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"Are you ready for this?" Jungkook asks as Taylor pulls up outside the impressive front door. I nod, and he gives my hand another reassuring squeeze.

"First for me too," he whispers, then smiles wickedly. "Bet you wish you were wearing your underwear right now," he teases.

I flush. I'd forgotten my missing panties. Fortunately, Taylor has climbed out of the car and is opening my door so he can't hear our exchange. I scowl at Jungkook who grins broadly as I turn and climb out of the car.

Dr. Scarllet Trevelyan-Jeon is on the doorstep waiting for us. She looks elegantly sophisticated in a pale blue silk dress; behind her stands Mr. Jeon, I presume, tall, blond, and as handsome in his own way as Jungkook.

"Lalisa, you've met my mother, Scarllet. This is my dad, Chris."

"Mr. Jeon, what a pleasure to meet you." I smile and shake his outstretched hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lalisa."

"Please call me, Lisa."

His blue eyes are soft and gentle.

"Lisa, how lovely to see you again." Scarllet wraps me in a warm hug. "Come in, my dear."

"Is she here?" I hear a screech from within the house. I glance nervously at Jungkook.

"That would be Somi, my little sister," he says almost irritably, but not quite.

There's an undercurrent of affection in his words, the way his voice grows softer and his eyes crinkle as he mentions her name. Jungkook obviously adores her. It's a revelation.

And she comes barreling down the hall, raven haired, tall, and curvaceous. She's about my age.

"Lalisa! I've heard so much about you." She hugs me hard.

Holy Cow. I can't help but smile at her boundless enthusiasm.

"Lisa, please," I murmur as she drags me into the large vestibule. It's all dark wood floors and antique rugs with a sweeping staircase to the second floor.

"He's never brought a girl home before," says Somi, dark eyes bright with excitement.

I glimpse Jungkook rolling his eyes, and I raise an eyebrow at him. He narrows his eyes at me.

"Somi, calm down," Scarllet admonishes softly. "Hello, darling," she says as she kisses Jungkook on both cheeks. He smiles down at her warmly, and then shakes hands with his father.

We all turn and head into the living room. Somi has not let go of my hand. The room is spacious, tastefully furnished in creams, browns, and pale blue, comfortable, understated, and very stylish. Rose and Jimin are cuddled together on a couch, clutching champagne flutes. Rose bounces up to embrace me, and Somi finally releases my hand.

"Hi, Lisa!" She beams. "Jungkook." She nods curtly to him.

"Rose." He is equally formal with her.

I frown at their exchange. Jimin grasps me in an all-embracing hug. What is this, hug Lisa week! This dazzling display of affection - I'm just not used to it. Jungkook stands at my side, wrapping his arm around me. Placing his hand on my hip, he spreads out his fingers and pulls me close. Everyone is staring at us. It's unnerving.

"Drinks?" Mr. Jeon seems to recover himself. "Prosecco?"

"Please," Jungkook and I speak in unison.

Oh... this is beyond weird. Somi claps her hands.

"You're even saying the same things. I'll get them." She scoots out of the room.

I flush scarlet, and seeing Rose sitting with Jimin, it occurs to me suddenly that the only reason Jungkook invited me is because Rose is here. Jimin probably freely and happily asked Rose to meet his parents. Jungkook was trapped - knowing that I would have found out via Rose. I frown at the thought. He's been forced into the invitation. The realization is bleak and depressing. My subconscious nods sagely, a you've-finally-worked-it-out-stupid look on her face.

"Dinner's almost ready," Scarllet says as she follows Somi out of the room.

Jungkook frowns as he gazes at me.

"Sit," he commands, pointing to the plush couch, and I do as I'm told, carefully crossing my legs. He sits down beside me but doesn't touch me.

"We were just talking about vacations, Lisa," Mr. Jeon says kindly. "Jimin has decided to follow Rose and her family to Barbados for a week."

I glance at Rose, and she grins, her eyes bright and wide. She's delighted. Rosenna Kavanagh, show some dignity!

"Are you taking a break now you've finished your degree?" Mr. Jeon asks.

"I'm thinking about going to Georgia for a few days," I reply.

Jungkook gapes at me, blinking a couple of times, his expression unreadable. Oh shit.

I haven't mentioned this to him.

"Georgia?" he murmurs.

"My mother lives there, and I haven't seen her for a while."

"When were you thinking of going?" His voice is low.

"Tomorrow, late evening."

Somi saunters back into the living room and hands us champagne flutes filled with pale pink Prosecco.

"Your good health!" Mr. Jeon raises his glass. An appropriate toast from a doctor's husband, it makes me smile.

"For how long?" Christian asks, his voice deceptively soft.

Holy crap... he's angry.

"I don't know yet. It will depend how my interviews go tomorrow."

His jaw clenches, and Rose gets that interfering look on her face. She smiles over-sweetly.

"Lisa deserves a break," she says pointedly at Jungkook. Why is she so antagonistic towards him! What is her problem?

"You have interviews?" Mr. Jeon asks.

"Yes, for internships at two publishers, tomorrow."

"I wish you the best of luck."

"Dinner is on the table," Scarllet announces.

We all stand. Rose and Jimin follow Mr. Jeon and Somi out of the room. I go to follow, but Jungkook clutches my elbow, bringing me to an abrupt halt.

Thank you for reading😊
Happy reading!!!

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