"What The Fuck" Indeed, Peter-Piper-Got-No-Bitches

Start from the beginning

"Stop texting Lucas or I'll call the cops, you fucking creep."


"Who the fuck is this?" "Where's Lucas and why do you have hi-"

"I banged him the entire evening."


"He's sleeping right now on my bed. I suck him out of school and he did it the whole afternoon and evening."


"Hah- jealous much?"

"Who. The fuck. is this."

Repeating his question more sternly, Peter feels as if he was being desperate for a fight or something, "His ex. What's it to you?"
"Only an ex? What, did you tell Lucas that he could pretend it was me that was-"

"... Escuse me?"

"You heard me. 'N O.' He did it willingly, and was even the one that gave me his phone."
"You should've heard the noises he mad-"

"I found his school."


"If you see me there tomorrow, you had better be lying, or else I'll fucking choke you on the sidewalk for everyone to see."

The call went silent after that. Not one of them were speaking, yet one felt that he was in complete control, and the other felt hopeless and desperate.

"He'll be so goddamned sore and tired from this evening, he'll be resting in the nurses office when you get there from extreme fatigue."

Peter ended the call and put Lucas's phone on silent mode, sliding it under his pillow and brushed his teeth to get ready for bed.

||The Next Morning...||

Peter had gotten up early from an alarm he set, and entered the school the moment it opened. He went to his locker to put his things away, and went to the nurse's office to check on Lucas.
When he opened it, it was unlocked and Lucas was found lying there on the bed looking exhausted— considering he slept for 18+ hours.

"Hm?" He gets up and stares at Peter. "I'm fine. You can go now and give me back my phone." Lucas extends his hand and stares at Peter with no other expression, other than: "I'm waiting..."

"Just answer this," Peter says, digging Lucas's phone out, clenching it a bit, "Mhm?"
"... What am I to you?" He asks.
"... That's a stupid question, don't you think?" Lucas says, putting his arm down and hugs his knees to rest his head on them in comfort.

"I'm serious." Peter walks over and sits on the bed next to him, "Oh, I know you are. You're just that stupid." Lucas replies without hesitation.
"Jut answer the freaking question!!" Peter-sniper-stole-them-sneakers raises his voice while furrowing his eyebrows in frustration.

"Jeez, fine..." Lucas sighs.

"To me, you're my bully. Someone I should be afraid of." Lucas could see the quick moment where Peter's face twitched and showed a wince of pain from his cold words.
"You're also someone that hurt me. Someone that couldn't give two shits about me if I were to die last night."

"You're someone who I don't want to believe said that they used to love me." Lucas continues, seeing the slight winces of pain showing on Peter's face for that split second.

"You're someone who I would much rather live without,"
"Someone that I might've liked if every memory of us had been erased from my memory."

He smirks slightly, "... You're someone... that makes me feel better about myself when you frown or look like you're in pain." Peter blinks a few times in shock. "W-what..?" He gasps and tries to comprehend what came out of Lucas's mouth.

"You heard me."
"It makes me feel better. Knowing that even someone like you can feel pity or guilt."
"And just knowing that you still care enough about me to want to cry... even though I was going to be completely fine... makes me feel like that we still have a chance."

Something in Peter made his eyes light up and his heart skipped a beat, "... Ahe.." Lucas chuckles, "A chance to be friends again, of course." He reaches over and pats Peter's hand for just a moment, then retrieves it like it was nothing.

They stare at each other.

Peter felt embarrassed and almost ashamed, as if he was expecting something else to come out Lucas's mouth.




"... You do realize that I'm not a girl anymore, right?"

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