"You can keep up the poster of Chris Evans, he's good looking anyday."

"Ew, he's forty."

"RDJ was probably fifty when he did marvel and let me tell you, he was wow."

"Wow. I can not believe you just said that."

"Oh be quiet, Hank. Let me get my phone and I'll show a picture."

"Of the room, right?"


"I'm not looking at pictures of RDJ!" He called to me as I ran downstairs to get my phone.

I looked down to see a message from Sam showing me her new board as well as a location for lunch. I clicked on the link and then sent her back a message saying that it was all good.

Samantha Cole is my bestfriend. I know she hates being called Samantha so I stick with Sam. She's adopted but she doesn't care; she's forgotten her biological parents. She has red hair with streaks of black and mostly wears dungarees that have spots of paint on them. I love her. She's just so funny and can really boost the mood.

"So, what's the room look like?" Said Hank as I sat down next to him on his bed.

"This." I said and showed him.

"We can do that

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"We can do that." Said Hank and pulled me in for a side hug.

Later on, I met up with Sam and we went out for a skate as well as grabbing lunch as Sally's Sandwich Bar. It was lush. Best sandwich ever.

We finished the day by sitting on the wall by the water and hanging our feet over the edge. We watched the sunset go down whilst talking and eating some sweets.

"Shit! Ow. That's hot." Said Sam as she blew out her cheeks after taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Oh really? Couldn't tell by the steam coming out the top."

"Oh shut up. I'm cold and wanted something hot."

"Give Quin a call."

"Oh my god, no." She laughed and covered her smile.

"I'm not stupid. I can see you are falling for him. You know you'll have to tell Rose."

"Rose doesn't need to know."

"You are going to try and hide that from our friend group. I wasn't the one who guessed it."

"Oh yeah? Who was it? Theo?"

"Nope. Guess again."




"No. Luci hasn't got a clue. She doesn't know her own timetable let alone who likes who."

"Luke. Oh my god, it's Luke. You're always talking to him. I saw him whispering in your ear the other day."

"We're friends."

"Friends my ass."

"Oh shut up. You ask Quin to the Winter Formal, I'll ask Luke."

"Yeah right."

"Do it. Call him right now and ask. I know you want too." I said and nudged her shoulder.

"Okay. Fine. I will."


"No." She laughed and fell onto her back with laughter.

"If I ask Luke out, will you ask Quin out?"

"Yes. You do realise that you're going to have to tell Hank first."

"No, I don't."

"Yes you do."

"I will just ask him out first."

"Sounds good. We should probably head back."


I looked at the time on my phone seeing that it was now half past seven. My curfew wasn't till eight but we were cold and it was getting dark.

"Wow, we've never been out quite so late."

"Hm, yeah."

"You're hiding something. What is it?"

"Nothing. Hank said he can give me a lift home, right?"

"Yeah. Come on in."

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and aimed it at me. I gave her an odd look but she just pushed me forwards. I walked in to see the unit as well as Hank stood by the stairs. Hank told me to go up so I walked up and waited at the top for him. He opened my bedroom door to reveal that it had all been done. I looked around the room before jumping into his arms and giving him a big hug.

"Thank you so much. I didn't think you would start it so soon."

"Sam showed me the picture a few weeks back and then sent it to me."

"Well thank you so much, Hank and thank you guys." I said and hugged them all.

I was sat on my bed, texting Sam goodnight when Hank came in and took a seat next to me.

"I love you, kid."

"Love you too, Hank."

"Head to bed, yeah?"

"Yep. Can't wait to sleep in my new bed. Best sleep of my life."

"Let's hope so. Sam said there was something you wanted to tell me."

"Thanks for never leaving me."

"I would never even dream of it."


"No problem, Abi. Go to sleep." Said Hank as I put my phone on charge.

He was just about to leave the room and switch off my light but I stopped him.



"If I asked a boy ou-"



A/N: thanks to everyone who has read this book and voted on it. I really appreciate it. Sorry for the slow updates on this book, as a I said before, it was a very rocky September. Thank you again. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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