Chapter 8 (Three Chances)

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The bite marks turn purplish today. The sting sensation lingering over it when I stretch the muscle there. Did I marry a woman or some kind of crazy dog? How can she bite me?

     Apply the ointment over the mark; that she gives me after that incident. The wound burning when the ointment does its work and became harsh when her stupid smile yesterday appear in my mind.


     The door opened. Jimin appears; Leon follows from behind. Pull up my shirt quickly to cover the wound.

    "What you hide?" Jimin yelled. His hand was busy undressing me, but I block. "Let me see the result of your first night." He whined. There's nothing to show.

   "Stop it." tried to calm my nerves. "There is nothing happened yesterday." I informed. Done the button from below.

     Leon chuckles, inviting my attention to him. "Sorry," he tried to hold his laugh. "If nothing happens, what's on your chest?"

     "Chest?" Jimin asked. "Let me see," He tears my shirt but I hold it with my life. I ask Leon for help and he approaches us, but he grabs my hand and lets Jimin pull down the shirt hanging low on my elbow. "Damn. That's a big mark,"

     "Is that what I think?" Leon asked. He looks at the mirror reflection. Jimin bends forward and examines the wound.

    "She bite you!" Jimin was shocked. Leon stares at me from the mirror. Stare that I can't interpret.

    "Did you go rough with her?" Leon investigated. "Until she has to bite you like this?" He accuses me of something that I don't do.

     "I bet she likes it. That's why she bites," Jimin added.

    "Enough, both of you," I pulled up my shirt and done the button again. "We didn't do it last night. She attacks me when I try to get close to her," I hissed when the material touched the wound. "I think she somehow can sense my intention,"

  "And why do you do that?" Leon questioned my decision.

   "I need an heir. In order to get her pregnant, I have to do it," I explained, but I'm sure Leon knows it too.

    "That's not what I mean," he sighed. "Why did you change the method? You will have a high chance with IUI,"

     "I want some fun while working," Jimin howled beside me. "Nothing wrong, right? She my wife," I added.

     "Okay. But why limit it to three times? You cannot expect her to get pregnant after that," Leon argued.

     "Three times is enough. Get pregnant or get lost," I ended the discussion. 


Our discussion lasted for about one hour, but Leon the one does the talking part while I stuff my face with lunch. But my appetite spoiled when he told me about Jungkook's plan. 

     "Three times?" Jihyo clarified. She replaces Leon's place in that seat after Leon leaves me speechless in the cafe. "If you not get pregnant, then how?" she added. 

     "I have to pay back everything," I stab the innocent chicken on my plate. "Did he think I' m a cat? Easily get pregnant," Stuff the chicken and munch on the bone. Feel easy this time. "Or some fertile soil that can grow anything on it after get the seed," 

     Jihyo holds my hand to prevent me from continuing to abuse the chicken. "Hey. Relax. You have a good record of being a fertile woman," She complimented me because I got pregnant after one time of IUI.

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