16. A Yearning

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"Wouldn't you meet me even once?"

"You'll no longer like me or this whole idea, believe me."

"Why do you say so?" He sought an answer.

"The things were different then. We are from different worlds, we just happen to meet there, under the circumstances where there was a natural yearning for something like this. Now we are back to where we belong."

"Be a part of this world of mine?"


"Then make me a part of yours?"

"Impossible. You're an incredibly beautiful person Seokjin-shi. Please let go of this, Sir. Please let go."

Seokjin's mind wandered off to that night for an instant and to this conversation with her as he talked to Hoseok sitting before him.

He had also let go. Let go of her.

He couldn't possibly stalk her or something when she didn't want to meet him.

He waited, only waited with a hope while it lasts.

Love Series: A Love That's Beautiful | Kim SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now