Chapter 25 - Toichi Magic Show

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Rin inquired, "why did you ask me to come here?" while taking a seat in the comfortable chair.

Toichi replied with a polite tone, "Ah, as we discussed, you're headed to America next month, right?"

Rin responded with nonchalance, displaying no manners at all. "Yeah, so what about it?"

"Toichi extended an invitation to Rin, saying, "I'd like to invite you to my upcoming magic show."

Rin's eyes widened as she asked incredulously, "You're inviting me?"

In response, Toichi smiled and replied, "Of course, after all, you're my student."

Rin couldn't help but smile slightly upon hearing his words.

"Alright, I'm looking forward to seeing your magic show then," she replied with anticipation.

Rin muttered under her breath, already knowing what would happen at the magic show. She had been preparing for this moment to prevent Toichi's death for quite some time. She had devised a plan to execute fake death.

"Haizz..." Rin pondered, unsure if Toichi would truly be alive after this. He was an exceptionally skilled magician with the ability to perform fake deaths, but Rin couldn't help but wonder if her arrival in this world had complicated things. The story had become more intricate, and she believed she bore the responsibility for it.

/// MAGIC SHOW ///

"Rin you're here!! " Kaito, with his messy hair, excitedly shouted as he approached Rin.

Rin couldn't help but notice the girl beside Kaito and immediately commented, "Oh, I didn't know you had such a cute girlfriend!"

Kaito's reaction was one of surprise, his eyes widening, and he exclaimed, "What?! No, no, no! She's not my girlfriend!"

This exchange brought a smile to Rin's face as she chuckled at Kaito's funny expression.

"I'm just kidding around." Rin explained with a smile.

The little girl shyly introduced herself, saying, "Ah, hello, I'm Aoko Nakamori."

As Rin saw her, she couldn't help but think, 'Wow, she looks a lot like Ran...'

Responding cheerfully, Rin said, "Nice to meet you, Aoko. Let's head inside, shall we?"

Aoko nodded in agreement, "Ah, yes, let's go!"

"Kaito remarked while eyeing Rin, "You look more like my father's daughter than I do."

Rin retorted with a huff, "Tsk... But I am envious of how you managed to find such a cute girl."

Kaito sighed and explained, "I simply met her at the clock tower."

Rin pondered, "The clock tower, huh?"

"If you're looking for unexpected encounters with boys, that's the place to be." Kaito added made Rin Confused

Rin exclaimed, "Why have you been acting so aloof lately?"

Kaito rolled his eyes in annoyance and averted Rin's gaze, replying with a dismissive "Tsk."

"Ehh??? What's up with you?" Rin asked, puzzled by his behavior.


In this scenario, Aoko sat beside Kaito, and Rin occupied the seat behind them. As Rin rolled her eyes, she observed Toichi preparing his magic tools.

"Here we go..." Rin muttered quietly to herself, bracing for the performance that was about to unfold.

As the magic show commenced, an explosion ignited the room, and chaos ensued. People panicked as flames spread rapidly.

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