Calm down

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*Hank's Pov*

I didn't sleep a wink last night. I was so worried. What if she got kidnapped? No one would know. She has no family. God, why didn't I try harder.

"Hank?" Asked Jay, pulling me out of my daze.

"She'll be okay." Said Hailey.

"You don't know that! You make it worse. You are horrible to her. No wonder she ran."

"Woah, Hank. Let's not blame others, yeah?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

"We should go to her school and ask around." Suggested Kim.

"If she's at school, she's keeping a low profile. She won't answer the register, let alone make anyone aware that she is there."

"So, what do we do?" Asked Jay.

"I don't know! I don't know what to do! It's my fault she left, I pushed her too hard."

"Hank, you can't put this on yourself." Said Kevin.

"What if she slept on the street? God, all the creeps of Chicago."

"Hey, Hank. You need to calm down. I've spoken to a CI who works at the school, she's in." Said Kim.

"Is she okay?"

"He said she's kept her hood up all day and sat at the back."

"What time is it now?"

"Lunch, I think." Said Adam.

"Okay. Let's go."

When we got to the school, the principal was quickly leaving her office. She looked at us and went to say something but gave up and just waved at us to follow.

Another woman walked up to the Principal, showing her an Ipad that shows security footage in the cafeteria. There was a big group in the middle and someone was being thrown into a table and then kicked.

I took a closer look, seeing that it was Abi.

"Where's the cafeteria?" Asked Jay.

"Down the end and turn left. Big double doors."

We followed her directions as we ran down the hallway and then into the cafeteria. Some people were cheering where others were taking their food else where and leaving the cafeteria.

"Move!" Shouted Jay.

"Stop crowding!" Shouted Antonio as he parted some of the crowd.

When some of the crowd had parted, I could see blood all over the floor and over Abi's hand. I tried pushing through the crowd but got shoved back as everyone cheered for some boy that dragged Abi across the floor.

She laid there, taking all the hits and kicks before she gripped onto the edge of the table and pushed herself up.

I finally got through the crowd as Abi stood up. I wrapped my arms around her as she tried to get past me.

She shoved me back many times before she gave up and cried into my chest. I hugged her tight as she weakly tried to push me away.

"Hey. Shh, shh."

"Get off." She cried into my chest but didn't bother to physically move me.

"Everybody, clear out!" Bellowed Kevin.

At the sound of his voice, everyone ran out of the room, even the girls that beat Abi. The guy on the other hand, walked past us and pulled Abi's hair.

She shoved me away and went to swing for him but Kim and Hailey grabbed him and pinned him to the wall, arresting him.

I pulled her into my chest again and stroked the back of her head.

"Calm down, Abi. I've got you."

"I'm sorry." She cried into my chest.

"It's okay. Don't worry."

" it's not. I'm...sorry."

"Jay, take Abi outside. I need to talk to a few people."

Jay went to move her out of my arms but she held onto me with a strong grip. She gripped my shirt and didn't even attempt to move away.


"Okay. Okay. I've got you. Jay and Antonio. Deal with this."

"Yes, Sarge."

I took her out to my car and got her to sit in the back as I stood in front of the open door. I looked at her but she refused to lift her head as she cried in her hands.

"Hey, it's okay."

"No. I'm a massive fuckup."

"No, no you're not. You are amazing, okay?"

"Then why does everybody leave me?" She tried to get the last bit out but burst into tears again.

I gave her a hug again as she rubbed her temples, clearing indicating that she's got a headache.

"Hank, he's here." Said Antonio as he walked out with the boy.

"Alfie, you are under arrest for assaulting a girl."

"No, Hank. You can't." Said Abi as she pulled on my sleeve.

"Hang on, Antonio."

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Everything will be worse. Just let him go, please."

"Boys let him go."

"But Hank-"

"Let him go."

Antonio took of the cuffs and shoved the guy into the wall one last time.

"You hurt her again, you'll be answering to us. Do you understand?"

The boy didn't say anything but spat on the floor by Jay's feet.

"Do. You. Understand?" Said Jay, pushing his head into the brick wall.

"Yes! Yes! I understand. I'm sorry."

"Go!" Shouted Kevin.

The boy ran inside, struggling to open the door as he looked between us and the door.

Abi's eyes were red and she was taking gasping breaths to show she was clearly in pain.

"Hey, we'll take you to the hospital and get you sorted, okay?"


"C'mon then." I said and she hopped in the front of the car.

"Go home guys. Thank you for today."

"Can Jay stay?" Abi asked.

"Yeah, of course I can. I'll meet you at the hospital."

"Okay." Replied Abi, leaning her head on the door and giving him a small smile.

"Alright, see you in a bit, kid."

I drove us to the hospital and I could see that Abi was tired.

"Hey, Abi? I know you are tired but you need to stay awake, okay? You need to tell the doctor what hurts." I said and helped her out of the car.




"Okay, c'mon then." I said and led her into the hospital and up to Jay and Will.

"Are you Abi?"


"Okay. C'mon then. Let's get you checked out."

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