Chapter 1

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She had found the book inside one of her second hand textbooks the day before her sixth year. It was nothing exciting about the book really; being a dull color of black and inbound leather. But reading the back and discovering it was a diary intrigued her. She thought she could make out some words at the far bottom, but couldn't quite read them. Caressing the words with her thumb, she was certain it once had said something. Maybe even indicating who the diary had once belonged to. Ginny was tremendously disappointed to find out the book as in fact, empty.

Huffing in dismay she sat down on her small bed in her even smaller room at the Burrow. Harry, Ron and Hermione were locked up in Ron's room, gossiping about god knows what. They never let her in on their secrets anyways. Fred and George were off somewhere perfecting more inventions for their joke shop. Her dad was at the ministry working, and her mum had gone to visit a friend. It was only her and the diary in front of her.

Glancing down at the quaint book in her hand, she flipped through the pages. Not one had even a smudge of ink on them. Sighing, she put it down in front of her on the bed and watched it. Why would someone get a diary, and not write in it? It just didn't make any sense. If she had a diary, she'd most definitely would be writing in it.

As if her thoughts spiked her actions, she suddenly felt a strong need to write in the book. Surely it wouldn't be any fault in at least trying it out. She eased her thoughts by thinking it must have been because she had never before had a diary.

Ginny put a long strand of her ginger hair behind her ear and opened the first page of the book, biting her lip. Whatever did one even write in their diary?

She decided to register the date and carefully wrote, in her finest penmanship:

31 august, 1997

To her surprise, her green ink disappeared into the page. Frowning, she turned a couple of pages, finding no evidence that she had even written anything in the book. That could indicate that someone had actually written in the book before her, but she simply couldn't see it.

Ginny bit her lip. It was some odd magic in front of her, if anything. Once more, she picked up her quill, dipped it into her ink and wrote.

It is the day before my 6th year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

This time, the words lingered a bit longer before sinking into the page and disappearing completely. She touched the page, and flicked them over again, but once more she found no evidence that she had written in the book.

A small smile tugged in the corner of her mouth. A magically charmed diary that made it impossible for anyone else to see what she had been writing? It was simply perfect. Having had a rough couple of years at Hogwarts, mostly because she didn't quite feel like she could confide in anyone, and then being able to write her thoughts and emotions in a book no one could read would actually make her year better than she could have ever imagined. She didn't want anyone to know about her feelings for Harry, having been teased tremendously about it in her younger days. And considering how nosy her roommates were at Hogwarts, a diary solely for her eyes would be immaculate for her.

In the back of her head, she knew this was dangerous. Her father had always warned them about charmed objects, and this was most certainly one. There was no doubt about that. But a book that simply lets no one see the words? What harm could it do, really. She'd just use it to write her thoughts in, surely it wouldn't get her into some kind of danger.

Ginny flicked her quill a little, pondering on what she should write in the diary, before dipping the quill in ink once more.

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