a head full of confusion

Start from the beginning

He must see me coming because shots start coming my way. But this time I'm determined to return to fire. We banter with our shots as I continue moving but he has the advantage of being planted in one spot. He must play this a lot though because it feels like he's playing with me again, herding me to the spot he wants me in. Suddenly a shot hits the tin can in front of me, splattering perfectly across my mask so I'm blinded.

Startled, I lose my grip on my gun as I reflexively reach up to clear my vision. I sink back behind the wall I was just crouching behind and wipe frantically at my mask, trying to get the pink paint off of it. I pant to myself and am relieved to find Levi had followed my path. He nods once at me and I give him a small smile before taking a deep breath and reaching out into the open to retrieve my gun. I swear I practically know how this guy thinks at this point as I pull back just in time to avoid another hit as my gun is now splattered with paint.

"Charlotte, hold on," I hear Levi call out and I look over at him. "I'll get it," he tells me but I can tell he's not going to be able to. My gun is too out in the open, no way Mega Jerk lets him. Sure enough, I'm right when he tries but instantly retreats, shots ringing out around us.

"It's okay, Levi." I shake my head at him as he tries again. "It's almost over."

Please let it almost be over. I glance up and notice that Noah and Nico are still making progress. Mega Jerk doesn't let up but neither does Levi. He returns fire but it's pretty much a stalemate. Neither one is actually hitting the other and I know I need to get my gun. I reach out for mine once more and something in my gut tells me that this is the time Mega Jerk is successful and gets me out. Instead though, I feel Levi's hand wrap around my wrist and pull me forward, toward him.

I jerk forward, completely pulled off balance and fall forward into Levi. He tries to recover but isn't quite able to and the next thing I feel is out masks banging against each other. I chuckle as I look down into his mask.

"You saved me," I can't help but quirk my lips into a smile.

He huffs, "We still fell."

The words bring our ice skating date to mind and I can't help the smile that splits my face at the memory, "It was worth it."

I open my mouth, to say what, I don't know, when more shots ring out around us. I'm not really able to think as Levi flips us, covering my body with his. My heart breaks then for just a moment, thinking about how awful of a date choice this was for him. Then again, as he winces above me, I almost don't know who else I'd rather be here than him.

Mega Jerk must have found something else to distract him, because quickly the shots fall silent. I look up into Levi's mask and give him a small smile. "You didn't have to do that."

He didn't. I could have taken those shots. What's a few more bruises at this point? But something about the way he took them for me, without any thinking. I don't know, maybe I shouldn't read into it.

"I wanted to," he replies softly and I wonder at his words.

I don't get to dwell on it for too long though as cheering erupts from the other side of the course. Somehow, Noah and Nico were successful in sinking our last football into the basket, winning us the match. I chuckle as I take in their victory dance.

I glance back at Levi as he watches the other pair and it warms me that he seems as amused as I am. Maybe he's not as affected by this date as I thought.


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