Chapter 10

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Warning: See the bottom of the page.


She had spent the entire weekend locked up in her room, Tom by her side. He had gotten her to drink tea and eat a few toasts, but nothing more. How he had gotten the food to her room was a question itself, but she was far too tired to mull it over.

It was Monday, and she was supposed to be at her Herbology class by now, but Ginny couldn't seem to get herself to move even a metre.

She had convinced herself to try to get to the hospital wing, and so she was trying to harvest whatever small power she had left to do this. But as soon as she moved even a centimetre from Tom, she felt the dreaded cold caress her body, as if waiting for her to be alone. She just couldn't be too far away from him. Somehow it had gotten worse during the weekend, something that her brain just couldn't comprehend. She had been resting for Godric's sake! Well... mostly that is. They had been together in her bed for the entirety of the weekend. In between sleep and food, he'd make her cold body come alive with his own. She had never experienced anything like it.

Ginny did not have much experience, but she could bet all the money in her family's bank account (that is to say not a lot) that Tom was an exquisite lover. She was glad he was the one who took her virginity, considering how gentle he had been at first. The other two times had been all but gentle, and she had found that she enjoyed it rougher. Or perhaps she just enjoyed Tom in any way he'd give himself to her.

Ginny felt him stir next to her, a sign Tom was beginning to wake up. She didn't quite remember when he had started to sleep with her, having a vague memory of when he was still stuck in the mirror and did not need to sleep. Somewhere along the way he developed the need for sleep and food. Deep down she knew she ought to think it was odd, but it was only happiness in her whenever her tired brain started thinking about these circumstances. Happiness, because Tom was becoming corporal and thus someone she could have with her for a long, long time. Perhaps even her whole life.

"You're up already, darling?" came Tom's voice, filled with sleep.

"I guess so." she mumbled and snuggled closer to his warmth.

"How are you feeling today?"

Tom caressed her hair as he pulled her even nearer to himself. Ginny sighed with content.

"Dreadful. Worse than ever actually. I'm thinking of going to the hospital wing again. I figured those potions might do the trick, if only for a little while..." she muttered into his chest.

She felt him go a little rigid but he soon relaxed again.

"There's no need for that, is there? I can take care of you, Ginerva." he cooed into her ear.

"But I feel awful, Tom. Really, there's something wrong with me. I can feel it in my very bones. I've been neglecting the feeling for far too long, I ought to tell Madam Pomfrey so she can help me get better." Ginny whined and tried to wiggle herself free from his arms.

"I'll take care of you. You know there's no one better than me, they don't understand you. Can't you see that it's me you need? You always say you feel better and warmer with me around." Tom argued, somewhat condescending.

Ginny went still as she felt the small amount of energy she had leave her small body.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Of course you're right." she mumbled.

"I'm always right, darling. It's not your fault, you're not thinking straight." he mumbled as he kissed her temple. "I'll take care of you, right until the end."

Through the mirrorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin