Black Pearls

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Frieza and Goku had been staying on planet Yardat for a while and had settled into somewhat of a routine. Frieza had tried training for the first few days but eventually grew bored and tired of it and now mostly just sat in the Arena as Goku trained and he watched. The Yardats had become more welcoming even to Frieza, whom they had seemed wary of even though sometimes they still flinched when he tried to scare them for a laugh much to the nagging of Goku. 

"Hey, Frieza I am going to finally ask them if they can train me," Goku said bringing him out of his musing. " The frost demon had been unfortunate to be the only one subjected to Goku's ideas on what the Yardats could do based on how their Ki seemed to work. "Really,  finally ... at least now it will be easier for me to sleep," Frieza said getting up from his spot. If there was one thing that he had seen that the Yardats did was how they sat in a small circle and meditated as Goku had explained to him. Frieza roughly remembered some people doing it during his encounters but he had never taken a moment to try it for himself.

"I mean imagine how much we could learn ... especially if you join me in training," Goku said giving a few head pats much to the annoyance of Frieza.  He was about to engage into another lecturer with Goku about how he, Frieza, The Emperor of the universe had no need for training ... till he was interrupted.

"ELDER ELDER, THE PIRATES ARE COMING, THE PIRATES ARE COMING" a much younger Yardat had come screaming bursting into the training arena Frieza and Goku were currently in. They both just stared at him in surprise because there was no one else here but them. 

"is that so then," a voice said from somewhere in the room making Frieza go into a readied stance but Goku was seemingly just impressed as the older Yardat appeared out of thin air. Goku was clapping his hands in amusement whilst Frieza just seethed, he didn't understand how both he and Goku had been fooled by this lower class being. 

"Then let's meet them head-on," the elder Yardats said as he walked to the door. Something else had got to Goku's attention in this whole exchange ... the fact that Frieza had got into a fighting stance in front of him but hadn't realized it himself and he wasn't going to say anything. 

The two Yardats left the room and Frieza felt a tap on his shoulder making him give a small flinch which Goku noticed "It's just me, this is why I said you should learn to sense ki ... much less surprises then. This time Frieza agreed because if a weaker being like a Yardat was able to sneak up on him, he could only imagine what someone with other intentions might do with it.

A few of the more heavily armoured Yardats had come out as much of the others stayed inside their homes as Goku and Frieza joined them outside. 

"COME ON OUT EVERYONE, YOUR NEW RULERS ARE HERE!!!" they both arrived to see a large armada of ships hovering just above the small city as one being stood in front of a large group of warriors flying in the air shouting out demands. It was already wearing on Frieza's nerves as they were loud and had interrupted the time he and Goku had allocated to training and meditating. It had taken a while for them to find the balance between Goku's constant nagging about wanting to know every single thing about him. His interest had also been piqued by the Saiyan, as he wanted to know who the being that managed to defeat him had come from and experienced. The exchanges had started small but now could often go into long tangents.

Frieza was busy daydreaming with his arms folded and Goku's arm wrapped around his shoulder, he didn't know when they had started to just openly act closely. But he suspected it had something to do with Goku, the Saiyan could seemingly never keep his hands to himself even when it wasn't appropriate. The Saiyan had seemed so intrigued about everything about the frost demon's body, he always cited that although they had aliens on his home planet ... they were very touchy about people approaching them even curiously. Goku had mentioned the being named Kami, "Yea he is like the other half of Piccolo and I remember the punishment he gave me when I touched his antennas" The Saiyan had said investigating the purple-coloured parts of his body, Goku had visibly shuddered thinking of the punishment much to Frieza's amusement.

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