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Tan Qing stuffed a shrimp that had just been peeled from the plate into her mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, and curiously asked He Mingyu: "What is hate?"

He Mingyu: "..."

He Mingyu opened his mouth and found that it is really difficult to explain this emotion in a few sentences, so he changed his angle and said softly: "Are you unhappy when the scandal broke out?"

Tan Qing blinked his eyes: "Is it hate to be unhappy? Then I hate urban management the most! They confiscated a bag of my hairy tail!"

He Mingyu: "..."

Communication failed, He Mingyu gave up treatment.

He peeled off the last few shrimps left on the plate to Tan Qing, then took off his gloves and wiped his hands with a paper towel: "Forget it, eat yours."

Tan Qing: "Oh..."

Tan Qing quickly finished eating a plate of shrimps with her legs crossed. Finally, she wiped her greasy mouth on the table, pursing her lips with unsatisfactory meaning: "Then if I hate you, you will not Will you cook a plate of prawns for me to forgive you?"

He Mingyu: "..."

He Mingyu stood up, quickly put a few plates into a stack, and ruthlessly rejected Tan Qing's request: "No."

Tan Qing: "Hey."

Weeping Tanqing touched her chubby belly and wandered back to her bedroom.

Then the big font made a trip to the soft bed and flattened himself into a nice fox fur.

The fox fur lay paralyzed on the bed for a while, and in a daze, he heard the sound of the dishwasher working in the kitchen.

Then, I heard He Mingyu walk to the door of the room and buttoned the door: "Don't lie down immediately after eating, it is not good for the digestive system."

Tan Qing arched on the bed and said politely, "I didn't lie down, I'm standing upside down!"

He Mingyu: "..."

It may be that the information just learned from Weibo made He Mingyu feel more reluctant to Tan Qing. At this time, he did not enter the door to dismantle him, nor did he continue to teach him. It's on the table."

Tan Qing happily hugged her chubby belly and rolled on the bed: "I love you, yeah!"

He Mingyu: "..."

Although she knew that Tan Qing was just talking nonsense.

But He Mingyu was still stunned.

After a while, he shook his head again.

never mind.

How can you know what love is if you haven't even learned hate.

He Mingyu walked to the door of his room, was about to push the door, stopped again, turned around and walked a few steps forward, and arrived in front of Tanjiji's baby room.

Maybe it's because of the recent physical growth. The little boy on the bed slept very honestly.

Her tender and slender face flushed with red, and she would instigate her fingers twice from time to time.

The little tail that had just been exposed on the little **** did not know when it retracted by itself.

At a glance, it looked no different from ordinary cubs.

He Mingyu tucked in the quilt to help talk.

As soon as he finished his hand, he turned his face over and pointed at He Mingyu with his butt.

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