The Long Wait Part 3

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3 years had passed and it was now time for the android to make their appearance according to what Trunks had told them. 

Frieza, Goku and Gohan were headed toward the island where Trunks said they would appear, much to Goku's annoyance Frieza had insisted on bringing Kuriza along. Gohan was currently holding his little brother as he sped toward the battlefield, after Goku had seen there was no way to get Frieza to change his mind about Kuriza coming, he had told Gohan that it was his job to protect his brother. The fierce look that he had was enough to say that he was taking that job seriously. 

In the time since a year ago, Gohan with his new duty as big brother pushed even harder with his training. He could now turn super Saiyan but couldn't maintain it as his father could, he hoped that his strength would be enough though. Goku had done his best to master grade 2 in the ensuing 3 years since he got the news from trunks. Frieza had made sure that he took his medicine especially when he started to sense some disruptions in Goku's Ki that anyone else would have missed if you didn't spend so much time with him.

Frieza might have seemed crazy to be wanting to bring his child to a battlefield but he knew one thing for certain, that if shit hit the fan Kuriza would be safest with them. Goku had convinced him to keep his Frieza forces back, they were currently protecting Chi-chi who was staying at the castle under their hardiest defences. Frieza understood the reason why, if these androids were as strong as Trunks had made them out to be then he doubted anyone in his forces could do anything.

They were fast approaching the island and could already sense some of the others waiting. "Do you sense Trunks anywhere?" Goku asked and Frieza did a once of the area, "No can't sense him at all, guess he didn't show up for his own party." Goku just chuckled, "He did his part already by getting us ready, so let's get this done." Frieza nodded at him as they approached the rest of the Z fighters, they landed gracefully. With Frieza immediately walked up to the group inspecting the closely, till his eyes landed on baby trunks held firmly by Bulma. 

"Frieza," Vegeta said with a growl as he approached the former tyrant coming face to face with him. They stood closer in height and that pleased Frieza, he had been annoyed at the size of most Saiyans in the past, which was one of the reasons he always had them on their knees when he visited. "Why yes Vegeta, it is good to see you, little prince," he said mockingly with a smile on his face taking pleasure with how he could see the visible annoyance on Vegeta. "You best remember what will happen after all this is done, to you and kakarot." 

Frieza did remember, Vegeta had somewhat declared that he would kill Goku when the time came and now Frieza found himself on that list, well he could already guess he was on it from the beginning. "When you take your shot you best not miss," Frieza said with his own glare at Vegeta. The atmosphere between the two was electric and the other z fighters didn't want to get involved. Goku however was busy catching up with the others on what had happened during their time away from each other.

"EASE UP YOU TWO, YOU'RE RUINING THE REUNION!!!" Bulma shouted as she got between the two before anything could happen. She doubted Vegeta would attack her ... too badly with the others there but Frieza was an unknown. But she wasn't going to let them fall out as the real enemy was coming sooner or later. "You should count yourself lucky Vegeta," Frieza said with a smile, "had I not been constrained too much to train, then my powers would have eclipsed your meagre one ... but even with what I have ... it should be more than sufficient."

"Simple excuses because you lack the drive for anything Frieza" Vegeta retaliated ignoring the incapacitated line but Bulma had caught on. "What could put you out of commission Frieza?" she asked genuinely curious because from what she knew, he was basically unstoppable before Goku could come she doubted anything would stop him. Frieza's smirk only grew wider as his eyes darted to Trunks in Bulma's arms who was looking and pointing at him Curiously. "Had my own little one during our absence," that seemed to stop all the talking among the z fighters as all of the group went silent." It's then that Gohan who had been standing awkwardly talking to Piccolo felt eyes on his back. 

Everyone was silent till they heard a giggle they could only guess came from a baby, Gohan let out a sigh as he turned to face the music. Gohan could hear his brother giggling to try and get his attention and he looked down tickling the baby playfully before he turned to face the others. Frieza walked next to him as he wrapped an arm around Gohan's shoulder looking down at the wrapped bundle in his arms with a smile. "Time to take the stage Kuriza," Frieza said with a smile as some of the z fighters turned to Piccolo who didn't seem to be all that surprised, which meant he already knew this.

Vegeta couldn't believe this, "Frieza, that hellspawn now had a child, but with ... with who?" he asked himself but the answer was already clear before he even laid his eyes on Kakarot. "KAKAROT, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? IS WHAT FRIEZA SAYING TRUE?" Vegeta could see the way Kakarot was rubbing the back of his head nervously with that stupid smile on his face, that It was true. Bulma, however, was more excited to be seeing an alien baby more than anything, as she approached Gohan and Frieza taking a look at the baby in his arms. 

"Guess that means you're a big brother now Gohan," she asked cheerily completely ignoring Vegeta's internal struggle. "Yea it's so cool," Gohan says with a smile on his face, "guess Trunks will have a little friend to hang out with."

"LIKE HELL HE WILL!!!" Vegeta shouted annoying Bulma, "Why do you care of the sudden, you've been ignoring the two of us for months." The two continued shouting at each other, with Bulma handing Trunks to Krillin who held the baby nervously. The rest of the fighters approached Gohan wearily only stopping for a moment to make eye contact with Frieza as if to ask for permission. When he didn't say anything to object they made their final approach as they looked over at the baby.

The baby was a stark difference from Frieza, it more resembled his first form from what Krillin could remember. But what really threw them off was the baby happily giggling in Gohan's grasp and staring at them with wide-eyed fascination. "Wow so cute" "are you sure this is Frieza's baby?" Yamcha asked before he received a tail smack to the back of his head.

The others didn't seem too bothered as they kept looking at the baby.

They were all busy chatting happily before Goku felt a lot Ki disappear suddenly, he stopped and focused then he felt more fading. He quickly glanced at Frieza who seemed to have noticed it too. "We should have thought of that, they're machines so we can't sense their Ki?" Goku said catching everyone's attention. "I think they're already attacking people felt a lot of people disappear suddenly, lets go." He said before blasting off and it only took a moment for the others to follow.

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