An Act Gone Wrong

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I wasnt even going to post this, but- yepdi doo da💀👍

Also i would just like to warn you that this is romance between their characters, i dont think either of them would feel comfortable being shipped like 'this' for their actual perosnal lives and personas. (also i was literally half asleep when i wrote this so the characters are not fully in character for how they most possibly react- BUT ITS FICTION SO-)

(song this was based off of is above)

With his hand tightly grasping the smallers shoulder, slamming him against a wall while trapping the younger under him. "You kissed me."

The older stated while scanning the others face. The younger's face being flushed with a light pink scattered on his face, his green eyes staring into the others. "Well yeah, they were persistant that we weren't together. For this task to take place we have to keep the dating facade up."
"Is that all?" the older asked with a bitter tone.
"Well yes. What else would it be i wouldnt jus-" "Would you do it again?" The older interrupted the younger ones rambling. "What?" the younger asked with his eyes slightly wider.
The older leaned in closer making the younger ones face flushing a darker pink as he tried to shift his body away, failing miserably. "Would you kiss me even if they weren't?" the older asked in a curious yet demanding tone. The younger's face flushing a deep red while looking away trying to find anything to keep his focus on other than the man keeping him in a pinned position.
The older was growing impatient with the silence, He grabbed the younger ones chin forcing him to look in his direction. "Would you?" he asked demanding an answer. The younger one now cursing himself while trying to muster an answer under the others eyes.
On the other hand, the older was enjoying the sight of the boy who avoided every attempt he made to flirt, to be flustered and not being able to speak under his hold. "Ike."

The older said quietly as he lowered his mouth to the others ear.

"I wont do anything unless you give me an answer." With his face flushing an even darker red, he lowered his head as much as he could with the others hand on his chin, muttering an answer. "Ye-"
the younger hesitated and closed his eyes and muttered "yes.."And with that the older smirked and leaned closer to the younger's face letting his arm off of the wall to curve around the others waist. Pulling his lips closer to the others, he whispered, "good.." and with that the older's lips were now merging with the younger's.


Edit: we have 8 reads :0 i know its not even double digit's but im still happy and sorry you had to read this-
However, this will soon be updated into an actual first chapter (this is like waayyyyy furthur in the book at like one part of ch 50 or something-)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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