| Chapter 3 |

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Jili had come to Ping City because he wanted to make a trip out to sea. He had recently bought a yacht and sprayed his name on it, then made plans with two friends slash old patrons to show off. He also invited Wang Yibo and planned to go sea fishing for two days.
After deciding on a day for the excursion, Jili asked Wang Yibo which companion he was bringing. Wang Yibo signed a document and lifted his head to glance at Jili who was sitting on the couch with one leg crossed over the other. He said, “If I didn’t bring Xiao Zhan, you would’ve said you wanted to bring him, right?”
Jili’s thoughts were revealed by Wang Yibo. He smiled wide, “Only you get me.”
“It’s not your turn yet.” Wang Yibo put his pen down. “I’ll bring him then. He’s not very brave, so don’t bring anyone too terrifying.”
When Wang Yibo got home that night, Xiao Zhan was snuggled into the couch reading a book as usual. A thin blanket rested over his lap. He clearly treated the Wang Yibo’s house as his own. 
Xiao Zhan was a very quiet person. When he saw Wang Yibo was back, he threw the blanket off and looked up happily at him. 
Wang Yibo nodded at him in satisfaction, then took off his coat to hand to the housekeeper. He walked over and put his hands on the back of Xiao Zhan’s neck, kneading at it like one would do to a small animal. He asked, “What were you reading?”
The book in Xiao Zhan’s hands was Animal Farm.
Wang Yibo picked it up to look at, using the spine of the book to knock on Xiao Zhan’s head afterwards. “Don’t read so much about revolts.”
Xiao Zhan’s eyes crinkled up upon hearing his description. “Mr. Wang’s read it before?”
“I’m not illiterate.” Wang Yibo threw the book off to the side and embraced Xiao Zhan. He pressed Xiao Zhan into the couch and teased him for a bit, before letting him go and making his way to the dining room.
Xiao Zhan trailed behind him step for step. Wang Yibo took a couple more strides forward, then turned his head to ask, “Xiao Zhan, is it boring staying at home?”
Xiao Zhan didn’t understand what Wang Yibo was getting at, so answered very carefully. “No.”
“Tomorrow I’m taking you out to sea.” Wang Yibo sat at the head of the dining table. Xiao Zhan sat down too. “With Jili.”
Xiao Zhan nodded, but didn’t seem extremely excited.
“Do you want to go?” Wang Yibo double-checked with him after not seeing the eagerness he had been expecting.
Xiao Zhan propped his head up and pondered. He said, “Yes. I haven’t left the house in a long time.”
When they were almost done eating, Xiao Zhan lifted his head again to ask, “How many days are we going?
Wang Yibo wiped his hands with a wet wipe. “Two days. Why?”
“Oh.” Xiao Zhan put the knife and fork in his hands down. “I’m scared that if I leave for too long, Hao won’t recognize me anymore.”
Wang Yibo smiled, “It seems to me like Hao’s about to forget that I’m his owner.”
“What are we doing at sea?” Xiao Zhan seemed to finally realize what was going on; his questions became more abundant. “Do I need to prepare anything?”
“Now you ask.” Wang Yibo knocked on his head. “You don’t need to prepare anything. You’ll see when we get there.”
Xiao Zhan obediently shut his mouth. Wang Yibo still had business to take care of, so he went back and sat down to continue reading his revolt-related books. 
Ping City’s weather was excellent today. The sun was bright, the sky blue, and the winds gentle.
Jili’s new yacht was docked at one of Wang Yibo’s piers. He had used a dull red paint to wildly spray on his initials. Wang Yibo walked over holding hands with Xiao Zhan. As soon as he saw the red paint, he burst into laughter. 
“Who did you owe money to?” Wang Yibo’s hand rested on Xiao Zhan’s shoulder while he pointed at the red letters. He ruthlessly critiqued, “Jili, this is hideous.”
Wang Yibo was the last to arrive. The other two on this trip with them were called Wang ZhuoCheng and Meng Zi Yi. They had both been standing there admiring Jili’s strange graffiti for a while. Upon hearing Wang Yibo ridicule Jili’s aesthetic, they started laughing. 
The man and woman by their sides pressed their lips together to hold back their amusement too.
Wang ZhuoCheng was the second to open his mouth and taunt, “I was just about to say. Your style must originate from the same master as Sean’s.”
“Sean?” Jili glanced at Wang Yibo. Seeing that Wang Yibo’s expression didn’t change, he couldn’t help but continue, “He has such good taste?”
Wang ZhuoCheng knew Wang Yibo and Sean didn’t get along too. But Wang Yibo’s expression was normal, so he explained, “Sean bought a Beach Club recently and sprayed a Sean on the top. But he had a black top and sprayed white ink on it, so still a little more fashionable than you.”
“You can only see the yacht, no sign of the owner,” Meng Zi Yi added.
“Alright, alright. That’s enough.” Jili glanced at Wang Yibo again, then pointed at his own boat. “Get on if you’d like. At least I’m heading on first.”
Afterwards, he walked onto the yacht with a model he had just met. 
Meng Zi Yi and Wang ZhuoCheng looked at each other. Wang ZhuoCheng held out his right hand at Wang Yibo. “CEO Wang first.”
Wang Yibo politely smiled and walked onboard holding Xiao Zhan’s hand. 
Jili had bought a luxury medium-sized yacht. As soon as one entered, they would encounter a large round table at the bow of the ship. Jili chose a place to sit first; his female companion tucked herself into his side. Everyone chatted for a while until the captain walked in and asked Jili, “Mr. Jili, may we set sail?”
Jili nodded at him, after which the captain left. 
Only a moment later, the body of the ship rocked and the silvery white yacht slowly left the pier, sailing into deeper waters. 
The water by the pier was comparatively lighter in color. As they sailed on, the water got bluer and bluer. Meng Zi Yi and Wang ZhuoCheng brought their companions on deck to see the ocean. Jili shooed his female companion away. 
But Xiao Zhan wasn’t curious. He obediently stayed by Wang Yibo’s side. Wang Yibo looked down and asked him, “Do you want to go out and take a look?”
Xiao Zhan shook his head and said, “I’ll stay here. I’m a little seasick.”
Off to the side, Jili snorted. “Xiao Zhan, you don’t get Lishi-sick, but you get seasick?”
Before Xiao Zhan could respond, Wang Yibo spoke first. “Sitting here is nice too. Better than getting polluted by who knows what’s out there.”
Jili picked up a flute of champagne and ignored Wang Yibo’s mocking. “Here, it’s rare that you have free time. Have a drink.”
Wang Yibo clinked glasses with him but only politely took a sip. Suddenly, a commotion arose on deck. Wang ZhuoCheng popped his head in the cabin and told them excitedly, “Speak of the devil! We’ve run into Sean’s yacht. CEO Wang, shall we take him out with one shot?”
“What do you mean one shot¹. What a potty mouth.” Jili scolded Wang ZhuoCheng with his words, but his person had already stood up and was on the way outside. Halfway there, he turned back to ask Wang Yibo, “Aren’t you going to take a look at your little enemy’s boat?”
Wang Yibo put down his wine glass, then stood up quickly and expressionlessly. Xiao Zhan acted like he had a GPS tracker on him, standing up too and following him outside. 
The wind was quite strong when standing on deck. All the girls’ hair were blown straight back.
Sean’s boat was less than fifty nautical miles away from them. The dark silver Beach Club silently floated by. Jili spotted the yacht, then examined it closely for a few moments. He asked the person next to him, “Where did he spray the ‘Sean’ again?”
Meng Zi Yi answered, “Didn’t we just say? On top of the boat.”
“What use is there I’m spraying the top? Is Sean a man or not?” Jili cussed. “I can’t tell if Sean is onboard. What do you say we sail over, pluck him off his boat, and beat him up?”
Wang Yibo completely ignored him. It was Wang ZhuoCheng who told him to stop daydreaming, stating that it was all too likely for Sean to have a boat full of snipers ready to take him out by SOP².  
Jili thought of Sean’s personality and determined this was entirely possible. He could only regretfully stop his suicidal plans for provocation.
They stood there, dazed, until Sean’s yacht switched directions and started sailing further and further away from them. Meng Zi Yi had personal business to attend to with Wang Yibo, so dragged him somewhere private to discuss.
Jili finally noticed Xiao Zhan standing beside him. He teased, “You’re not seasick now?”
Xiao Zhan smiled at him; this made him seem even more like a student. He came up with a random excuse. “It’s stuffy inside.”
“You should just glue yourself to Wang Yibo.” Jili reached out to poke Xiao Zhan’s head. Xiao Zhan ducked, trying to avoid him, but failed. Jili poked hard. Xiao Zhan faltered as he lost his balance, then glanced in Wang Yibo’s direction. He made to walk over, but was stopped by Jili.
“Wang Yibo’s busy with important things. What are you going over for?” Jili asked, impatient. He tugged Xiao Zhan next to him and refused to let him leave.
His female companion was in the cabin taking selfies with Wang ZhuoCheng and the other two other male and female escorts. Wang ZhuoCheng kept waving for Jili to join them, but Jili’s face was a whole circle wider than Wang ZhuoCheng’s. He was extremely against showing up in the same frame as him. Thus, he pretended he didn’t see Wang ZhuoCheng and continued talking  to Xiao Zhan.
Xiao Zhan had no answer. He could only lift his eyes to gaze out at the ocean.  
Jili observed Xiao Zhan’s profile. The words escaped his mouth before he realized, “Something on your mind?”
As soon as the question popped out, he froze. This was only his second time seeing Xiao Zhan, and there was no guarantee that he would see the other a third time. There was no point in asking.
Jili never paid attention to the people by Wang Yibo’s side——strictly speaking, Jili never paid attention to people who were of no use to him.
There was an infinite flow of people in his own White Nest, but they were all insignificant characters. After getting in bed with them once, he would forget about them. Not to mention that Xiao Zhan was only a companion Wang Yibo had brought along.   
But the fact that he wanted to ask, that was a problem. 
Upon hearing Jili’s question, Xiao Zhan slightly turned his head to glance at him. He went “un” but remained silent afterwards. 
Xiao Zhan’s actions caught Jili’s interest. He saw that Wang Yibo had his back turned to them, so leaned lower and moved closer to ask by Xiao Zhan’s ear, “Penny for your thoughts?”
Jili stood quite near to examine Xiao Zhan, only to find that his skin was so white it was almost translucent.   
Xiao Zhan softly asked, “What’s the longest Mr. Wang has had a sugar baby for?”
Jili smiled knowingly. “You’re the longest.”
“One month?” Xiao Zhan lifted his head to stare at Jili. His mouth twitched when he continued his inquiry.
Xiao Zhan’s lips were bright red from the cold wind. When he spoke, the soft, glistening flesh inside his mouth peeked out. Jili felt a twinge in his heart; his hands acted before his mind could keep up. He pulled out a personal business card from his suit and handed it to Xiao Zhan. “If Wang Yibo doesn’t want you, you can come find me.”
This was his first time trying to steal someone from Wang Yibo. He normally was against fooling around with his friends’ ex-companions, but Xiao Zhan caught his fancy too much. He had no time to care for all those trivialities.
Xiao Zhan held onto Jili’s business card and hesitated for several seconds before ultimately keeping it. 
Meng Zi Yi and Wang Yibo finished up their conversation and started heading back. Jili had an arm over Xiao Zhan’s shoulder as he guided him in their direction. When they reached Wang Yibo, he pushed Xiao Zhan into Wang Yibo’s arms and said, “Hurry and hide your little thing away well.”
Wang Yibo placed a hand on Xiao Zhan’s shoulder and steered him to stand by his side. He asked, “Did Jili do anything to you?”
“No,” Xiao Zhan replied.
“What could I do to him?” Jili was displeased.
Wang Yibo hummed softly from his nose. It was a sound filled with subtle suspicion. His hand brushed again Xiao Zhan’s as he reached into the other’s pocket and pulled out the business card Jili had given to Xiao Zhan moments ago. He stuffed it back into Jili’s shirt pocket. “You tell me.”
Jili shrugged and held his hands out in exasperation.  
Wang Yibo motioned poking at Jili and cussed at him soundlessly, through lip motions.  
Jili laughed loudly as he hugged Wang Yibo and pushed him inside. He asked him to be the bigger person and forget what he just saw. 
Nobody paid attention to Xiao Zhan. He stood on deck for a few minutes before slowly walking back to Wang Yibo’s side. 
Before bed that night, Jili suddenly knocked on Wang Yibo’s door and told him that he had prepared an apology gift for him. It was in the cupboards by the headboard. 
Wang Yibo walked over and casually opened the cupboard to see a box inside. He unboxed it and took a glance; it truly held an interesting new toy. 
Coincidentally, Xiao Zhan walked out after a shower at this time. His expression was confused, so Wang Yibo gestured for him to come. “Xiao Zhan.”
Wang Yibo placed the box left in the cupboards at the head of the bed, along with lube, in front of Xiao Zhan. “Open it and see.”
Xiao Zhan sat cross-legged and opened the large box. In it was a round rabbit’s tail; the tail was very cute, white as snow and soft to the touch. But the item attached to the tail wasn’t as cute.
It was a blackish-purple silicone dildo, the size of a regular male’s, but with soft barbs at the tip. Xiao Zhan picked up the tail, only to hear Wang Yibo say, “Wear it for me to see.”
Xiao Zhan was slightly embarrassed. Wang Yibo repeated himself expressionlessly, “Wear it.”
Xiao Zhan could only grab the tail and lube, planning to do it in the bathroom. He was stopped by Wang Yibo. “What are you going to the bathroom for? Put it on right here.”
With no other choice, Xiao Zhan undid his bathrobe and sat on the bed, thin pale legs spread apart. He bit his lip and poured a generous amount of lube on the silicone dildo, then directly started sticking it in.  
He was nervous, so the pink little hole remained squeezed shut. The barbed tip brushed against the entrance several times but still couldn’t make it in. 
“You’re too slow.” Wang Yibo crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at him. “Do you want me to help you?”
Xiao Zhan was scared that he really would start helping, so used more force and stuffed the tip of the dildo in. 
The silicone was cold and didn’t hold the same warmth as a human would. It felt like he was purely masturbating. Xiao Zhan forced down the embarrassment and discomfort to push the dildo in further. The barbs on the tip were soft as they squeezed into Xiao Zhan’s hole one by one.
After he finally stuck the entire thing in, it looked like Xiao Zhan had grown a rabbit’s tail. The soft fur brushed against where he was most sensitive, and the silicone dildo inside had been heated up by his body temperature. He felt sore and stretched. 
Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo innocently, legs still spread wide. He didn’t know what to do next.
Wang Yibo looked at his face, then the little tail. His Adam’s apple moved up and down imperceptibly. He said, “Jili prepared this tail. I suppose he really wants to see you with it.”
Xiao Zhan opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything. Wang Yibo’s expression was calm, yet Xiao Zhan knew that he was somewhat displeased.  
“You dared to take Jili’s business card?” Wang Yibo leaned closer to Xiao Zhan and fondled his tail. Xiao Zhan lightly grunted in discomfort.
“Nothing you want to say?” Wang Yibo emotionlessly used the rabbit’s tail to draw circles inside Xiao Zhan’s body. When he saw Xiao Zhan taking Jili’s business card, he had felt an emotion, but didn’t know whether to classify it as disappointment or something else. He simply thought that Xiao Zhan shouldn’t have been so unrefined and salacious. Xiao Zhan could only stammer because of his actions. “He said……if you send me away, I can go find him.”
“Un?” Wang Yibo lessened the force in his movements to let Xiao Zhan continue.
But it seemed that Xiao Zhan felt humiliated and didn’t want to say anything anymore.  
“How come you’ve stopped talking?” Wang Yibo reached a hand out to pinch Xiao Zhan’s face and force him up, until they were looking directly at each other. Wang Yibo belatedly discovered that Xiao Zhan’s eyes were slightly red. This made him wonder if things weren’t as he originally thought, so he asked Xiao Zhan again, “Why would you go find him?”
“If I went with him, I could see you.” Xiao Zhan’s voice was soft, but he spoke slowly. He didn’t dare to meet Wang Yibo’s eyes, acting like he was preparing to burrow deep into the earth in the next instant.
Upon hearing Xiao Zhan’s response, Wang Yibo froze too. He didn’t know these were Xiao Zhan’s thoughts.
A moment later, he asked Xiao Zhan, “Xiao Zhan, what do you think of me?”
“Mr. Wang is really nice.” Xiao Zhan pursed his lips. Realizing that Wang Yibo was finally seriously listening to him, he answered quite diligently.
“How nice?” Wang Yibo thought himself a nice person too, but after hearing Xiao Zhan’s sincere praise, he felt quite flattered and wanted to see what else he had to say.
“Mr. Wang saved me from that place,” Xiao Zhan carefully relayed Wang Yibo’s good. “He gave me things to wear and eat and is really good to me. My dad told me before, people need to acknowledge when they’ve been helped and express their gratitude.”
The fingers of Wang Yibo’s right hand stroked Xiao Zhan’s face. Xiao Zhan turned to kiss Wang Yibo’s fingertips, as if possessed.  
An idea formed in Wang Yibo’s mind and he stuck two fingers into Xiao Zhan’s mouth, churning lightly.
Xiao Zhan meticulously licked Wang Yibo’s fingers until they sparkled with saliva. Wang Yibo gazed at Xiao Zhan’s face and his breath hitched. He stared at Xiao Zhan and asked, “I won’t fuss over the business card with you anymore. How do you plan on expressing your gratitude?”
Xiao Zhan’s eyes were slightly wet. The only image reflected in his pure black irises was Wang Yibo’s figure. He licked his lips and said, “I’ll thank Mr. Wang first.”
He held onto Wang Yibo’s shoulders, half kneeling, and obediently kissed Wang Yibo’s cheeks, chin, and Adam’s apple, avoiding his lips. 
Wang Yibo realized what he was doing so pressed him into the bed, learning closer. “Is this thanking? Not even a kiss on the lips?”
Wang Yibo carried the same aura in bed as he did when working. He seemed quite scary, so Xiao Zhan slightly curled in on himself and explained, “I was scared Mr. Wang wouldn’t like it.”
Xiao Zhan was truly intuitive. He firmly remembered what Wang Yibo liked and what he didn’t, but didn’t consider that Wang Yibo might change. 
Wang Yibo propped himself up with his arm and looked at Xiao Zhan for a while, then leaned down and touched his lips against the other’s. Everything about him was hard lines; even the shape of his lips was unyielding. On the other hand, the curve of Xiao Zhan’s lips was always soft. This made Wang Yibo think that even if everyone else approached him only for their own agendas, Xiao Zhan wouldn’t. He only managed to meet Wang Yibo at the right place and had the right appearance and temperament.
And Xiao Zhan liked him. This was what made Wang Yibo feel the most egotistic. Others liked Wang Yibo’s power, his influence and money, but Xiao Zhan liked Wang Yibo.
He carefully protected his relationship with Wang Yibo, always doing his best, practically bowing his head in servitude. He was so pitiful that it erased any and all of  Wang Yibo’s temper.  
The two didn’t French kiss, only brushing against one another’s lips. Wang Yibo finally said, “I wasn’t used to it before.”
Xiao Zhan understood what Wang Yibo was trying to say, so applied it quickly. He leaned in and used his tongue to lick at Wang Yibo’s lips, like a kitten. His movements were sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but always diligent. Wang Yibo indulged in him for a moment, then praised, “Xiao Zhan, you’ve improved a lot lately.”
Upon receiving approval, Xiao Zhan leaned away a bit from Wang Yibo and politely answered, “Thank you Mr. Wang.”
Wang Yibo reached a hand out to pat his waist. “Spread your legs apart more.”
Xiao Zhan was capable of spreading his legs very wide. He slightly bent his knees and scooted up higher. Wang Yibo moved closer and caressed the ball of fur between his legs, grabbing the tail and pulling it in and out a couple of times.  
Xiao Zhan closed his eyes and lightly hummed; the muscles in his legs slightly trembled too. He was pale all over, the colour of his inner thighs almost matching the white of the tail. The lube in his asshole leaked out, wetting the base of the furball.
“Comfortable?” Wang Yibo asked him. His hand continued pushing and pulling, casually using the toy to pound into Xiao Zhan.
Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo with half-opened eyes filled with unfallen tears. He didn’t answer, but propped a leg onto Wang Yibo’s leg. His calf brushed against Wang Yibo’s erection. Xiao Zhan felt that this was impolite, so shifted away.
Wang Yibo chuckled lightly and grabbed Xiao Zhan’s leg. He touched it to his erect member through the pants. “What are you scared of?”
Xiao Zhan’s face flushed red. “……I wasn’t……scared.”
Wang Yibo gazed at him for a few seconds, then undid his belt.  
Xiao Zhan had been with him for a long time, so was familiar with the meanings behind many of Wang Yibo’s actions. He switched into a kneeling position and pulled down Wang Yibo’s pants, freeing the large member and wrapping his mouth around it. 
Xiao Zhan’s mouth was hot and wet. Wang Yibo was too big, rendering Xiao Zhan incapable of deepthroating him the whole time, so he did his best to lick and suck at the dick instead. Wang Yibo sighed in pleasure and reached a hand out to stroke Xiao Zhan’s naked back, then fondled the tail.
“Deeper.” Wang Yibo grabbed Xiao Zhan’s hair and pushed him lower, pressing against his throat with the tip of his erection.
Xiao Zhan almost choked. Wang Yibo finally lifted his head up to look at his face. 
The corners of Xiao Zhan’s eyes were slightly red and his lips were wet. Wang Yibo’s grip on his hair loosened as he purposefully asked, “Do you like getting fucked by the tail more or by me more?”
These types of questions obviously only had one answer; this was what Xiao Zhan had most clearly learned in the past month. Thus he immediately answered, “Mr. Wang.”
“What about me?” Wang Yibo let him sit up, then pulled the thing between his cheeks out halfway.
“Mr. Wang……” Xiao Zhan was anxious following Wang Yibo’s movements. He paused, then said, “Mr. Wang fucks me better.”
Xiao Zhan’s voice was colder than his appearance, but he was soft-spoken and gentle. It sounded extra alluring when he was in bed. Wang Yibo loved making him say these suggestive phrases.
Wang Yibo pulled the tail out completely. The barbs at the tip evocatively brushed against Xiao Zhan’s entrance. As soon as the purplish-black dildo was removed, his hole quivered as if trying to keep it in. 
Wang Yibo couldn’t resist anymore and told Xiao Zhan to sit on him.
Xiao Zhan straddled him, half-kneeling. He reached a hand behind to help Wang Yibo put on a condom, then held his dick steady while he sat down on it. 
Though he had just been filled with something else, it was still difficult to sit down. Halfway in, Xiao Zhan started quietly relaying that he was uncomfortable and wanted to wait a bit first. 
Wang Yibo wasn’t that compassionate. He held Xiao Zhan’s shoulders and forcefully pushed him down. Xiao Zhan’s tears streamed down his face as he opened his mouth and panted. Wang Yibo forgot that Xiao Zhan had just given him a blowjob and thus wasn’t clean, leaning in to kiss him anyways. He chased after Xiao Zhan’s tongue and sucked on it, comforting him. “It’ll feel better in a moment.”
He gently thrust upwards. Xiao Zhan was a limp bundle in his arms, allowing him to do as he wished. Riding always allowed for deeper entry, so Wang Yibo felt great, but Xiao Zhan was in a lot of pain. 
A while later, Xiao Zhan’s face was wet with tears. Wang Yibo finally asked, “Is it really that uncomfortable?”
“Un.” Xiao Zhan reached both arms out to hug Wang Yibo’s neck. He used his face to nuzzle into him. “Mr. Wang, can we switch positions?”
He was rarely so finicky in bed, and also rarely acted cute with Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo realized that Xiao Zhan was probably truly uncomfortable, so told him to go lay on the bed. He then re-entered him from behind.   
Even after switching positions, Wang Yibo still didn’t go easy on Xiao Zhan. He held him down and pounded into him for a long time, then flipped Xiao Zhan over; his knees were red from being rubbed against the bed.
Wang Yibo was like a wild beast in bed. Xiao Zhan didn’t ride him like he wanted, so he purposefully treated him harsher. This time he fucked Xiao Zhan until the other almost squirted before cumming.  
He pulled his member out and looked at Xiao Zhan’s fluttering hole. He picked up the tail he had thrown somewhere on the bed earlier and stuck it back in. 
Xiao Zhan’s hole was already loose and soft from the pounding it received from Wang Yibo’s giant cock. It easily allowed the blackish-purple toy inside, the tail looking like it truly grew from the tailbone.
Xiao Zhan was still half kneeling, half sprawled out. The sudden reappearance of a cold object inside was so shocking that he tried to reach a hand back to feel at it. Wang Yibo grabbed his hand and flipped him, allowing Xiao Zhan to rest against himself and catch his breath.
Wang Yibo had made several exceptions for Xiao Zhan already. He even started enjoying postcoital cuddles. This was a feeling that his dog and horses at home couldn’t give him. 
He thought Xiao Zhan was pretty great, so asked him if there was anything he wanted recently. 
As soon as he heard Wang Yibo’s question, Xiao Zhan immediately lifted his head to look at Wang Yibo. He thought about it, then said, “There is.”
Upon hearing his tone of voice, Wang Yibo felt that Xiao Zhan’s request wouldn’t be so easy to fulfill.
As expected, Xiao Zhan said, “I want to go to school……”
Wang Yibo became silent.
Xiao Zhan was in his second year of university. Wang Yibo believed that since he was his now, he should only obediently stay at home waiting for him. Why go to school? Thus he had someone arrange for Xiao Zhan’s temporary departure from university. 
He always thought there was no need to tell Xiao Zhan, but now that Xiao Zhan had brought this topic up seriously, in response to Wang Yibo’s question, he couldn’t avoid it any longer. He directly relayed, “You can forget about that. I already had someone apply for a leave of absence in your stead.”
Xiao Zhan’s face was bewildered for a moment. He went “oh”, as if wanting to ask when he could go back to school but also not daring to bring up the topic of when Wang Yibo would get sick of him. He could only hesitantly take a metaphorical step back. “Then, I want to read books. I have nothing to do at home all day. I’ve already finished reading everything I could find in the study.”
“Okay.” Wang Yibo caressed Xiao Zhan’s hand, from his long and thin fingers to his wrist that was so thin he felt that it would snap with a simple squeeze. “Make a list of the books you want to read and give it to the housekeeper. He’ll go buy them.”
Xiao Zhan was ecstatic at this. He slightly lifted his head to say thanks. Wang Yibo stroked his smooth back and asked, “If you have any other requests, ask now while I’m in a good mood.”
Xiao Zhan’s head that had been resting against Wang Yibo raised up a little. The blush on his face hadn’t receded yet. He thought about something that seemed to make his face even redder. He said in embarrassment, “Then, then can I take that thing out?”
Wang Yibo glanced at the fuzzy little tail Xiao Zhan was squeezing onto. He purposefully questioned, “What thing?”
“The tail,” Xiao Zhan said. “It feels uncomfortable inside.”
“Does it?” Wang Yibo lifted a hand to tug at his tail. He pulled the dildo out a bit, then pushed it back in.
Originally, Xiao Zhan was already extra sensitive after having just orgasmed. As soon as he did this, Xiao Zhan couldn’t hold back his shout. His arm reached back, trying to pull out the foreign object by himself. 
Wang Yibo easily used one hand to lift Xiao Zhan’s arm over his head. “Spread your legs.”
Xiao Zhan did as he said. Wang Yibo used his other hand to grab onto the tail, using it to press against Xiao Zhan’s prostate. After being prodded by him a few times, Xiao Zhan’s member started slowly hardening again. His eyes were wet, but he didn’t dare to express his anger.
“It looks pretty comfortable to me?” Wang Yibo teased him in interest. “I think you can fit another one down here.”
Before he finished speaking, Wang Yibo slowly stuck a finger inside Xiao Zhan’s hole, stretching it open. They had just finished making love, so the entrance was almost blood-red. The lube hadn’t dried yet, and Wang Yibo rubbed his newly erect cock against Xiao Zhan. “I wonder if you can fit something bigger.”
Xiao Zhan was petrified by his words. It hurt him already when Wang Yibo inserted his larger than average cock into him. Now that Wang Yibo had the intention of playing with him like this, he hurriedly begged. “I can’t, Mr. Wang. It won’t go in! Please spare me!”
But Wang Yibo ignored him. He spread Xiao Zhan’s ass apart once more; the tip of his member eagerly tried to push in between the crack of the hole and the dildo.  
“Let me in,” Wang Yibo gently coaxed by Xiao Zhan’s ear. “Xiao Zhan is so good, how could he not take another one?”
As he spoke, he squeezed another generous amount of lube into Xiao Zhan. He ignored Xiao Zhan’s struggling and pushed his member inside. 
The muscles in Xiao Zhan’s thighs were stiff; tears flowed incessantly down his face. His lower half almost tore with how Wang Yibo was playing with him. Wang Yibo was halfway in when he felt the tail brushing against himself. He thought it was in the way, so ultimately pulled it out.
Upon seeing that Xiao Zhan wasn’t bleeding, he continued thrusting in, holding onto Xiao Zhan’s hips and pounding quickly into him.
Xiao Zhan realized that Wang Yibo had finally decided to spare him, so wrapped his legs tightly around Wang Yibo’s waist, terrified that Wang Yibo would come up with some new way of torturing him.
Wang Yibo didn’t wear a condom this time because he knew that Xiao Zhan was very clean and also wouldn’t get pregnant. The pleasure of being surrounded by such a tight, warm, and moist passageway was indescribable. Wang Yibo lowered his head to kiss Xiao Zhan’s blissed out face. He wished he could take this little thing apart and swallow him, making him a home in his abdomen.
Who knew if the waves on the ocean could make people capricious. Wang Yibo played with Xiao Zhan until he was satisfied, then fell asleep. When he woke the next day, it was already lunchtime.  
Wang Yibo was woken by the sound of Jili knocking outside. His face was dark as he opened the door. Jili’s nose twitched when he saw Wang Yibo open the door. “The smell’s so strong. Is Xiao Zhan still alive?”
“He’s still sleeping,” Wang Yibo said.
“When he wakes up tell him to come eat,” Jili responded. “Let’s play Five Card Stud in the afternoon. Gambling in the open oceans, safe and confidential.”
Wang Yibo chatted with him a bit longer before closing the door and returning to his room. Xiao Zhan had pitifully rolled off to the side. Every piece of skin visible was filled with marks Wang Yibo had left.
Wang Yibo caressed Xiao Zhan’s shoulder and Xiao Zhan woke. His eyes were red and his throat raspy as he asked, “Is it very late now?”
“No,” Wang Yibo answered. “Keep sleeping.”
He helped Xiao Zhan tuck in the corners of his blanket before heading to wash up in the bathroom. 
After changing into a new set of clothes and walking out, he found that Xiao Zhan had sat up and was currently rubbing his eyes while looking at him.
Xiao Zhan’s ability to recover constantly surprised Wang Yibo. He strode over and pinched Xiao Zhan’s cheeks. “Not sleeping anymore?”
“Un.” Xiao Zhan had just woken up so was a bit more reckless than usual. He held onto Wang Yibo’s waist and buried his face in the other’s chest. “Are you going out?”
“To eat,” Wang Yibo said. “I’ll have someone bring yours here.”
Xiao Zhan nodded and let go of Wang Yibo’s waist. He sprawled back onto the bed.
After lunch, Jili set up a card table like he said he would. After a dozen or so rounds, Jili hadn’t won or lost, Wang Yibo had won a few times, and Meng Zi Yi had won several times. Only Wang ZhuoCheng had continuously lost. 
Xiao Zhan finally arrived when it was almost three.  
He sat beside Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo remembered how good he had been last night, so let him draw the cards. 
Xiao Zhan got a straight flush. Wang Yibo played Jili for this round; a pile of bargaining chips immediately formed in front of him. Jili wailed, “What shitty luck!”
The second round, Wang Yibo had Xiao Zhan get the cards for him too. This time, he got a full house, completely beating Meng Ziyi. 
The third round, he drew another full house. Jili refused to believe it. “Is Xiao Zhan cheating!”
“This won’t do. If this continues I refuse to keep playing.” Wang ZhuoCheng’s eyes were red from losing so many times. He disregarded his manners and said, “CEO Wang, let me borrow the one next to you.”
Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo patted his shoulder and spoke, “Since Mr. Wang ZhuoCheng called you over, go sit beside him.”
Because Wang Yibo had spoken, Xiao Zhan moved to sit between Wang ZhuoCheng and Jili. He was still unsteady as he walked and almost sat on Jili. Jili casually spared a glance at Xiao Zhan. Upon thinking about how the object he had gifted Wang Yibo had been used on Xiao Zhan last night, he felt arousal pooling in his lower abdomen.
As soon as Xiao Zhan started helping Wang ZhuoCheng, he drew another straight flush. Wang ZhuoCheng won a bit back, so praised him for being such a treasure and gave him two bargaining chips.
Xiao Zhan only closed his fist around the two when Wang Yibo glanced at him, signalling that it was okay for him to keep them.  
They played until four, which was when the ship needed to head back. The biggest winner was still Wang Yibo. He called Xiao Zhan back to his side and asked if he had eaten properly during lunch.
Xiao Zhan obediently answered. As everyone headed in the direction of the dining area, he subtly snuck the bargaining chips into Wang Yibo’s hand and quietly whispered to him, “For you.”
Wang Yibo laughed at his secretive behavior. He tugged Xiao Zhan behind a decorative palm tree, then kissed him. “Why are you giving these to me?”
Xiao Zhan smiled wordlessly. The two made out for a while under the night sky, as if they were the protagonists of a forbidden romance, before slowly making their way back.

 The two made out for a while under the night sky, as if they were the protagonists of a forbidden romance, before slowly making their way back

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1.  Shot : Pao is shot/cannon, but is also used on paoyou, meaning fuck buddy.
2.  SOP : Standard Operating Procedure.
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Happy Wednesday💛
Stay tuned for the next chapter!
Stay safe and healthy 😊
With Luv,

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