settling in

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Sav's POV

Coming back home was something that I've been wanting to do for a while, I just wasn't completely sure when the right time would come. Life has thrown so many obstacles my way the past few years and I'm so beat up that it was just time to finally stop horsing around and do it. Mama had just past and there was nobody to run the horse ranch or it would have to be shut down and sold.

I think the real reason I wanted to come home was because I knew I wouldn't see him. He had left. How ever many years ago and this was the one place I knew I wouldn't run into him. It just wasn't possible.  He wanted better. He tried to make it work but after Papa past, it just wasn't what I wanted so I guess you say I was the one that had broke it off. But in the end he decided to leave first.

I check up on him sometimes. An instagram post here and there but it all started to catch up to me when I started to hear the songs he had been writing on the radio. I wasn't too sure if the songs were completely about me but I prayed they weren't. It would've given me a sense that something might still be there. I don't need that right now.

Settling in back in Alabama, specifically Jacksonville was so-so. I was happy to see the people who cared about me and everything but this place brought back memories.

Last week was my first week back and things are going great. I stopped by the hardware store to pick up some more fencing supplies so the horses couldn't get out. Mama told me about the need for repair before she left and how she never got around to it after she got sick.

It was good to drive my truck again. I missed it so much and I can't believe I was sane enough to leave it behind.

Once I pulled back into the driveway, I checked my phone. My Instagram was blowing up and I needed to see why.

Turns out a comment of Riley Green's had been trending on the country side of social media. People were going crazy especially some other artists. It first started with a post that my friend Parker had posted about me moving back. But then Riley decided to comment something that was enticing for the media.

As I read the words "Such a gorgeous girl she is." My heart instantly dropped and I wanted to explode. This isn't fair. He hasn't talked to me in such a long time after our stupid breakup and now he can just say something like that? Absolutely not and be in some kind of relationship. Double no for me. 

I tried to keep our relationship a secret from the media but it seems like they are finding out. I am gaining too many followers for my liking and decided to make my account private. Even though follow requests would be flooding through, that was better than being in the state of embarrassment because the whole internet was checking out your profile.

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