmare.


I hoped you enjoy this chapter guys and as you may have already seen the new Cover for the book. My little sister made this, and I AM OBSESSED (The actual picture was not her, of course.) Drop the cute pig emoticon if you love that too.

I just love that personality collage thingy about characters which I have seen in many stories. Just let me know in comment section, if you think I should make it or not and what that think actually is?

I really love all of you guys who gave their precious time reading the story and that why we are on #1 for neglect.

 I want to mention my three readers  izzah4972613 cupcake2720 AayushiAhiwar10D. Thank you so much guys, your comments were my strength throughout the 10 chapters so far. 

Also  Diana_Knight - I see you girl. You have always been there, From the beginning, silently supporting me, not only on this book but also on another book as well. Next time please leave a comment too so we could know each other better.

Thats all for today. See you next time. 

and oh, I forgot, please tell me how you like the chapter and if you like it, COMMENT SHARE, AND VOTE. 


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