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"Hi, I'm Dr Halstead but you can call me Will."

"Are you Jay's brother?"

"Yeah. He's told me a lot about you."

"Yeah I haven't told him much, so it will be from my Instagram account he likes to stalk."

"She's back." Laughed Jay.

"I was always here. I'm just keeping it on the down low, okay?"

"Okay. Where does it hurt?" Asked Will.

"It doesn't." She lied.

"Okay, so if I push here, you won't wince in pain?"


He pushed down on her ribs and she threw her head back in pain as she grabbed his wrist.

"Doesn't hurt?" He asked.

"Nope. It flipping kills."

"Okay. Where else?"

"My hand."

"Okay. I'm going to do an X-ray quickly of your hand and ribs." Said Will as we left the room.

He invited us back in as he called for a nurse to get him a wrist support.

"You haven't sprained it and you haven't broken it. So it'd kind of in between."


"I'm going to give you a wrist support and then we will see in a weeks if it has healed. Which means, you are banned from punching people."


"Yes, really."


"I'm just going to take a closer look at your ribs and call a specialist down. My eye sight is a bit bad." Said Will, trying his best not to scare Abi.

Abi kept dropping in and out of consciousness. I was stood by her side and Jay was out getting coffee.



"I'm tired."

"I know you are, kid. Just hang on a little longer."

Jay came back with waters instead because he told me that we would struggle to sleep if we were high on coffee. Abi had just drifted off to sleep when Will had walked in. He closed the door carefully and then whispered to us that everything was going to be okay.

Jay and I thanked him before I picked up Abi and grabbed some pain meds off of Will.

She started to stir slightly, so I calmed her down as she wrapped her legs around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

I drove us home as quick as I could so I wouldn't wake Abi but she woke up the second I stopped the car.

"I'm not getting out." She said.

"We're not at the safe house." I replied as I opened her door.

She opened her eyes and stared up at my house before she hopped out of the car and slightly stumbled up the driveway. I kept close to her in case she was to fall over or trip.

I led her to Erin's old room where fresh sheets were already on the bed and put her school bag down.

"You hungry?"



"What's the time?"

"It's nearly seven. We got to the hospital at five after we sorted out the issue at school."

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