Chapter 6

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"I... wow. I can't believe it." she breathed and took a step closer to the mirror.

"It's better than I ever imagined it." he smiled and then swiftly corrected himself, "You're better than I ever imagined."

Ginny felt her cheeks grow hot from the praise and to her delight she noticed Tom enjoyed seeing it. His smile grew even wider as she took another step in his direction, her hand slowly rising as if to touch him. The disappointment shot through her body upon realising it was glass between them, her brain scolding her for believing for a second that she would actually be able to touch him. The spell hadn't intended to make him corporal, had it? Ginny's smile faltered as she let her arm fall down again.

"Now I understand why Malfoy is following you everywhere. You're simply exquisite, my darling." he said with a silky-smooth voice as he looked her up and down.

"Oh, hush. You're one to talk." Ginny responded as soon as she found her voice again.

She could feel her face turning the same colour as her hair. Not knowing what to do with herself, she simply sat down in front of the mirror. Tom held her gaze the entire time, slowly sinking down to the floor cross-legged as well after a few seconds. 

They simply sat there, gazing into each other's eyes. Slowly taking in each and every detail of each other. He was something out of this world, with that strong jaw and cheekbones, those lush curls and those eyes... Mysterious, she thought was the right word for them. She couldn't quite detect his emotions in them, but yet they were as alluring as she imagined Amortentia could be. He had eyes she could get lost in, forever swim in, if only he'd let her. She couldn't help comparing his dark orbs with Harry's green ones. It was safe to say Tom's were the most captivating ones.

"So..." she mumbled, looking away from his intense stare when a few full minutes had passed.

"So..." he smiled.

Ginny could practically hear the humour in his voice, which made her blush even more. She was certain that she now was identical to a tomato. She took a deep breath before again meeting his gaze, hoping it would ease the blush on her face somewhat, only to stare into his eyes for a good ten seconds without saying anything. He was simply dashing, wasn't he? He even had dimples when he smiled! He must've been with plenty of girls, looking like that. She certainly wanted to jump his bones, and she couldn't have been the only one, could she?

"I'm glad you find me attractive, Ginerva." he smiled.

Ginny shook her head clear of her inappropriate thoughts. Had he known what she was thinking? Oh, god. She hoped he couldn't read minds or anything like that. She glanced up at him, and he was smiling at her knowingly. No. Of course he couldn't read her mind. She hadn't exactly been subtly gawking at him, had she?

"Oh, er. Yes. You're certainly attractive, that's for sure." she said awkwardly while caressing her arm in a soothing manner.

Tom laughed merrily.

"Somehow, it means especially more coming from you, Ginerva. Thank you"

Ginny shrugged, mentally wincing upon hearing her full name on his lips. It just sounded so... proper. If Tom took any notice of her discomfort, he did not say.

"I was right in believing you were beautiful. How could you not be with your personality?" he instead continued while leaning his head on his hand.

"Thank you, Tom. It really means a lot coming from you, too." Ginny smiled.

She thought her blush must be permanently etched on her face by now. Whatever he said, she felt her cheeks heatend. It was ridiculous. His words got her warm and fuzzy inside. She didn't react that way to anyone else's words. Perhaps Harry's, but that was a long time ago. At least a month. At least since she started talking to Tom...

Through the mirrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora