Chapter 7: Cursed Child

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Updated on October 18

"Take this!" Itachi's battle cry echoed through the training ground as he hurled a left punch with all his might, aiming directly for Kenzō's face. The intensity of the attack was palpable in the air.

With a thunderous impact, Itachi's fist met Kenzō's cheek, causing an eruption of smoke that swiftly enshrouded the young Uchiha. The mist swirled and concealed him from view.

Itachi's eyes widened with realization as the veil of smoke dissipated, revealing that he had struck a mere shadow clone, a cunning mirage conjured by Kenzō.

Amidst the fading mist, the true Kenzō materialized, his Katana held delicately against Itachi's back, the cold steel lightly pressing on the fabric of his ninja attire. A wry, victorious smile danced across Kenzō's lips as he declared, "This match is over."

Itachi turned to face Kenzō, who had already sheathed his sword, weariness etched into his expression. "I've got a long way to go with my taijutsu," he admitted, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Kenzō, though, shook his head slowly, his wisdom apparent. "Your issue isn't your taijutsu, Itachi. You've grown reliant on your Sharingan in battle."

"I see..." Itachi replied, the shadow of a smirk crossing his lips. But then, to Kenzō's astonishment, a flock of crows materialized from Itachi's form.

Kenzō's eyes widened in disbelief. "A crow clone?"

From a safe distance, Itachi began to weave hand signs with a sense of mastery.

"Release," he commanded, and the world around Kenzō warped.

Kenzō's voice wavered as he managed to utter, "When..." The realization that he had fallen into Itachi's genjutsu, with the wires coiled around him, sent a shiver down his spine... a testament to his uncle's unparalleled skills.

Itachi's chuckle echoed through the training ground as he explained, "Right before I turned to look at you, my genjutsu provided the perfect cover for me to escape and set those wires around you." With a flick of his fingers, he released the binding wires and moved closer to Kenzō.

Extending his hand in a gesture of camaraderie, Itachi offered to help Kenzō to his feet. "You're correct that I often rely on my visual prowess to enhance my taijutsu and anticipate my opponents' movements. But I've honed my skills to cast genjutsu without it," he added with a hint of pride, underlining the versatility of his abilities due to his intense training.

Kenzō grasped Itachi's proffered hand and pulled himself to his feet. "I tend to forget you were always the top student at the academy when it came to genjutsu," he admitted with a mixture of respect and self-reflection.

Before Itachi could respond, a boy with striking white eyes and a girl with periwinkle-colored, flowing hair approached them. The boy, who had been looking at Kenzō, shifted his gaze toward Itachi. -So this is the cursed child?- his thoughts whispered as he inhaled deeply.

With a measured tone, the boy introduced himself, "My name is Kōsuke Hyūga, and this is Misaki Tatsuyomi. We're members of Team 8." His demeanor exuded an air of curiosity and coldness camaraderie, setting the stage for a new chapter in their journey as genin.

Misaki's warm smile graced her features as she looked at Kenzō and Itachi. In her thoughts, she couldn't help but appreciate their striking appearance. -They're both incredibly handsome,- she mused privately.

"We've been eager to meet the genin ninja who've been the talk of the village," she said, her friendly and curious demeanor making it clear that they were intrigued to get to know them.

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