Small moments were always the kind that became cherished memories, but she had a feeling the moments they were currently living weren't destined for an untarnished fate.

They strolled along the cobbled pathway between the dormant gardens and snow-dusted shrubs awhile. Alori commented on particular plants she wanted to show Taelan when the weather turned, then her chest began to ache because she didn't know if he would be with her come spring. But she knew how to find out.

In a quiet corner where they wouldn't be spied on from the high palace windows, she drew a line, digging her heels into the hard-packed ground. She disentangled their fingers after leaving some of her heat with him.

"Taelan, I have to tell you something."

He stared at his empty red palm before stuffing his fist into his pocket.

"It will be easier if I say it all at once, so, please, let me finish before you say anything."

He nodded, his expression hardening into a look that made her suspect he knew. It was possible she'd mumbled in her fevered sleep, incriminating things, just like Yuka. Or maybe Reeve had confided in Taelan about the lust curse while she'd been with Yuka and the mendmasters this morning.

She glanced up to where day merged with night. The few thick clouds drifting in the sky were a dusky orange color, with dark shadows carved into their bellies. They looked as moody as Alori felt, but they offered no advice. Lately her problems were beyond the heavens' ability to fix. 

She took a measured breath, wringing her hands inside her cloak.

"This morning the menders confirmed that Dantalion set a curse on Yuka. A lust curse, and the only way it could be broken was by..." She shook her head, unable to form the sick, damning words. "I'm sorry, Taelan. We didn't remember anyone, it was like being stuck in a fog. We were drinking, and things got out of hand. Yuka said the curse would have killed us after it broke, but we survived because of my magic."

Taelan waited until he was certain she was done talking, as he'd promised. The chilled air felt charged with the weight of her confession.

"Does Yuka remember?"

"Yes," she said miserably. "I spoke to him earlier. He wanted to tell the menders that he coerced me, but that wouldn't be right. I need to take responsibility for my actions, whether or not they were influenced by a curse. The menders are bound by a confidentiality agreement. No one will know about this outside the infirmary except you, Reeve, Yuka, and myself."

"I see."

Was that all he had to say?

"I really am so sorry." Hot tears blurred her vision. "I wish it hadn't happened. I wish I didn't remember."

He looked up at her, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Did you enjoy being with him?"

It was the same thing he'd asked her about Thelix.

Did it really matter if she'd enjoyed it? Nothing she said would change the fact that she'd been intimidate with his friend. And this time she'd been willing, even if her eagerness had been the result of a curse.

"At the time, during the dream– or vision, I'm not sure what to call it– I did." Her guilt was so thick, she might have choked on it. "But when I woke up in your arms in the coach, I felt terrible."

The color drained from his cheeks. He looked haunted, like a beautiful, tragic specter.

"Do you prefer Yuka, then?"

"What? No, of course not! Seeing your face when I woke up, and knowing I'd hurt you again, I couldn't stand it. All I seem to do is hurt you, Taelan."

"It hurts," he agreed, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. The same hand fell limply back down to his side afterward. "Yuka is one of my best friends. I don't know how I'll be able to look at him, knowing he's been with you. Right after we were about to..."

The Princess and the Bard (Royals of the Realms #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें