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Hello sweeties!

How’re you all? Hope you guys are doing great.

So here is the first extra of BTL.

Happy Reading❣️


The two big bosses who had just returned to a lovey-dovey state didn't announce anything to the world. Instead, all they did was subtly put their rings back on. 

Song JiYang represented Sean during all of his business meetings, so he didn't need to see anyone. But Wang Yibo did. A ring suddenly appearing on his ring finger was quite conspicuous, so he received a lot of questions. 

He could refuse to answer anybody else, but a few days later, his mother, Wang XinXin, came to Ping City to meet up with friends. She noticed Wang Yibo's ring in an instant. 

Wang Yibo had brought up his and Sean's relationship to his father in passing. His father's attitude towards Wang Yibo had always been to let him do what he wanted. As long as Wang Yibo's business was running well and he somehow got a kid later on, he didn't care about anything else.

Wang Yibo's mother stared at Wang Yibo's hand for a couple seconds. When Wang Yibo was about to explain, she asked, "Are you and Sean really getting married? When's the wedding?"

"You already know his name?" Wang Yibo hadn't expected for his mother's news to be so up to date. He had assumed his father wouldn't have been so detailed when relaying the information. "We aren't holding a wedding. It wouldn't be appropriate."

"Aren't you going to bring him over for me to see?" His mother took off her sunglasses and put them in her purse, then elegantly asked.

Wang Yibo's mother Wang XinXin came from blue blood. She had a PhD in medicine and was a clinical researcher, so rarely had any interest in Wang Yibo's private and social life. But now that her son was already wearing a wedding ring, she felt that it was necessary to see his other half.

Wang Yibo thought about it and said, "How about this. You're busy too, so I'll just ask him if he has any plans for lunch."

Wang Yibo called Sean as soon as he got in the car and asked if he had time to get lunch and see his mom.

Sean was silent for a few seconds before replying that he did have time. He asked Wang Yibo to send the address to him.

Sean was slightly late. He carried a shopping bag inside and was dressed very nicely.

Wang XinXin saw him walk in and honestly didn't think he was Sean. She opened her mouth to ask first, "Little buddy, are you at the wrong door?"

Wang Yibo forced himself to introduce, "Mom, this is Sean."

Sean had been out of town on business for a few days, only arriving back in Ping City in the wee hours of the morning today. As soon as he laid down in bed, Wang Yibo had tackled him. Absence truly made the heart grow fonder, because the two of them practically didn't catch a wink of sleep for the remainder of the night. He wasn't in a good state right now. The first thing out of his mouth was Mom.

After he said this, even he himself became dazed. He hurriedly switched greetings, "Auntie."

"You can call me Mom too." Wang XinXin was incredibly amused by Sean's disorientation. She called him over to sit beside her like one would a puppy.

Sean sat down and handed the shopping bag in his hand over to Wang XinXin. He said, "Wang Yibo didn't tell me so I didn't know you were coming. I bought a small present for you downstairs just now."

Wang XinXin looked at it and found that it was a high-end diamond brooch. She asked Sean, "You can buy these anywhere in Ping City?"

"There was a customer coincidentally on the way to pick it up. I saw it and liked it, so he let me have it." Sean spoke very properly. He easily garnered the favour of elders.

Wang XinXin didn't think too much about it and replied, "Then he must be a good person."

"Did you spend extra money or point your gun at him?" Wang Yibo wasn't so easily fooled. He purposefully didn't allow Sean to keep his ploy up.

Sean slightly turned his head to smile and glance at Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo decided to declare a one-sided truce once more. 

Wang XinXin found this interesting. She asked, "How come Wang Yibo's suddenly so obedient? Does Sean have revealing pictures of you?"

Wang Yibo didn't dare to have a temper in front of his mother. He could only shake his head and offer a toast to her. "Eat more vegetables."

"Sean, have we met before?" Wang XinXin suddenly asked.

Sean froze and answered, "Yes."

Wang Yibo turned to him to inquire, "When?"

"When I was young," Sean said. "Auntie saved my life."

Wang XinXin heard what he said and suddenly remembered too. She smiled at Sean, "Sorry you had to return my wallet to the school."

"It was nothing," Sean smiled back.

Wang Yibo listened to them speak like he was listening to riddles. He was extremely curious, but on the surface, still displayed an expression that seemed to say "I'm not interested at all". He didn't join in their discussion either. 

Wang XinXin could tell that Sean didn't want to say anything else, so switched topics. 

That night, Sean and Song JiYang needed to visit their warehouse in the south of the city again. Wang Yibo used the time that Sean wasn't home to call his mom and ask what the hell was going on. 

Wang XinXin said, "Do you remember when we went on vacation to the border a little over a decade ago?"

Wang Yibo thought about it before saying, "Vaguely."

"You definitely don't remember. You and Jili went to stay in the hunting grounds for a few days." Wang XinXin paused before continuing, "In those few days, a little boy passed out near our cabin."

The events had happened too long ago. It took Wang XinXin a while to remember them too. "There were a lot of wounds on his body. I helped him simply treat them and took him to eat and shower. I saw that he was about the same age as you and really pitiful, so gave him some money for the way home. After he left, I realized that my wallet had disappeared. Didn't you say that the little boy had stolen it? Soon after we returned home, a package was delivered to my school. In it was my wallet, with a piece of paper attached. It said that I had accidentally misplaced my wallet. Oh right, there was even a picture of you in the wallet from back then. You were much more handsome in your teens, so young and energetic. But Sean looks the same now as he did back then, fair and clean, really cute. Look at you……"

In the end, Wang XinXin spent all her time ridiculing Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo couldn't take it anymore, so came up with an excuse and hung up.  

Not long after, Sean came home. He was still wearing the sweater from the afternoon that made him look like a student. He saw Wang Yibo looking through files on his computer so walked over and kissed him. "Where's Auntie?"

"At the hotel," Wang Yibo said. "You almost died in front of my mom when you were young?"

Sean blinked at Wang Yibo, then closed his laptop. "Is Mr. Wang trying to trick me into admitting something?"

"Are you letting me?" Wang Yibo held his waist as he pulled him on top of himself.

Sean couldn't resist laughing. He glued himself to Wang Yibo's ear and said, "No."

Upon seeing that he really didn't want to talk about it, Wang Yibo stopped asking. 

After all, they had other things to do.


The third day after Wang XinXin got to Ping City, she made plans to meet with Sean privately. 

Sean brought another gift for Wang XinXin. It was a set of initial print medical books that were extremely difficult to find. He put them in the car Wang Yibo had given him, then took her to an afternoon tea shop with a view of the ocean.

Wang XinXin felt that Sean was very quiet, like a studious person. Nobody could dislike him. If she could choose a son, she would without a doubt choose Sean. The two of them casually chatted about the weather in Ping City and Wang Yibo's terrible temper. Wang XinXin suddenly said, "Sean, did you secretly keep a picture of Wang Yibo when you mailed my wallet back to me?"

Sean almost spat out the tea he had just swallowed. He stammered and hesitated for a long time before finally admitting it. 

Wang XinXin laughed at him for a while. She looked at her watch and said she needed to leave.  

Sean walked her downstairs. He was originally going to meet up with Song JiYang, but changed his mind. He went home instead. 

He hadn't returned to the place he had lived alone in for a long time. He had been staying at Wang Yibo's all this while. Sean had a safe in his house. In it, he kept his favourite guns, some cash, and a picture. 

Sean was fourteen when he took a group of people to the border on a delivery trip for the first time. The buyers were a group of ex-militia from the neighbouring country. They were all fierce and evil individuals. Sean looked young and inexperienced, and only brought a dozen or so people, so they thought there was no one who could pose a threat. A wicked idea crept into their minds. After they picked up the cargo, they refused to pay.  

In the end, only Sean survived and made his way out. He put the gems in his backpack and washed them in a nearby stream so that the obvious bloodstains would disappear. He was losing consciousness, but his survival instinct was really strong and kept him walking along the little path. He didn't know where he was heading, but he continued on until his vision went black and he passed out.

When he woke, Wang XinXin was the one disinfecting the wound on his arm.

Sean remained silent. A while later, he said thank you. 

Wang XinXin inquired how he had been recently. Sean answered what he could, then politely asked Wang XinXin if he could borrow a place for a shower.  

The only thing Sean's father approved about him was how fast he could recover. He slept half the day away in Wang XinXin's room and had already largely recuperated. The most important thing he had to do now was to bring the diamonds back to his father. 

Wang XinXin gave him some of Wang Yibo's clothes. She said they were her son's clothes so would probably be a little big, but told Sean he should try them on anyways. 

When Sean walked out after his shower, Wang XinXin doted on him even more. He was such a fair, young, and adorable little child; his voice hadn't even changed yet. She didn't know where all his wounds could've come from. Wang Yibo's clothes were a whole size too big on Sean. He stood off to the side and obediently looked at Wang XinXin. Wang XinXin couldn't help asking, "Shall I find someone to take you home?"

Sean shook his head and said he could go back himself.

"Is your family good to you?" Wang XinXin suspected that the injuries on his body were from domestic abuse, thus gently probed.

Sean froze before saying they were okay.

Wang XinXin ultimately couldn't stop worrying. She grabbed her wallet and took out some money, then forced Sean to take the cash. Sean couldn't get her to take it back, so accepted it. He asked Wang XinXin for her bank account number, saying he would return the money to her after reaching home.

Wang XinXin pinched Sean's pale and smooth face. She said, "If the brat in my family were half as obedient as you, I would be overjoyed."

Sean rarely received any compliments. He was a little shy as he asked, "Really?"

"He's a little tyrant at home," Wang XinXin said. "Everyone has to listen to him."

Sean lifted his head to question, "His dad listens to him too?"

"No one can not listen to him." Wang XinXin looked at Sean, thinking to herself this kid is really quite pitiful, I wonder where he's going. The area by the border was very messy. Sean wouldn't answer her inquiries, maybe because of some reason he couldn't say. Either way, it wasn't her place to manage him.

Sean was prepared to leave after thanking Wang XinXin. He put on his backpack and bid her farewell. 

As he walked to the outside of the little wooden cabin and followed the pebble road to the hotel's front door, two fourteen or fifteen year old teenage boys walked over from the other side of the path with hiking packs on their backs. 

The taller one of the two looked fierce but handsome. He was over half a head taller than Sean, and his every move carried with it an air of danger and aggression. The light of the sunset travelled through the shadows of the trees to land on his face. It made his sharp features appear just a bit softer. 

But he didn't see Sean.

When they passed each other, he heard the other adolescent call out, "Wang Yibo, aren't you just depending on the fact that your horse was better than mine?"

Sean turned his head to glance at Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo felt Sean's gaze on him, so looked and made eye contact with him for a short second. 

Wang Yibo's eyes were very memorable. They expressionlessly scanned over Sean's face. Sean's mouth suddenly felt dry. His heart started beating faster too.

Before he had time to think, Wang Yibo had already nonchalantly turned around to yell at Jili, "Fuck off."

On the way home, Sean wanted to buy some food. He unzipped his backpack and found that Wang XinXin's wallet had fallen into his bag at some time. He opened it and saw Wang Yibo's photo.

Wang Yibo was leaning against a tree and looking at the photographer. He looked pampered, insolent even, like nobody was worth him taking an extra glance at.  

——If only he could see me.

Sean randomly thought. He somehow kept an extra copy of the picture, then looked up the address of Wang XinXin's school and shipped the wallet over.

The second year after Sean arrived in Ping City, Wang Yibo moved his company there too. 

Song JiYang discovered early on that Sean was extremely interested in Wang Yibo. He just never exposed him. Sean would keep an extra copy of anything pertaining to Wang Yibo; Song JiYang had caught him secretly looking at these copies several times. 

At first, Song JiYang thought this was because Sean wanted to know the enemy so was examining his records. Who knew that Sean still had room for growth. He seemed to be fascinated with Wang Yibo, and this fascination was getting worse and worse.

Finally, on a day two years later, Sean laid down several pictures on his desk. Song JiYang walked over to take a look and asked him what they were for. Sean propped his chin up and asked, "What do you think all these people have in common?"

"They're all very feminine?" Song JiYang examined them for a while and theorized.

Sean lowly said, "They're all very similar to me."

Song JiYang almost knelt in front of him. He thought to himself, Please don't also say you're feminine. I must not know the meaning of feminine anymore. 

"Help me send an invitation to Wang Yibo," Sean said. "I'll sign it."


Sean waited and waited, but Wang Yibo didn't come. 

Song JiYang knew that he waited a whole night. He only saw Sean again a few days later. 

Sean still looked the same: gentle, unperturbed, extremely kind and easy to get along with.  

Song JiYang thought a bit before asking him, "What happened?"

Sean answered, "Perhaps Sean won't work."

So how was it? It’s quite pitiful I guess but still yeah in the end they belonged to each other.

So how was it? It’s quite pitiful I guess but still yeah in the end they belonged to each other

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Happy Sunday🧡

Stay tuned for the last update!

Stay safe and healthy❤️

With love,
AR&SS ❣️

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