Chapter 7: Cursed Child

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Kenzō and Itachi exchanged puzzled glances at Misaki's explanation. The notion that they had become the center of attention in the village was unexpected to them.

Misaki seemed to sense their confusion and clarified, "The moment your team departed for that C-rank mission, you became the talk of the village. Many believe your team may well be the strongest group of genin ninja, and, well, we were eager to see for ourselves... what your kind has to offer." A smirk appeared on her face.

The realization that their reputation had preceded them left a touch of surprise in Kenzō and Itachi's expressions.

"I'm sorry but we're not going to entertain the likes of you." As Kenzō made it clear that they wouldn't engage with the newcomers, Kōsuke swiftly activated his Byakugan, moving at a blinding speed. His palm radiated with a concentrated thread of chakra, ready to strike.

However, with his Sharingan active, Itachi reacted just in time to interpose himself between Kōsuke and Kenzō, blocking the impending attack. His voice remained surprisingly calm despite the tense situation. "Did you not hear? We refuse to fight you," he emphasized, though his Sharingan eyes burned with a cold intensity that conveyed his readiness for action and his desire to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Disregarding Itachi's verbal plea, Kōsuke's movements were a blur of controlled speed and precision. His left palm pulsed with a surge of chakra as it found its target against Itachi's ribs, striking with pinpoint accuracy to affect the vulnerable chakra points near his liver and right lung.

Reacting swiftly, Itachi leaped backward, creating a deliberate chasm between himself and the oncoming assault. His Sharingan eyes blazed with intensity as he shifted his focus to self-defense. he moves his right hand to the exact spot where Kōsuke's attack had made contact, the tension in the air reaching a fever pitch as they teetered on the brink of conflict.

Kenzō's initial impulse was to confront Kōsuke aggressively, his Katana poised for a strike, but he wisely reined in his attack. Instead, he assumed a defensive posture just in time to defend against a barrage of paper shuriken hurtling towards him.

Meanwhile, Misaki couldn't contain her laughter, her amusement evident as she covered her mouth with a hand. She decided to step into the fray, announcing, "I'll be your opponent, but first, let's enjoy watching how their match unfolds."

The stage was set for a potentially explosive clash between two groups of genin, with the outcome hanging in the balance.

Kenzō clenched his teeth in restraint and resheathed his katana, taking the decision not to engage in combat for the moment.

Kōsuke, with a cocky grin, taunted, "So the cursed child will be my opponent? This is going to be exciting."

Itachi, on the other hand, found himself puzzled by the reference to the "cursed child." Thoughts swirled within him, questioning what this epithet meant and why Kōsuke had used it. The anticipation for the upcoming confrontation grew, tinged with a sense of mystery.

Kōsuke's confident declaration echoed through the training ground. "I will defeat you using only my gentle fist."

Itachi's anger simmered beneath the surface as he realized not only had they been drawn into an unwanted battle, but he was also being condescendingly looked down upon. His Sharingan eyes, usually calm and calculating, now burned with a fierce determination as he readied himself for the challenge ahead.

In the midst of the brewing confrontation, Itachi's thoughts raced as he grappled with the strategic challenge at hand. -Using genjutsu against him is futile; his Byakugan would easily pierce through it. My taijutsu could be countered by his gentle fist, even with my Sharingan...- Tension gripped him as he calculated the odds and considered how best to face this formidable opponent.

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