10: pity party

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"did you turn in that application?" hyunjin asked, looking at jisung.
"yeah, i did." jisung replied, not looking up from his phone.
"what's your deal?" hyunjin asked.
"i just don't think it's fair that we all have to clean our acts up and get jobs while seungmin sleeps on his ass all day." jisung huffed.
"jisung, you do realize seungmin is the only one of us with a job, right? like, he actually goes to work. he's had that same job for three years now. he's taking his months vacation to help us and fix himself." chan said.
"fix himself?"
"ji, we sent minho to rehab. seungmin has had two panic attacks since then, and he's still trying to process the overdose and the breakdown he had." hyunjin explained.
"is he even alive in there?" felix asked.
"what do you mean?" hyunjin asked, looking at his boyfriend.
"he hasn't left that room since we took minho to rehab." changbin said.
"i'll go check on him." chan said, standing up and walking to seungmins room.
when he walked in, the room was dark.
chan turned on a flashlight, to its low setting, before walking over to the bed where seungmin laid, one of minhos t-shirts in hand.
"he's not dead you know." chan smiled, wiping the tears off seungmins cheek.
"he might not be.. but i feel like i am. i feel.. drained." seungmin whispered.
"did you hear what jisung said?" chan asked, earning a nod from the younger.
"i heard all of it." he said.
chan just sighed in response.
"he's got a point.. i've been doing nothing but sit on my lazy ass while you all do the work i screamed at you to do." seungmin said, tearing up.
"hey, it's okay. we all have days."
"i'm s-so sorry for yelling at you."
seungmin let out a choked sob ad. han picked him up, and pulled him close.
"don't be sorry it's okay baby i promise." chan comforted.
"it's not okay, channie..." seungmin sobbed into chans shoulder.
seungmin hadn't called chan that nickname in years.
it shocked chan a little, to say the least.
"you're okay, minnie. i promise. it's okay."
chan say there for a while, rubbing the youngers back as he sobbed.
"felix and hyunjin are gonna go look for houses today, why don't i take you somewhere nice?" chan suggested.
"what about innie? he's gonna be sad without channie.." seungmin whined.
"he's gonna go see hyunjae."
"and hannie and binnie?"
"they're staying here to work out the problems they had a few days ago. why don't you take a nice shower, and get ready to go?" chan smiled, letting go of the younger as he nodded.
seungmin got up and walked to the bathroom doing as told, leaving chan sitting on the bed, folding minhos clothes.

"i don't wanna move." seungmin said quietly.
he'd gotten his shoes on, ready to go out with chan.
"why not?" chan asked.
"there are so many memories here. my first kiss with minho was literally in the kitchen cause he wanted to be cheesy and dance in the light of the fridge." seungmin smiled.
chan just sighed and put a hand on seungmins shoulder.
"but there are also bad memories. your worst experience was in the laundry room, so bad you can't even step foot in there. your first panic attack was here. you'd hide down in the basement all the time cause of police. we can make better memories once we get a new place. a better life." chan said.
"you're right. i'll miss the coziness but, i know i'll love the new house even more." seungmin said, hugging chan.
"now cmon. we have some fish to see."

seungmin was beyond confused.
the whole ride to their destination, he wondered what chan meant.
were they going fishing or something? usually that was minho's thing.
seungmin just shrugged it off as they continued their ride.
he loved riding on the back of chans motorcycle.
the wind blowing in his ears was calming.
seungmin stayed like that, his eyes closed, head pressed against chans back, until the bike came to a stop.
"an aquarium?!" seungmin shouted excitedly, taking the helmet off.
"yep! there's tons of cool colored fish here. and i know you love your colors." chan said.
"hell yeah i do!!"
the two went inside, purchasing their tickets and walking around.
seungmin was ecstatic.
there were so many colorful fish, and even some other aquatic animals.
chan had to physically drag him away from the place because seungmin was so zoned out watching the fish swim around.
"cmon, kid. we have to eat." chan laughed.
"you'll see."

another bike ride later, seungmin even more confused.
chan forced him to keep his eyes closed the entire time.
after about thirty minutes, seungmin was allowed to open his eyes.
and when he did he was beyond happy.
even happier than he was seeing the fish.
seungjin ran quickly, hugging the older.
"hi honey." minho smiled, kissing the youngers cheek.
"whyre we here?" seungmin asked.
"to see me duh!" minho laughed.
"he made dinner for you." chan smiled.
seungmin happily hugged the both of them in a group hug.
minho had heard how down seungmin had been the past few days and he thought it'd be a great idea to make dinner for him.
as they sat down, seungmin talked minhos head off about the last few days.
even if it wasn't much, seungmin somehow figured out a way to talk for over an hour.
he even told minho about the aquarium.
"that's amazing angel. i'm glad you had fun."
"me too. but i'm even more glad i got to see you."

very short chapter but i have a whole idea for the next chapter and this was just too valuable to delete.

save me a spark - stray kids Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora