"Don't worry. This is my first pregnancy, so the process will take much longer." As I talk to him, another contraction makes me dig my nail into his biceps.

I try not to scream as I have to reserve my energy, but the pain is too much to bear silently. Jungkook reminds me to breathe as we practice in class; he guides me skillfully.

Breathing helps me to cope with the pain. Slowly, the pain vanishes before I usually breathe. Jungkook stares down my face.

"I need to go out. We have to get out of here. I will come back." Jungkook wipes the rain from my forehead.

"No. I will go with you." I held on to Jungkook's hand. I won't let him go alone, and I'm also scared that I will give birth alone here.

"You can't even walk, babe. You need to rest. I promise I will come back with help." He kisses my forehead to seal the deal.

"Not going to happen. I will go if you go." I aggressively shut his idea by trying to stand up.

Right now, I don't even know why I'm crying. Either I fear being left, or I'm in pain. My vagina muscle stretches out, making me stumble.

"Enough Y/N. I will go nowhere. Calm down." Jungkook surrendered. He put me between his legs, resting my head on his chest.

His heartbeat is music to my ears. Unconsciously, I follow his breathing pattern.

"Koo," Jungkook responded to my call while his hand caressed my head, "I'm scared; what if we didn't survive this birth? This baby shouldn't be born yet." I rub my ached belly.

"Shuu. Don't say that. You and our son are going to be okay. Be strong for baby and me." Jungkook places his hand over mine.

The pain came back like a wave. It started mild before it became intense. Travel down from upper to lower belly.

"Here comes another cramp." I am straining until my voice can't come out correctly. I bang my head against Jungkook's chest because the pain is unbearable.

"Breathe, mama. I know it's hurt, but you can do it." Jungkook whispers in my ear. He also rubbed my lower abdomen.

The pain is gone, along with my energy. My eyelid feels heavy to stay open.

"I'm so sleepy," I said after the contraction was gone.

"Yeah. Just close your eyes. I will wake you up when the sun is up." Jungkook kisses my forehead before wrapping his arms around my body.


I wouldn't say I like hearing Y/N whimper in her sleep. There was so much pain for her to endure until the baby came out. How will she stand it if most of the mothers get an injection of painkillers during childbirth?

This is my fault; if I didn't get involved with Jennie, all of this wouldn't be happening. My baby and wife won't suffer like this.

I need help because Y/N can give birth anytime now; we need help as it is not clean for childbirth here. Anything can happen to my baby, as he is still premature.

Walking inside the dark woods without light made me hard to see, so I waited until sunrise. Y/N is still asleep when I leave her in the hut.

She can barely shut her eyes all night as the contraction comes and goes. She made me promise not to leave her alone, but I had no other choice.

Luckily, the woods were not so dense; it was easy for me to spot my wrecked car. I prayed hard along the way to let my cell phone work.

People will not believe we are still alive if they see the car. The car nearly split into two, divided by the tree. The door on the driver's side is already gone; fly over during the crash.

There are glasses everywhere, mainly on the car's floor. I carefully sneak my hand under the seat, but it's not there.

I look over the back seat but only the glasses from the rear window. Maybe I needed to search under the seat, moving an inch of my body out before I heard a familiar sound.

That is the Y/N's ringtone. Running to the opposite seat, I followed the sound before I found her phone under the carpet.

Half of the screen is broken and blurred, but I can still press the green icon. Bring the phone near my ear.

"Hello, Y/N. Did Jungkook with you?" Leon's voice asked. "I haven’t been able to reach him since yesterday," he added.

"Leon, it's me, Jungkook," I answered.

"Jungkook? Thank God you are safe. Why didn’t you answer my call?" He sounded relieved.

"My phone is missing, and I'm not safe right now. They chased us last night and crashed my car down the wood." I didn't give time for Leon to ask, as I was afraid there was no time.

"They? Who are they? Where are you right now?" Leon desperately asked.

"Jennie, she sent someone to kill both of us." I can hear Leon cursing on the opposite line. "And now, I don't know where we were. Can you track this phone location?"

I hope the signal is strong enough for them to track it. I can't go any further ahead as I need to go back to Y/N shortly.

"I will try my best. Are both of you okay?"

"I'm okay, just a scratch on my head, but Y/N—," I stop in the middle when I sense something is moving inside the wood.

"What happened to her? Is she okay? How the baby?" Leon pushed the questions because of my silence. I was squinting my eyes to get a better look through the wood, but nothing was there.

"She is in labor now. I need to go back to her. Can you also send a medic here? I'm afraid something will happen—"

A hard blow landed on my head, instantly making my sight go black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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