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Doctor Gero was flying as fast as he can back to base, he had to relive those failures of his if he had any chance to win against them. 

He was flying fast and then he stopped when he saw a person flying. Gero had lost a lot of power using that big move to escape and needed a top-up. This person the fact that he was flying was enough to tell Gero that he had a lot of energy, probably one of the allies of those fighters. 

Trunks had returned from the future to make sure that he could help the z fighters destroy the androids. He had thought not to interfere but when he returned to his future and saw nothing change, he came to the conclusion that what he did in the past didn't change his future. That had been a major blow to him but he had thought back to this past, a past he could save and maybe gain the strength to go and save his future. When he returned to the past, he thought he felt the z fighters fighting the androids.

He had flown towards the energy but then saw multiple big flashes and increased his speed. When trunks arrived he was relieved to see that all of the fighters were alive, that was already better than the future. 

"Oh Trunks, How are you doing?" Krillin had asked as he came down, he doubted that they had not sensed him as he arrived. 

"I'm doing okay, I just came to help with the androids," Vegeta just scoffed at him "you're a little later for that, one of your toasters is already in pieces and the other has fled ... for now." Trunks was shocked he knew the androids were strong, so strong that even master Gohan had never matched them. Did telling them all this really do it, did they really get that powerful for quickly? He turned to look at where there was still some dust and slight craters and could see what looked like mechanic parts. Trunks could hear Vegeta in the background as his eyes focused on a damaged face of an android, but it was them. "It's not them," he said almost in a whisper to himself but everyone heard him.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT THEM?" the Saiyan prince shouted as he landed next to trunks turning off his super Saiyan form. "I'm saying it's not them, they don't look the ones in my time, did Gero make different ones here?" That question stirred up Frieza who had just been paying attention to Gohan and Kuriza, "did you say, Gero?" Trunks was surprised but just nodded as Frieza looked thoughtful for a moment, "the one the outstanding prince of Saiyans let escape was named Gero." That was a bombshell to Trunks, Gero was alive but how, no he couldn't think of that now, "we have to go now he probably went to find the androids, we never found his lab in the future because he died long before."

As Trunks looked over the group, something caught his eye. Trunks could see Gohan playing with what looked like a child, but not a human one, "whose that?" Everyone stared where Trunks was pointing, "oh that's you dummy Krillin said slapping his back when he thought Trunks was pointing at himself. "No, you fool, he means Goku and Frieza's spawn," Vegeta said with a growl. "Spawn? what do you mean spawn?" Trunks asked trying his best not to jump to conclusions because that baby couldn't be what he thought Vegeta meant. "I know you're young, but you can't be that stupid" Vegeta said somewhat annoyed. "Goku? did you ... have ... a baby with Frieza?" Trunks asked with choked words because this was so far removed from his future. 

"Why yes, we did" Frieza answered with a smile on his face so happy to see Vegeta's son so awestruck. "But But But," Gohan kept playing with Kuriza watching the look on Trunk's face that seemed broken, "while regaling you with my tale of how Kuriza came to be would be fun, i suggest we get going the prey is escaping."

"Alright team, you heard him" Goku had said before powering up and hovering "let's find him and make sure he can't get his way." 

That had been a while ago and the whole group had split to search with the stronger members going on their own mostly. It was how now Trunks found himself with arms wrapped around him and the chuckling of Gero's voice in his ear as the android rapidly drained his energy. Trunks immediately started raising his energy to signal to the others but with Gero draining his power rapidly while he kept him in a headlock was causing his ki to be unstable making it difficult to turn into a Super Saiyan. 

Goku immediately felt Trunk's energy fluctuating in the distance, "that boy let his guard down" Vegeta growled as he blasted off towards the location. Trunks tried to pry Gero's arms off but the grip was solid not even allowing him to breathe properly. "LET ME GO!!!" Trunks shouted as he slammed back into Gero who felt the blows but maintained his hold, "and who might you be, another of Goku's spawn, your strength would suggest so or you're one of those Saiyans."

"Well, apologies for the short meeting but I must get going," Gero said as he kicked away Trunks and before the Saiyan could turn to meet his eye, Doctor Gero blasted him in the back sending him crashing into the ground, "Hmm tougher than you look," Gero said before he sped off. It took a few moments before Trunks was able to kick the rubble off himself as the other z fighters arrived. "How could you fall to a machine boy?" Vegeta asked as he hovered over the terrain looking around for Gero. 

"Gee Thanks" Trunks said with a grunt as Krillin came down next to him and handed him a senzu bean. He took it and Trunks felt his energy start to return, "So I'm guessing they got you with that energy-draining thing?" Krillin asked as Trunks just nodded. But the look on the boy from the future's face was hard as he clenched his fist. "How could I let myself be so careless," Trunks felt someone standing in front of him and looked up, it was dad but he didn't even seem remotely amused. "If you're done moping where did he go?" Trunks shook off his anger, he had actually managed to be conscious after being blasted by Gero. He went that way, Trunks said hovering and then blasting off in that direction. The other z fighters quickly followed with Krillin flying faster to catch up with Trunks. 

They were moving with frightening speed and soon rather than later they caught the back of Gero as he was flying in the distance. Gero heard the sounds of the z fighters flying behind him and looked back with a scowl. He knew he had to speed up and directed all the gathered power from Trunks to fly even faster. "OH NO YOU DON'T" Vegeta shouted as he went Super Saiyan and sped up towards the flying android. But as if seeing his moves, Gero dodged and dived towards the ground at a frightening speed. The z fighters followed as they saw Gero duck into a cave, as the z fighters arrived a moment too late as they saw a giant door slam shut.

"DAMN IT" Vegeta shouted as he slammed on the door trying to get inside. "COME OUT COWARD" the Saiyan prince shouted as he stood back and looked at the door with a small grin on his face. "You think this will stop me," Vegeta said as he gathered energy in his palms, "Don't do"Trunks tried to say thinking they may be a trap, but it was too late as the blast sounded blowing up the door. Dust and smoke were everywhere and started to clear slowly, and in the smoke 4 silhouettes stood.

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