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Hello everyone! I've decided to start this book back up after taking a bit of a break. So, if you've missed me, sorry I fell of the face of the earth for a month. If you just happened to have stumbled upon my page, welcome!

As always I will always gladly accept requests for stories. Message me or comment :)

Requirements for requests: I'm pretty easy going. The only thing I ask is that if you have a specific scenario in mind, please provide me with enough details to work with. I want to make sure that I create something that lives up to your expectations!

Characters coming within the next week: Pippin, Legolas, Thranduil, Bilbo

Please remember to be patient with me. I like to take my time to come up with stories that are the highest quality I can provide. If you have requested an imagine, my goal is to always publish it within 2-4 days. I am a high school student so life is insane. If it takes me longer, just know that I am trying my best.

Thank you all.
-Miss O

Always remember that you are loved, you are appreciated, and you matter. <3

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