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"We'll take her to a safe house and tell DCFS that she is in protective custody." Said Hank.

"No thanks." Said Abi and started to walk away because Hank had let her go.

"You don't really get a say in this." I said.

"Actually, I do. You don't get to shove me in some safe house."

"Sorry, I'm late. Trudy asked me to do something." Said Hailey as she walked down the pathway.

"It's rude to be late." Said Abi.

"And who is this?" Asked Hailey as she smiled at the girl.

"No one." Replied Abi and she kept on waking down the driveway.

"You can't just catch a cab and leave."

"Okay. And why not?"

"You could be in danger."

"Why? Because my nan didn't just die in her sleep, she was murdered. Yeah, I know. She had no illnesses."

"She was old." Said Kim.

"Not old enough."

"You are a smart kid."

"Thanks. Now please solve the murder and keep me out of it."

"Did she have issues with anyone?"

"Did my sixty-four year old nan, who plays mahjong on the weekends and bakes cupcakes for her elderly group as well as for me, have any issues with anyone? No, not that I can think of."

"She's got a lovely attitude." Said Hailey.

"Aw, you're so sweet." Sighed Abi and rolled her eyes.

Abi is a young fifteen year old girl, who (by what I can tell) loves to wear baggie tops and jeans or appropriate crop tops and jeans. There's not many pictures of her wearing anything else. She has long blonde hair that has been highlighted in places and she has a ring on one finger that looks like vines.

"Listen, kid. We are trying to do what is best for you, so I suggest that you shut up and listen to us. Unless you want to end up like your grandma over there." Snapped Hailey.

Kim and I just looked at Hailey with shock written over our faces. Why would she say that to a kid?

"You done with your little speech?" Said Abi as she fought back tears.

"No. I get that your dad has left you and you feel like you have to keep this barrier up around you but we are trying to help you."

"My dad did not leave me. He was the one person in my life that actually cared. So you need to sort out whatever issue you have with your father and you need to keep mine out of it! Do you understand?" Snapped Abi.

"Hey, Abi. How about we take you back to the district for now?" Asked Hank and looked down to the girl.

Abi wasn't short but she was shorter than most of us. She was probably around Kim's height, about 5'6.

"Sure." She said.

"Okay. You can go in my car or Jay's car."

"Who's Jay?" She asked.

"I am." I said and waved.

"Who's in his car?"

"That would be me." Said Kim.

"Okay. I'll go with you guys."

"Okay. C'mon then. Do you have everything you need?" I asked her.

"I have some homework I need to complete which is in my room."

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